Chapter 11

*Nipuna Pov*

"Did you see this?" I asked him standing before the mirror to my side and grinned at his face through the mirror.

"It's a bump." He replied, standing up from the bed and walked near to me.

"Yeah! I am finally more than showing, and now it is not just news that I am having a baby." I mumbled caressing the bump.

"I don't think so. You are behaving like a pregnant woman from the past two weeks with your hormones and all." He said placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Do you think I am attracted to you because of the hormones? Don't sell yourself so low, Aahil." I said smirking at me.

"You are attracted to me?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"What do you think we are doing for the past few days? Playing board games?" I asked him raising my eyebrow copying him.

"You have an answer for everything don't you?" He asked before tugging me back, and I laughed, pushing him away, but he didn't release me from his hold, and we reached the bed.

"I need to go for my check-up, Aahil." I said, fidgeting in his hold and his hands stilled but didn't move.

"I will also come with you." He suddenly said, making me turn to look at him in shock.

"What?" I asked him thinking about pinching myself.

"Yeah! I saw that you were terrified last time. I don't have any important works now." He replied shrugging.

"Thank you!" I whispered, placing my hand on his cheek and stared into his eyes.

"It is nothing." He said, shaking his head, but it was for me.

No one thought about how I must be feeling and even my Dad, but Aahil actually wants to be there for me even though he thinks he is not the father. He showed me what I wanted from the beginning, even in lesser amounts.

Respect! He showed me that and was nothing but pleasing from the past few days. Why am I feeling the sudden warmth inside? I thought, smiling at him.

"Are you happy now?" Aahil asked when we stepped outside the hospital.

"Yeah! I asked all the questions I wanted to ask her for now." I replied, not removing my hand over my belly.

"So, you were concerned that you are not having morning sickness?" He asked, trying his best not to show any mocking.

"Of course! I read all those books in which it was told that I would have that. I am concerned about it." I replied, shaking my head.

"I mean really, Nipuna?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Don't! You already laughed in the room. So, don't do it here." I warned him, to which he just chuckled and got inside the car after closing the door to my side.

"So, just dropping you at the house right?" he asked starting the car.

"No! I need to go to work." I replied, glancing at the watch.

"Work?" He asked, frowning.

"Yeah! I work a little. Can you drop me please?" I asked him, and he nodded while I gave him directions.

"You work here?" He asked me frowning when we stopped in front of the organization.

"Yes! They even pay me, but I kind of give it back as a donation until I got married." I replied and stepped out.

"Wait! What do you mean until now?" He asked, stepping outside and followed me.

"It will not have anything to do with you, Aahil. I just thought of saving it to buy something on my own for the baby when he/she has born." I replied placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Then it is ok. For one second, I thought you think about us like you know the soap opera's kind of family." He said shaking his head.

"You guys are definitely that, but in a different way." I mumbled and he frowned, but followed me when I didn't release his hand and started walking inside.

"Sir! You are here." I heard a very shocking tone from the member of the organization.

"They know you?" I asked him in a low tone and all he did was a simple shrug.

"It is good that you are here, Sir. We wanted to show you the new development you suggested last month." Another member said and tugged him away while I stood there in shock.

"Who is he?" I asked a member who is near to me.

"He is one of the members of the organization and even higher official with us. All the plans will be executed with his vote, mainly." The member replied before walking towards Aahil.

"Can you pinch me?" I asked a little girl after reaching the orphanage.

"You will get hurt." She replied looking at me.

"You are such a sweet girl." I said, kneeling before her and hugged her.

"I know!" She mumbled smiling and walked away to play with her friends.

"What happened to you? You just went missing." The headmaster asked when I stepped inside the office room.

"Got married and even got pregnant." I replied sitting before her.

"Really? Your Dad must be happy." Aunty said chuckling.

"Anyway, do you like the plans for the campaign I sent a few weeks back in the mail?" I asked her leaning forward.

"Of course I like them, but still didn't get the green signal from organizers. So, we need to wait." She replied, and I nodded immediately thinking about Aahil being one of them.

"I always thought political people are nothing but selfish." I mumbled, and she raised her eyebrow.

"Nothing! So, is there anything I can do?" I asked her and immediately got the work.

"I will look for the teachers and get in touch with you soon." I mumbled standing up.

"Sure! If possible get the people who will do it for free." She pointed specifically and I nodded, walking outside only to stop in tracks seeing Aahil entering the room.

"Mr.Viswanth! How nice of you to visit." Aunty said, getting up and I immediately took a step aside while he gave me a small glance.

"How is everything going on?" He started his questions one after the other making it more than possible that he is in link with all this for so much time.

"You are silent. What happened?" He asked when we reached the house in the afternoon.

"You actually help them." I mumble frowning to myself.

"Why is it so surprising? I am not the only man on the earth to do it. Or do you think I don't have enough heart?" he asked, raising his voice when we entered the room.

"No! It is not anything like that, Aahil. I... I never thought politicians do these kinds of things, in reality, you know." I mumbled placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Actually, I am more than glad that you are doing this. I am so happy to do, you know that." I said, hugging him tightly, but he didn't hug me back, making me frown, and I step back only to see his blank face.

"So, were you busy with so much work in this house that you didn't have time to go to the organization?" he asked calmly, but I know there is something wrong.

"No! I just felt like taking some rest." I replied frowning.

"Then that is the reason why you were unable to inform them that you are married, and that you are not with your Ex-boyfriend." He stated and I frowned more.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him in a normal tone.

"All the organizers there think that you got married to your Ex when they got to know about your marriage." He explained.

"Oh! Tomorrow I will go and tell them that I got married to you." I mumbled, but he doesn't seem to be in this world.

"You forgot your phone in my car, and it rang when I waited for you to come outside the organization." He calmly started, and it felt like a storm is brewing somewhere.

"Ok! Who is it?" I asked him not wanting to check the phone now.

"Your Ex! He wanted to meet you and has a word with you." He replied, and I shook my head.

"Apparently, he has been sending messages too, right?" He asked when I stood calmly.

"You checked my phone?" I asked him not believing that he even did that.

"Don't you move from the topic. If the baby is not his, and if he is still not in your life, then why is he calling you?" He asked in a hard tone.

"Are you serious, Aahil? What happened to all these days we spent? Do you really want to question it with just a call?" I asked him trying not to feel the anger, but it is there in high volumes.

"Why should I believe you?" he asked back and I took a step back because why should he really believe me, but why am I suddenly feeling sad that he doesn't.

"Because I am your wife." I replied, to which he snorted.

"When my best friend can give me a backstab then why can't the wife whom I don't even know?" He asked shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked him frowning.

"More than two years back I was dating my best friend and suddenly one day she said she is pregnant, and I believed her. Dad got disappointed, but still we arranged the marriage, even in between family problems, but at the last minute, I wanted to know for sure that she indeed is." He explained fisting his hands.

"She was not pregnant." I stated, and he nodded.

"See, now tell me do I really just have to believe you? Go and talk to your Ex or even not." He said walking outside the room while I sat on the bed fisting my hands.

"Why is it hurting me regarding the way he is just thinking about me? It shouldn't hurt right?" I asked myself rubbing my chest a little.

"I don't want to meet you or even talk to you, Lalith. Stop calling me and also messaging me." I said, hanging up and leaned back to the headboard.

"Are you ok?" Mridula asked the moment, I walked near to the kitchen.

"Yeah! Can I help you with something?" I asked, to which she nodded, and I got into the work.

"We will have so much work to do after the dinner and also tomorrow." She suddenly said, making me frown at her.

"Why?" I asked her frowning.

"Day after tomorrow is Aunty and Uncle's wedding anniversary and there will be party." She explained, and I nodded before taking a seat at the table.

I thought there will be no drama for today, but seems like Amrin girl will always take away the show even without her presence.

To all of our utter shock, Dileep actually shouted at his Mom before walking away, and I sighed, considering what should I do to make Aahil realize his anger is really unwanted.

After dinner, everyone walked away in silence while I stayed back to help Mridula. She sat for a few minutes and left to talk to Dileep.

"Where is Mridula?" Aahil asked entering the dining room.

"She went to talk with Dileep. Why?" I asked him, frowning.

"I need to talk with her about the arrangements." He replied, still with a blank face.

"Aahil! You can tell me because even I, am helping you guys." I said with a small smile.

"You shouldn't do this, and I will not allow you to." He said harshly.

"That's it! Do you think I care what you want? I will help with this, and you can't stop me." I said, folding my arms to which he glared at me before walking away.

When did my life become a roller coaster from a train? I thought, shaking my head and started cleaning the work and finish it.


how is the chap guys???

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