Chapter 30

*Tajwar Pov*

After holding the briefcase, I glanced up to see her staring at the wall lost in her thoughts holding the carriage.

I walked near to her and took it from her hands, which she couldn't even feel. I frowned and placed my hand on her shoulder before shaking her a little.

"What happened?" I asked her frowning when she glanced at me.

"Nothing!" she replied, shaking her head, and I sighed before circling my arm around her waist.

Before she could react, I pulled her to me and said, "Are we back again to the word nothing? Tell me what happened?"

"I... I am thinking about Aahil." She replied, looking away from me, and I slowly nodded.

"Let's see if he does something, which can stop tomorrow's meeting. Do not worry much about it." I said, and she nodded before trying to move back.

"Let's go!" I mumbled releasing her and started walking outside the room, but stopped when I saw her standing at the same spot.

"Don't you need to be downstairs?" I asked frowning.

"No!" she mumbled before walking near to her cupboard and started pulling out the clothes one by one before arranging them.

"Is Mridula in her room?" Mom asked the moment I climbed down the stairs.

"Yeah! Are you going upstairs?" I asked, to which she shook her head in negative.

"I have some work in the kitchen." She mumbled before walking away towards the kitchen.

"What is happening in this house?" I mumbled to myself before shaking my head and walked outside the house, still confusion settled inside the head.

"Sir! Can I take a half leave today?" I heard my assistant asking making me frown at him.

"Why do you need a leave so suddenly?" I asked, still feeling stressed with everyone's behavior.

"My parents are visiting me today and will leave by evening." He replied, and I nodded not knowing what else to say as taking leaves became foreign to me, except I was not feeling well.

I entered the house tired only to see Mom arranging the table while talking to Dad who is already sitting at his place even though there is still half an hour. I glanced around to look for Mridula, but she is nowhere to be seen.

I sighed and reached the room only to stop in my tracks seeing her sitting on the bed and to my shock, she is idle. She didn't even hear my steps and continued to frown at her hands.

"Are you ill?" I asked, before sitting in front her.

She glanced up startled and slowly shook her head in negative before moving her legs back giving me the space.

"Then what happened? Did you even leave the room today at all?" I asked and she again shook her head.

"Something is wrong! You would never stay like this for a whole day without doing something." I said shaking my head.

"Why? I never knew that I have to work compulsorily everyday. No one told me about that." She said, frowning at me before moving completely near to the headboard.

"Hey! I am just asking generally." I mumbled frowning back at her behavior.

"Like I said, nothing happened." She mumbled and moved to get down, but I stopped holding her hand.

"Did I do something?" I asked, and she looked at me for a few minutes in silence before shaking her head.

"No! It was my mistake." She replied, making my confusion reach another level.

"I will freshen up and then we will go downstairs for dinner." I said, getting up and walked inside the washroom.

I felt more confused when Dad started taunting Aahil regarding his career dooming, and he can join Dad's job from the beginning step.

Then I glanced at Mom to see her glancing at Mridula at every second and Mridula is sitting like no one is around her. I closed my eyes and shook my head before opening them thinking the picture will change, but it didn't.

"Isn't Dad taking everything to another level?" I asked her to which she nodded and lay on the bed.

I stared at her laying form and thought regarding what did I do that she seems to be so lost. Maybe we should do something else, and she appears to be never out of this house except for that one party.

"Why don't we go somewhere tomorrow?" I asked, sitting on my side of the bed to which she didn't react for a few minutes.

"I have work tomorrow." She replied without even turning around.

"Evening?" I asked and she slowly nodded.

"Great! We will be going in the morning." I said, and she turned around taking a peek at me before turning back.

"It's been so long since I went somewhere other than to my office. It will be a nice change for both of us." I added, placing my hand on her shoulder, but she didn't say anything.

"Good night." I whispered before drifting off into sleep.

*Premila Pov*

"Aunty!" I heard her voice and turned around to see her standing near the kitchen door fidgeting with her hands.

"What is it?" I asked, walking near to her.

"Thanks for sending breakfast and lunch to the room yesterday." She replied, and I shook my head before placing my hand on her.

"I know it would kill you to skip any of it." I mumbled, and she nodded.

"And I don't know why I said all that rubbish day before yesterday. Please forgive me." She mumbled, looking down.

I held her hand for a minute before mumbling "I should be the one who apologized to you. I hope you can forgive me sometime."

"I am not angry at anyone." she mumbled frowning at me.

"Live your emotions like you feel them, Mridula. Otherwise, they will burst out one day without your control, and it is okay to be angry at anyone." I said, and she shook her head.

"I am not angry at anyone." She said before walking away, and I sighed.

I glanced at Tajwar in surprise when he sat with us for breakfast. Abhivanth started his comments like yesterday thinking Aahil will do or say something, even after I tell him that all those will not work on him.

After a few minutes, Dileep entered the house and sat at his place while everyone stared at him in shock for returning home after a month.

"I need to tell you something, Mom." He said and I nodded, already knowing what he wants to say.

"I want to marry Amrin." The moment the words came out everyone stilled in their position and just glanced at me.

"Ok!" I simply said and saw Abhivanth acting showing his frown.

"I... we want your blessings." He added.

"I will call the pundit and ask him to give a suitable date for the wedding. Before that, I will arrange a big engagement." I said nodding at him.

"Mom! I want to marry Amrin." He repeated in shock, and I don't blame him.

"I know! I met her didn't I? Ask her if she is ok with Hindu wedding." I said and continued to have my breakfast.

"How are you so calm about this?" Tajwar asked, and I saw the fury in his eyes.

"No one should move away from what their heart wants. His heart wants her, and I don't mind until they both are happy. Nothing should come between the love they have for each other, which includes the status and even the religion and many more things." I explained which I learned recently again as I forgot them after the drastic change I got in my relation with my husband.

"Ok! I will go and inform her." He said after finishing the breakfast and walked away while everyone sat at their places.

"Mom! You actually don't mean to accept Amrin right?" Tajwar asked with anger, and I felt sad thinking how he can be still affected by it when he has a woman like Mridula with him.

"I mean everything." I replied in a small tone with the sadness inside.

"I can't believe this." He said, pushing the chair away and walked away climbing the stairs in anger.

"Mridula! Try to make him understand." Abhivath said, frowning at the chair, and I know why is he surprised as we didn't expect this reaction from him.

Mridula stood up to leave, but I stopped holding her hand and gave another shock of the decade on the same day.

"She will not go anywhere. He is not a kid for someone to make him understand, and if he doesn't, then it is his stupidity. You sit and eat." I said, to which Mridula sat in shock covering her face, but she composed herself and finished her food.

"Do you really accept Amrin?" Mridula asked when everyone left except her Uncle and me.

"Yes! I have been just stupid to think otherwise when she proved her love for my son those many times." I replied, and she nodded before leaving us alone.

"What was that speech? We didn't think about it, right?" Abhivanth asked when we were sure no one is around us.

"That was for Aahil. At least now, I just hope he acts with his heart and not mind, and we will take care of reactions later." I replied and he slowly nodded.

"My wife is really smart." He said smiling and I just stared blankly at him.

"I got it sharpen when you drowned yourself with the work you hated for so long hours every day." I mumbled and his face immediately fell, but he composed himself before thinking about another plan if Aahil doesn't do anything or if Nipuna really does harm for his career.

"Tajwar seems to be really angry." He commented, and I nodded because I saw the anger too.

"Let him feel whatever he wants to. I am not going to do anything about it. I already thought too much about him." I said, and he glanced at me with surprise.

"Then what about Mridula?" he asked frowning.

"Everything will happen as per her wish and first she needs to start reacting like she feels." I replied before walking away.

*Mridula Pov*

"What are you doing?" I asked Aahil entering his room holding the lunch tray.

After Tajwar walked away from the dining table, I didn't enter our room and just did little works. No one seemed to be coming for lunch, so I thought of giving them by myself.

He stopped packing his bag and looked up with a big smile before walking near to me and took the tray from my hands.

"I am really happy today." He said smiling, and I felt maybe he is in shock feeling that his hard work is going to get wasted.

"Why?" I asked, thinking there is something else, and I still don't believe Nipuna would do something like that.

"Because I love her, Mridula. I am in love with her." He replied and sat down to have his lunch while I stilled at my place.

"I never thought I would love someone like this, and I feel so happy that I realized the feeling, and Mom's morning words shook my head a little making me accept what I always felt." He continued to talk and I slowly nodded.

"I know! Actually, I feel I can never love someone like I love her. I am going to her place after some time." He said smiling, and I sat on the other chair.

"But I thought you once said that you will never enter their house along with Uncle." I mumbled frowning.

"I love her! Can't I let go of my promise to myself?" he asked finishing the food.

"Is Bhai still angry?" he asked and I nodded slowly.

"I am actually glad that Mom accepted Amrin even though it is a shock. I became Amrin's fan at the anniversary party." He mumbled, and I frowned at his words.

"Why?" I asked because I don't remember something special happening except one of my nightmares.

He immediately started explaining how Mom looked down at her and how Amrin replied to her questions making everyone shock.

"Anyway, I just hope Nipuna forgives me. Otherwise, I have to try for my whole life to make her forgive me." He said, and I left the room feeling his words along with Dileep's day before yesterday's words in my head.

"Premila! You know that I love you and only you. Give me a chance." I heard Uncle's voice and turned to see Aunty and Uncle fighting or maybe talking this time.

"I already told you it is late, Abhivanth. Now, we have to think about something important here." Aunty said shaking her head.

"Ok! But remember I never loved anyone before you and will never after you." He said, and they both started talking while I rushed inside the kitchen feeling the problem with my breathing.

Dileep never loved anyone but now love Amrin, and he even said he could never love anyone after her. Aahil too feels the same and now uncle. Tajwar loved Lavanya and even after more than nine months of our marriage, he doesn't love me.

I took a few long, deep breaths before setting another tray and walked near to our room and saw him sitting on the chair with fisted hands.

"Have your lunch." I said, placing the tray before him, and he turned with a glare at me.

"So, you finally got time to come here." He said, and I sat before him after serving myself along with him.

"I had work." I mumbled and he snorted.

"No! You know that I am angry and that was why you stayed away, but I thought you would be here within the next few minutes after I left." He stated.

"You are angry?" I asked, staring at the plate.

"No! I feel ecstatic. Of course, I am angry. Didn't you hear what Mom said? She rejected Lavanya without giving her a chance or talking to her. Here, she accepted Amrin just like that even after knowing she was his mistress." He shouted pacing before the table.

"Say something!" he said when I continued to have my food.

I finished it and washed my hands before mumbling "I am glad that she accepted Amrin. Now, my best friend will have a new happy life with his love."

"Are you kidding?" he asked, staring at me with shock.

"No! Amrin deserves acceptance after all she went through." I replied getting up.

"Don't you care what I am feeling here?" he asked, holding my shoulders and shook me a little.

"Everyone in this family looked down at her, but she never showed the hurt and anger to any of us. She took her stand and made something in her life on her own. She didn't scurry away the moment, she got the disgust looks from anyone. She proved her love and now she got the acceptance. She deserves it more than anyone." I replied, staring straight at his eyes, and he stepped back releasing me.

"So, I am happy for my best friend and his fiancé. Have your lunch and I will take the tray back after finishing my work." I added before leaving the room and sat on the stairs feeling the shaking in my hands and legs.

Why is my mouth not stopping saying anything like before and how did I manage to say all those things to him? I thought holding my head and thought what will happen now. 


i know many of you wished for tajwar to hear all that but i like the confused tajwar more ;) . Anyway that was just a trailer of outburst... there is still more...

how is the chap guys???

comment plz and vote...
