
Friday, October 11th
2:45 pm

All day. All day I've been waiting for Louis to ask me to the dance. He had the morning, breakfast, our morning classes, lunch, we were partners in BT class, and now I'm sitting in English class. Staring at Louis as he focuses to Mr Tall's lesson. He had the end of his pencil in his mouth, the front in his hand, as his gaze was at the chalkboard.

Ask me out already.

"And now I'm going to pass back yesterday's tests," Mr Tall says, setting the white chalk down and clapping his hands a few times. I snapped out of my daydream at the word "tests" and immediately panicked. I just know I didn't do good.

And I just know my father will be angry.

"When I call your name, please come to the front of the classroom," He begins, grabbing the stack of neatly flat pieces of white paper.

"Gaten, Eliza, Caleb..."

I forgot about him. I was obsessed with Caleb. I can't even remember when I stopped liking him. All I know is that I did.

"Louis," The teacher said. I caught a glimpse of Louis looking at me before standing up from his chair and heading to the front of the class.

I straightened my shoulders as he turned around and looked down at the paper. He seemed to be happy about it, but worried about something else. After sitting back down, he exchanges a nod with me.

I was happy he did good on it. At least one of us made it. I shot him a slight smile and then looked back at my hands, cracking my knuckles in anxiousness.


His tone didn't sound too happy. Oh no.

Am I overthinking? What if I failed? Will papa allow me to go to the dance? What if he doesn't? Is Louis even going to ask me out? Or does he still think of us as friends?

Shut up.

I need to focus on one thing at a time. The test. I take the sheet of paper from him but his glare makes me look up at those eyes.

"Your father won't be too happy about this one," He whispers, letting go of the other side of the paper as I turn around and start walking back to my seat. My grades are at A's and B's right now and I just know dad isn't happy.

This test won't seem to help that. I sit back down and flip the paper over.


He's going to murder me.

I clench my jaw, bite the inside of my cheeks, curl my toes in my shoes, and feel my whole body tense up.

This is all my fault. How did I forget to do the homework? How did I forget to study?

Don't let anyone distract you

But no one did. I spent Wednesday night in my dorm, having a snack and journaling. I'm so stupid.

I think Louis knew my test grade wasn't very good.

"You are dismissed to your study hours. Have fun at tonight's dance!" He calls out one last time as us students pick up our bags and head out.

"Hey hey hey," Louis rushes over, and speaks in a gentle tone, "what's wrong? Did you do okay?" He set a hand on my shoulder and I sighed, shaking my head.

"No... I- I got a C," I say, putting a hand up to my face in embarrassment. Louis seems to take a sigh of relief beside me and I look his way.

"That's not so bad, I'm relieved." He chuckles, following me down the hall to the library. I don't speak.

"Avi? It's okay! I've gotten so many C's I can't even count them at this point, and I'm still doing good!"

"Louis," I begin and feel myself grow a tiny bit angry, "I know it doesn't seem that bad, but a C is like... worse than an F for my dad. He can't see this."

Louis sighs and looks down at his paper, and at his grade which was an A-

"Take mine."

"What!? No!"

"Please Avi."

"No Louis you wrote your name down in pen."

"Darn it," he mumbled, bringing his paper back down as we walked inside the library, "Well then just hide the paper until tonight's over. You deserve to enjoy the dance."

Noah and Will waved over to me and I waved back, trying to smile.

"Hey Avi! What's up?" Will smiled, turning around on the couch and looking at us. I shrugged and plopped down next to him.

"I got a C on my test. My father will kill me."

Will's expression changed to more of a frown, "Really?"

"Yeah. Really."

"Oh no..." he looked over to Louis, and him and Noah both seemed worried.

Louis hasn't been here to see the way my Dad gets. He's only heard stories. He's never seen it happen. Will and Noah have, therefore they understand that it's a bigger deal than you think.

"He better not go back to that strict study phase..." Noah mumbled, as Louis exchanged looks between all three of us.

"Wait so this is actually serious. Like she could get hurt?" He asks, as if I wasn't sitting right there.

"Yeah, and it's usually not very pretty..." I mumble to myself, "it's just words."

Louis sits back in his chair and rubs his forehead in stress, "Okay so let's just forget about it tonight," he concludes, "because I can't have this worry on our minds when we're dancing."

He smiles a little at me and I smile back.

"Are you saying... you wanna go to the dance with me?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I don't know... am I?"

I roll my eyes and chuckle under my breath, "I hope so."

He straightens his back and nods, "Then I shall see you on the dance floor tonight. And promise we will have a good time and not worry about the test until tomorrow?"

"I promise," I smile.

Noah and Will were squealing like they were sixth grade girls going on their first date with boys and I laughed.

I'm going to the dance with Louis.

Oh my god this is it. Finally.

Sorry for any spelling errors!

I'm posting the dance tonight so you'll find out what happens!!!
