Love Birds

1:14 pm

"Avianna and Louis," Mr. Foreswift called out. He was my partner for todays lesson. This will be interesting now won't it?

A girl who can't decide whether she forgives a boy or not.

And a boy who think the girls is super angry and is trying so hard to make it up to her.

Maybe the girl should relax a little bit. Or maybe the boy should give her space.

The teacher continued calling out partners until everyone was assigned.

"Please find your opponent and find a spot in the room," He said, looking down at his clipboard. I glanced over to Louis, who was looking back at me. He walked over with a sheepish look on his face, mixed with guilt.

Holding my chin up high, I walk over too.

"I'm really sorry about your clothes... I don't mean to ruin any of them I just-"

"It's fine Louis."

He looks up at me and grins with the corners of his mouth, which makes my heart flutter like a maniac.

"Take your bow," Mr Foreswift announced. I looked back at Louis perfect face and gently leaned forward. He did the same, and then touched the sides of our daggers together once.

"And go!"

I'm proud to say that I've been getting much better at surprising Louis in this class. I've learned some of his 'go to' moves and discovered how to block them.

So I did. He shot his sword right and I dodged it, taking mine and swinging left, shooting his back.

"Oh okay I see how it is," he giggles, throwing a move I wasn't expecting and jabbing through my side. He won.

"Screw you," I roll my eyes with a chuckle and he picks his head up high.

"Shall we go again?"

I roll back my shoulders and nod, "We shall."

"Ready... set... go!" He shouts, this time deciding to block himself and ricocheting my jab.

Our second fight lasted a little longer, for he threw in some of his little flirts to try and throw me off... and they kinda worked. I mean I stumble when he winks or whispers but I didn't fall. Progress.

I won this time, letting him fall to the ground.

"Not to bad Avi," he teases, holding out an arm to have me help him up. Alright I forgive him. I mean after all, it was all an accident.

I hold my hand out and he smiles bigger, grabbing on and pulling himself up.

"Louis," I begin as he stands up all the way, "thank you."

He raises an eyebrow, "What for?"

"The dress... I opened your bag."

His cheeks turned a tiny bit pink before he looked down in embarrassment, "Your welcome..."

"H-How late did you stay up to work on it?"

"Two in the morning..." he mumbled, as if he should be the one who feels bad.

"TWO?" I yell a little too loud. Three people look over to me but the rest continue fighting, "Louis you didn't have to do tha-"

"Yes I did because I wanted to make you happy," he shrugs as if this conversation was normal and he isn't being the cutest human alive.

"So... forgive me?" He asks.

Like yeah no Louis I don't forgive you.

"Dork," I smile, opening my arms for a hug. He gives me one back and I mighty squeeze him, until I peer over his shoulder.

My father just so happened to he glaring at me, as if he would explode on spot.

"Shit," I mumble, pushing Louis away and taking a few steps back.

"What? What happened? Did I do something wrong I-"

"Don't turn around alright? Just look at the teacher."

I don't know why I think he'd listen because this idiot immediately turned around to see my dad.

"Oh no," he mumbles, turning back to look at me, "sorry I didn't try to cause any of this!"

He says, biting his lip and looking at me with worried eyes.

"You didn't do anything it's okay.... I hugged you not the other way 'round."

He sighs and looks down at the floor. I honestly feel terrible. Louis deserves someone that he can enjoy time with and not have to worry about her father.

I'm just messing everything up for him. Ever since we became closer.

"Ms Evans and Mr Partridge!" Mr. Foreswift called out as my vision switched to the teacher, "Why are you two lovebirds standing around!?"

Ah shit don't say that in front of my father.

"We aren't lovebirds," I say as my cheeks flush pink and I bite my tongue.

He chuckles a bit and writes something down on his clipboard, "The flirting in class says different."

Oh my lord stop.

"We don't flirt," I panic as I notice my fathers stare, growing more vicious by the minute. He looks up through his brows at me, "Alright then."

"We'll get to work..." I mumble, flipping my back to my father and facing Louis. He looked as if he felt bad.

"That was-"

"Yeah I know. Now let's focus before my dad sees anything else."

I pick up my dagger and hold it diagonally across my face.


After class was over, and I changed back into my clothes and was now sitting down on the bench, just knowing I'd get a lecture later.

"This is my fault," Louis mumbles and I remember he was beside me, "I shouldn't have hugged you and I-"

"Louis your alright," I force a giggle and avoid looking into his chocolate eyes.

The boy is addicting. A human that I shouldn't love but I do. And I can't stop.

"Okay... you have any homework in your classes yet?" He asks while throwing his backpack over his shoulders.

"In psychology but that's it so far..."

He grins and stands up, "Let's hope it stays that way."

I stand up too and grin a little bit at him, "Let's hope."

The bell finally rings and we begin to walk to the door, standing uncomfortably far apart.

"So uh," I mumble as we approached the door, "see you later?"

He smiles and nods, "Yeah see you later!"

He didn't seem to bothered by my dad anymore and honestly I was thankful. I don't like to see that pure smile fade.

My breath was taken away in a gaps when a hand yanked back on my shoulder abruptly.

"Do you have anything to say?" The dark voice asked.

"No father now leave me alone," I tried pulling away from his grip, "I'll be late to class because of you."

"I don't care, I'm not completely oblivious to the fact that there is something going on between you and that boy. And I don't approve of it."

"And I don't care."

He pauses and looks at me in shock, "He's a bad influence Avianna! You have bad attitude now."

"No I think he's a hero that taught me who the bad guy was," I look up and down at my dad and his livid expression, "and it was you."

I then take all my might and tug free from his grip until I turn around and start walking away to me next class. I'm done with this bullshit.

Sorry for any spelling errors!
