Knifes to The Heart

TW: Emotional Abuse

11:38 pm

"SHUT UP," Millie smiled, looking over at me as she held Finns hand. Louis smirked down at me and everyone else just stopped dead in their tracks with dropped jaws.

"You guys are dating!?!" Will asked, walking beside Louis and giving him a nudge.

"Yup," Louis said proudly, gently squeezing my hand tighter before helping me hold up my dress so I don't trip as we walk up the stairs.

Finn linked arms with Millie, "Well perfect, there's only one more couple to go. Jade you should ask out Eliza!"

I was expecting a nervous face, or a giggle, but Jade's eyes just shot to me, and then down to her dress.

"That's alright... I don't know if I'm really into her anymore..."

Weird? She just randomly stopped liking Eliza?

"How come?" Noah asks, looking confused and anxious to what she'd say next.

"Nothing... I don't like anyone."

I think all of us were a bit confused.

"That's fine..." I say as we make it to the top of the stairs and begin walking to the exit.

But then I heard a voice.

"Avianna!" It yelled. A deep bellow. Whoever it was, wasn't very happy. I twisted my head back, along with everyone else, to see my father as he trudged up the stairs. He was glaring at me, and then looked down to my hand in Louis and quickly growled a bit.

"I spoke with Mr. Tall. I need to talk with you. In private."

He snatched my hand and tugged on it harshly, guiding me outside. I looked back at them all one more time and everyone seemed to know what was happening.

"We'll wait here!!" I hear Noah call out before the door shuts.


"Father please relax a bit!! Your hurting my wrist!" I say, tugging back from his grip which only made it worse.

"NO," He scolded, turning around to face me after we made it to the side of the ballroom.

"Please, if this is about the grade I'm sorry I didn't-"

"I DO NOT CARE AVIANNA. YOU MADE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL!!" He's practically at a scream as the strong scent of alcohol hits my face. He's definitely drank a ton tonight.

My eyes slowly grew with tears. He's gone about three months without doing this. Looks like I broke the streak.

"You are supposed to focus on your classes!! You are supposed to set an example for other students here! I am your father and I will not tolerate this grade Avianna," He scolds, pointing a finger in my face and yelling.

It causes me to panic when I see him this angry. When my back is against the wall and I have no where to run. When I'm right in front of him and he still yells.

"It's that Partridge boy isn't it?"

"What no he-"

"I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING OFF!" He yells slapping his hands on his legs.


I shake my head and feel the tears running down my eyes, "Papa I'm sorry..."

"You are not allowed to fall for him Avianna. AT ALL. And if I catch you two doing anything romantic again, it's over. That boy won't see daylight."

My eyes shoot open even though the tears cause me only a blurry moonlight on the grass.

"NO DAD!!"


I feel anger boil inside me, "LOUIS ISNT A MISTAKE," my hands clench into fists.

"YES HE IS. NOW STUDY HARDER AND DO BETTER," He screams and I feel some spit land on my cheek.

"Your mother would be disappointed in you. She'd feel the same way. Your a disgrace to her."

He reaches for the sleeve of my dress and rips down, as I hear a long tear and look down to see the side and part of the front, ruined.

"DAD!" I scream through the tears, looking down at the fabric and trying to fix it, but it's no good. It was broken.

With a scoff, he takes a few steps back and mumbles something to himself.

"Perhaps it should have been you instead of her."

That's all it took. All it took for my heart to shatter into a trillion pieces. My moms dress was gone. And his words felt like a stab in the heart.

As I gasp for air from all the crying, I slowly slide down the wall until my back is against it and I crumble into a ball, folding my arms over my legs.


Will POV

It's been around 7 minutes. We all were talking, but I knew in the back of our minds we were all freaking out. God knows what Avi's dad is doing right now.

But I can't help but freak out. Especially when I hear a loud scream.

"DAD!" It cries out, and sounded terrified. My head shot to the door and my eyes flew open. No one else heard.

"Guys I uh- I'm gonna go see if everything is okay..." I stutter a bit, beginning to walk over to the door.

"I'll come with," Louis offers, as a hand touches my shoulder.

"Wait here," I say, turning around and shaking my head, "Louis we don't know what's happening but if you go out there her father might... snap. Just stay in here alright?"

He nods a few times, seining to understand, and stepping back with the rest of them.

God I really hope she's okay.


Avianna POV

I heard the door slightly creak and peeked to the side, trying to make shape of the tall figure that was standing there, eyes searching around.


My blubbered voice stuttered as I tried to call his name, "W-Will?!"

The boys head quickly looked over and his eyes grew wide when he saw me.

"Avianna!!" He began sprinting over, at the sight of me, curled in a ball and crying.

"Oh my god," he mumbles, seeing my ripped dress and mascara running down my cheeks. Will slowly crouched down beside me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sh sh its okay," he says, trying to comfort me as I uncoil from myself and turn to hug him. I end up just completely collapsing in his arms and crying.

"What happened?!" He asks, pulling up the ripped side of my dress, which was falling down slightly.

"He's really angry," I say, barely managing to speak as if his words punctured my vocal chords, "he said mom would be disappointed in me and that it should have been me who died!"

My arms wrapped tightly around him as his hands gently rubbed my back.

"Oh m- I'm so sorry..." he whispered, giving me a little squeeze, "that's not true. Your mom isn't disappointed that you got one C. She's not I promise."

I sniffed a bit and sat up, looking down at my dress as my tears fell harder.

"He ruined it..." I cry, trying to attach the fabrics again.

There was a small rip in the top, causing it to continuously and slowly slide down, making me tug it up repeatedly. It's probably why he tugged it up.

"We can fix that! Don't worry!" He says in a quiet tone, trying to comfort me. I bite down on my lip and take a deep breath, sinking into his arms again.

"He called Louis a mistake and said if he ever caused me one more bad grade, that he'd hurt him. Louis didn't even do anything!" I say, grasping his tuxedo and tightly squeezing it in anger.

"That's not fair, I'm so sorry... here, let's stand up," he helps me sit upright and then we stand, "come here."

I follow Will carefully back to the door.

"Just stay right here and I'll come right back."

I watch as he quickly scatters inside, leaving me in the freezing cold night, with tears and makeup running down my face, and a torn dress.

"I'm sorry mom," I whisper as I look up at the cloudy sky, "I'm really sorry for disappointing you..."


"Avi are you okay!?" Louis asks, his face full of concern as he runs over and hugs me. I hug him back and shake my head.

"No..." a little whimper said, as I bit my lip to try and stop the tears.

Louis pulled away and cupped my cheeks in his hands, wiping away all the makeup, and frowning a bit.

"What happened?" He asked after gently kissing my forehead. I shrug and close my eyes.

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore, I'm sorry," I cry a little more and give him a squeeze.

"No no it's okay darling! We don't have to talk about it until your ready..." He says, rubbing my back and resting his cheek on my head.

I take another deep breath and close my eyes, slowly calming down as Louis holds me.

"Here, just relax a bit alright? You'll be okay," Louis whispers, as he turns around and allows me to climb onto his back so I can close my eyes.

"It's gonna be alright."

The last words I heard as Louis hands placed under my knees and he started walking with everyone, back to the dorms.

My heart physically hurt. It was aching.

Papa always has these little freak outs, especially over grades, but he's never wished it were me.

Me who died.


Louis POV

I felt Avianna sink deeper into my back when I realized she was asleep. I. Feel. Horrible.

She had tears streaming from her eyes and her dress was ripped down to her side , the sleeve completely undone. And she was exhausted.

Oh and even better, Millie got sick. She threw up and no one knows why. Oh AND Jade left her and Avi's keys to her room inside their dorm. Will has smeared mascara and makeup covering his white collared shirt and I'm sure I had some on me. Noah was the only one who made it out tonight with no trouble. Because Finns girlfriend was sick.

But now Jade, Eliza and Millie were all staying with Millie. Finn is also. And she'd probably get sick several more times tonight. Plus it would put Avi under so much more stress to stay with four girls, in one dorm, one of them sick.

So we decided that it would be best if Avi stayed with Noah, Will and I, who would all be staying in their dorm.

It's pretty easy to sneak to the other side's dorms, because they don't really watch that well. I mean, I would know. I've done it several times.

So you wanna hear a wrap on tonight? It went:

Good, AMAZING, Fine, Horrible, and then finally a hot mess.

"Shit how is she supposed to change out of this?" Will asked in a whisper as I gently laid Avi down on his bed.

"She's gonna have to wake up... unless she wants to sleep in a dress, heels, makeup, and Bobby pins in her hair." I say.

If there's one thing I learned from growing up with two sisters, and a mother, it's that you never do something that could make a girl uncomfortable without her consent.

And Avi never allowed any of us to undress her.

Noah was barely alive next to us, rubbing his eyes and trying to stay awake because he's usually fast asleep by now.

"Okay just- let's get ready first so that she can have the bathroom to herself. You can just wear my shirt Louis," Will suggests, staring down his his ruined white shirt.

I nod a few times as Will heads to his closet, grabbing out a tee and some long loose pants.

We took turns changing and getting ready to sleep, brushing teeth and hair, and washing our face.

It worried me to not know what happened to Avi. I have no clue what her father said, or how her dress ripped, but all I know is the poor girl is freaking exhausted and hurt.

After all us boys were ready, Noah said he was gonna lay down for just a split second, but ended up falling asleep. So now it was just me and Will.

"So... how do you wake a girl up?" He asked as we both looked down at Avi who was fast asleep.

"Throw em out a window," I say with sarcasm, "stupid you just gently tap them and whisper," I say, stepping forward and setting my hand on her arm.

"Avianna..." I whisper, stroking her wrist with my thumb, "are you awake love?"

Her eyes slowly flickered open and I smiled softly. I found out she likes it when I do that. She seems to like my soft side.

"hey," I say even quieter, laying down next to her as she looks over, "listen a lot happened tonight after you fell asleep and you need to stay here at Wills tonight. Me and Noah are too. Do you wanna change and get ready to sleep darling?"

She closes her eyes again and nods.

"Alright, come on," I say, sliding a hand under her back and gently helping he get on her own feet, "your okay."

I turn back to Will, who hands me another tee and some shorts. I give him a little nod and turn back to Avi.

"You can change into these alright? Just go to the bathroom and change a little and clean up a bit alright?"

She nods a little and slowly walks to the bathroom, holding the clothes in her hands.

I sighed and sat down in Will's bed.

"I can sleep on the floor," Will said, grabbing a blanket from under his bed and laying it between the two.

"Avi's probably gonna want to rest with you. Not me."

I nod a little and rub my forehead in stress.

"Is she gonna be okay? Like she's not hurt to badly anywhere?"

He nods and slides under the blanket, taking a deep breath and shaking his head.

"She's okay. No cuts or bruises. I think she's just upset."

"Do you know what he said?"

"I'll talk to you about it once she's asleep again."

I nod a few times.

Avi comes out a little while later, with her face all cleaned up and her hair tied back in a loser messy bun. Will's shirt was a little to big but the shorts were better.

She rubbed her eyes and I quickly stood up off the bed.

"I can sleep on the floor if you want, we don't have to-"

"Louis..." was all she said. In a quiet whisper as she nodded. I nod and sit down on the bed, before laying back.

"You sure?" I double check one last time.

She nods and lays down next to me, laying her head on my chest, along with her hand.

"Thank you guys..." Shs says, loudly as her tired body can, "you didn't have to do any of this-"

"Oh yes we did. We weren't just gonna leave you," Will chuckles, which gets a little sleepy giggle out of her.

It felt really good to hear her laugh after the night we had.

"Good night..."


Avi fell asleep literally within two minutes of laying down on my chest as I gave her a light back scratch. And now all I was left with were questions.

"She's out," I whisper, gently playing with her hair, "what happened?"

Will sighs and sits back up.

He tells me about everything. What her dad said. And how he ripped her dress. It literally hurt me physically to hear.

"And now we're here..." he finished off, staring at the clock on the wall, "at one in the morning."

I bit my tongue.

"He really said all that to her?"

Will nodded and rubbed his eyes, "yeah... he did."

There was a moment when we both just laid silently. The only sound was the little breaths of Avi.

"You can go to bed... thank you Will," I whisper, giving him a single head nod, and then looking back at Avianna.

"Goodnight..." he whispers, laying back down and closing his eyes.

I couldn't sleep. All though I was tired, and comfortable, I couldn't sleep.

Even with Avi laying next to me, and my hand gently rubbing her back, even if I had everything I've always wanted laying right next to me.

I still feel responsible for all of this.

Sorry for any spelling errors

Okay so like wth did I write

But honestly I want someone to care for me the way Louis cares for Avi
