Chapter 7

*Tajwar Pov*

"I will cook something and bring here before you get ready." Hearing the words suddenly, I got startled when I was on my way to the cupboard.

I turned back to see my so-called wife getting down from the bed while rubbing her eyes. Can't she leave me alone in peace?

"What are you doing? Why did you wake up?" I asked, frowning to which she smiled a little.

"Yesterday, I got to know that you leave for work at five itself. So, from today onwards I will try to wake up at this time to be able to make some food for you." She explained yawning.

"Look, you do not have to do any of this. I actually have food from the canteen near to my office." I said, trying to use the patient tone as much as I can.

"Don't worry! It is not at all a problem for me." she said smiling before walking outside the room while I stared around to hit my head somewhere.

What tone should I take to make her understand what am I actually saying? I thought, rubbing my forehead and walked inside the washroom.

As usual, without turning towards the mirror, I stepped near to the shower and started my bath. I should ask for the key soon knowing well it will not happen if I depend on Mridula to take it from my Mom.

"I got coffee and even some breakfast." I heard when I stood a step outside the washroom.

"I don't eat this early." I said not even looking at her buttoning my shirt and threw the used clothes in the tub.

"I will pack this." she mumbled before walking away, and I couldn't even tell her that I don't want something to carry.

I shook my head and left the room not even sparing to tell her knowing well she will start asking questions regarding why I don't want to take it or say some other things which I wouldn't expect.

When I reached the door, I heard her voice saying 'Hey' but I ignored and walked outside. I continued to hear the voice, but I sat inside the car and drove away.

Hey? Is it what she will use in order to call me? I thought, shaking my head and started thinking about the new project which will help me to take away from all these thoughts.

"Sir! There are people who can do it." I heard my assistant voice, but I ignored him before checking the area which got already used for mining.

"What else should I do? Just sit in the office and sign the papers?" I asked glaring at him.

"I... I am sorry, Sir." He said stuttering, but I ignored it before continuing to do my work.

"This area should be done in the next ten days." I ordered showing them, and they all shook their heads saying it is impossible.

"If you-all don't try, then how will it be possible? I will be there for each, and everything did by you." I said before walking away to have some lunch.

"Sir! If you are hard on them, then they will complain to our client. We may lose the contract." My assistant said when I started checking the plans to make sure there is no problem after having the food.

"So? They know our firm is professional. If they don't want that, then let them remove us." I said, waving my hand not caring for his worry and just finished my work.

"There is nothing else to be done. Can I leave, Sir?" he asked entering the small room again when I nearly finished my work.

I glanced at the clock to see that it is just eight and nodded at him before glancing at the files. After completing the work, I leaned back closing my eyes.

Every time I do that, I feel like I am again at the warehouse and was tied like that day. I can feel the pain clearly from each of their knives and the cries from Lavanya not to hurt me and then the life leaving her.

I opened my eyes in the next second and rubbed my face feeling the sweat before getting up from the chair when I saw that it is after nine.

I entered the house and saw Mom talking to some maid. I took a step near to her and said, "I need to speak with you."

"What is it?" she asked happily.

"I need a key for the guest room." I replied forwarding my hand.

"Why do you need it?" she asked, but I know she actually doesn't have that question on her mind.

"You know why I need it. Now, give it to me." I replied in a hard tone.

"I will not." she said, and I can see that she will not give it.

"Then I will break the door." I said threatening her, hoping she will give in.

"Which will become a nice clue to show the people to help my other decision which I put in stand mode." She said not backing away.

"You can't threaten me about it. I did as you wanted." I said, raising my voice.

"I want you to have a normal relation with your wife and not of a stranger. Now, go to your room." She said stepping away.

"I am not a kid." I shouted, feeling the frustration rising inside.

"You are behaving like one." she said and walked away while I climbed the stairs fuming.

How can she threaten me like that again? It is not at all fair and who cares what relation I have with that girl. Can't they just leave me alone?

"I thought of coming downstairs when you didn't come here as I heard your car sound or that's what I thought. Why don't you go and freshen up while I bring some food for us?" She continued to talk the moment, I entered the room.

"Shut up! Just shut up and get out of the room." I shouted before strolling inside the washroom throwing the briefcase away.

I started the shower still in the process of removing my clothes and closed my eyes. I just wish to be alone. Is it too much to ask? I thought and finished my bath.

After finishing the bath, I remembered not bringing the clothes inside. Cursing myself with as many words, as I can get in my head, I moved near to the door after circling the towel around myself.

I just hope she is still here or at least not here at all. I opened the door a little and peaked to see her standing near the door holding my clothes.

"You forgot!" she whispered and placed them in my hand when I forwarded it.

Should I apologize? Or should I thank her? I thought and chose to stay silent when I walked outside the washroom.

"Shall I serve?" I heard her voice coming from my right to see her standing near the coffee table.

"Ok!" I replied, sitting in a chair when she sat opposite to me serving both of us in silence and started having her food while I followed her suit.

She left the room, taking the empty dishes while I started having the tablets, hoping I will not get any nightmare even today like yesterday taking a sleeping tablet.

"Good night!" I heard her voice and turned to see her taking a pillow and taking a step near to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked, walking towards the bed.

"Outside!" she whispered, not even looking at me.

It will be a good thing if she really sleeps in another room making it perfect for me not to show the weakness to anyone again. However, I cannot take my Mom's threat lightly.

"No need for that. You can sleep here." I said, lying on the bed.

"But..." she started saying, staring at me with confusion while I cut her off shaking my head.

"I shouldn't have shouted at you, and the anger was on someone else." I said and she immediately smiled.

"Oh! I thought you were angry with me." she said and closed the door before walking near to the bed.

"And today morning I was bringing the carriage, but you just left. I tried to call you, but it seems you couldn't hear me." she added sitting on the bed.

"I heard you!" I said, closing my eyes.

"Oh!" that's all she said and I opened my eyes to see her having a confused look on her face.

"What is my name?" I asked her and she calmly mumbled my name.

"What were you calling me today morning?" I asked her again.

"Hey!" she replied and continued to stare at my face.

"Why would I react to that and not to my name?" I asked her and she finally realized.

"I didn't know whether to call you by name or something else. You are old right." she explained, and I coughed hearing her words.

"I am old?" I asked her in a shocked tone.

"I mean to say that you are older than me." she replied, and I shook my head before closing my eyes.

"So, you will take the food with you if I call you by your name?" she asked when I kept quiet for some more time.

"We will see!" I replied before drifting off into sleep.

"Tajwar! Why do you have a working day on Sunday too?" she asked, placing the carriage beside my briefcase when I was buttoning up my shirt.

"I shouldn't have made you call me by my name at all." I mumbled, shaking my head when I can see that she can't stop using my name on each line she uttered from the past one week.

"You have a nice name, and I like saying it." I turned towards her after the hearing the words and saw her blushing a little.

"You shouldn't like it, and I will tell you something which you should remember for every second." I said in a serious tone, and she nodded understanding the seriousness I am trying to show her.

"We can never have a normal relation." I said honestly not wanting her to have any hopes.

"I know! I already know that it is not that easy, but I am not going to give up the hope." She said smiling while I frowned at her.

"Do not fault me later, Mridula. I am warning you now." I said in a hard tone to which she actually smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked, frowning at her.

"I like hearing you say my name too." She replied and stepped outside the room leaving me in shock.

Why Mom, why? If you wanted, you could have at least chosen someone with practical mind or some other bad traits right? Why did you choose this girl? Why did you make her spoil her life, even though she made with her own hands by marrying me even after knowing the truth that I love someone with my whole heart and can never love her?

Why should I just think of her now? I already warned her, and that will finish my duty and will not feel any guilt or conscious killing later.

Just hope she will get some practical mind and a hard heart, making herself safe for any pain she will get by passing time! I thought before walking outside the room.


so, he thinks that she know the truth but she actually doesn't right... So, they both are in for a big surprise and his wish may actually come true... like i said may (sneak peak)... 

How is the chap guys???

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