~Chapter Thirty~

"Ah, this is bad. Between Isobel and Jenna and now Matt, this is disaster bad." Elena panics as she, Stefan, and Maddy sat in her bedroom.

It had been a hectic few hours. Matt Donavan had found out about vampires. Elena's birth mother and Alaric's ex-wife, Isobel, showed up on Elena's doorstep. And Jenna wasn't speaking to Elena or Alaric.

"Yeah." Stefan nods as John enters the room.

"Maddy, good to see you're still alive and breathing." He greets the strawberry blonde. "How'd you manage that?"

"Long story. Why are you still lingering around knowing Elena doesn't want you here?" She questions.

"Ouch. What's the matter with her?" He turns, asking Elena and Stefan.

"No humanity." Stefan sighs, crossing his arms.

"Hmm. Well, Elena, can you come downstairs, please? I need to talk to you."

"Heh. I have nothing to say to you." Elena scoffs.

"Please. It's important. You, too, Stefan, and bring her." He says, pointing to Maddy.

With a sigh, Maddy stands up and follows everyone out the room and downstairs. She didn't really care to be there. Stefan had just convinced her to go for moral support because Elena would need it. Not that she actually gave a damn, but she figured if it would shut him up then she would do it.

The three of them stand there as a dark-haired woman makes her way out of the kitchen. Isobel Fleming. "I asked John for a do-over." She says.

"You invited her in?" Elena questions, giving John an irritated look.

"She has information about Klaus. Please, just listen to her, okay?" John begs.

"Well, this should be interesting." Maddy sighs crossing her arms.

She could already tell that she didn't like Isobel. Who leaves their husband so they can turn into a vampire? That was one of the most pathetic things she had ever heard. To Madison, Isobel was absolutely pathetic.

"All right. What do you know?" Stefan questions as they all now stood in the kitchen.

"Since I was last here, I've been doing everything possible to find Klaus. We knew our best chance was to find him before he could find you." Isobel speaks, trying her best to ignore the disgusted glare she was receiving from a certain strawberry blonde.

"Best chance at what?" Stefan questions.

"Keeping Elena alive." John states.

"You don't get to talk, okay, not after everything you've done," Elena tells John.

"Tell him." Maddy laughs from her spot on the counter while picking at her nails, completely uninterested in the conversation.

"Could you be quiet?" Isobel sighs, turning to face Madison.

"Are you gonna make me?" Maddy furrows her eyebrows.

"If I have to."

"You can try." Maddy chuckles, jumping down from the counter. "I dare you because I've been itching for a fight and heads up, I never lose." She states, now standing in front of a threatened Isobel, her green she's turning ice cold.

"Why is she here?" Isobel asks, looking over to John.

"Because unlike you all I've done since I met Elena was protect her. Where have you been her entire seventeen years of life?" Maddy answers.

"What's your problem?"

"I don't like mothers who run from their children," Madison states, tilting her head and giving Isobel an evil smirk.

"Ok. Were you able to find Klaus?" Stefan questions, gently pulling Maddy away from Isobel and keeping her beside him.

"No. Nobody knows where he is but there are these rumors that are flying around. That a doppelgänger exists and she's running around with Madison Sinclair."

"Which means any vampire that wants to get in favor with Klaus will be lining up to capture the both of you," John says.

"I'm not buying any of this." Elena shakes her head turning to face her birth mother. "The last time that you were here, you made it clear that you didn't give a damn about me. Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe that you want to help?"

"Isobel's been helping all along. Klaus has been obsessed with finding Katherine and Madison for centuries. All it would take was any one of those 1864 tomb vampires to spread the word around that Katherine was still alive and it would bring him straight here to Mystic Falls, where you were bound to be discovered, so we killed them."

"And almost killed Stefan and Damon in the process." Elena reminds.

"When Klaus finds out that Madison is here it's game over. He's obsessed with her more than he is with Katherine. He'll be here faster than anything." John warns.

"Eh he's not the first guy to be obsessed with me and he certainly won't be the last." Maddy shrugs. "I tend to have that effect on people." She smiles proudly.

"I have a safe house that I can take you to. The deed is in your name. No vampires can get in without your permission, not even me. Let me help you." Isobel pleads, now standing in front of Elena.

"You wanna help? Then get the hell out of my house."


"Do you really think that Isobel's telling the truth that word's gotten out about Maddy and me?" Elena asks as she, Maddy, and the two Salvatores sat in the library of the boarding house.

Maddy was mindlessly flipping through random books, still not interested in the whole doppelgänger drama. If anything she was starting to get quite annoyed that her days solely consisted of finding ways to keep Klaus away from Elena. No humanity Madison didn't really give a two shits what happened to her.

"Look, I don't trust a word that she says, but I think we'd be stupid to ignore the warning." Stefan states.

"You know, you should just stay here. It's better for us to keep an eye on you." Damon says.

"What, in the house that any vampire can enter? No. Her house is safer." Stefan denies.

"Well, then we'll stay there."

"So is that the plan? None of you will let me out of your sight again?" Elena questions, glancing at the three vampires.

"Actually I don't care where you go. I'm not up for babysitting. This is starting to bore me." Maddy sighs, standing up.

"What do you mean?" Elena scoffs.

"I mean I'm tired of hearing Elena this and Elena that wherever I go. It's making me wish I stayed dead." Maddy rolls her eyes.

"You don't care if Klaus gets to me?" Elena questions wearing a hurt expression.

"I don't care about any of you, Elena." Maddy sighs out of boredom. "Don't think you're special. Just because we kissed a couple of times doesn't mean I'm in love with you. You mean nothing to me."

"What?" Stefan questions.

"You two kissed?" Damon asks.

"Oops," Maddy shrugs carelessly. "Hope that doesn't cause any trouble in paradise." She frowns, before leaving the house.

"You kissed her?" Stefan asks, looking at Elena.

"I'll explain later when we're alone." She sighs.


Madison sat in her room, her fangs sunk into some random guy's neck. Her legs were wrapped around his waist as he stared off into the distance with a small smile plastered on his face. His hands roamed around her topless body, feeling every inch of her warm skin.

"What are you doing?" Damon questions as he stands in the doorway with his arms crossed.

Maddy slowly climbs off of the man with an annoyed look as she turns to face Damon. "I was having fun." She sighs.

"Since when did you start feeding off of living people?" He furrows his brows, his eyes glancing down at her cleavage.

"Since when did you start thinking that I actually have to explain myself to you?" She responds, placing her hands on her hips.

"Did you sleep with him?"

"Why, jealous?" She asks walking towards him.

"No." Damon lies.

"Your face says differently." Maddy smiles now standing a few inches from him. "My humanity is off, Damon. If you wanna have sex with me just say it."

She waved the man over to them, connecting her lips to his but keeping her eyes glued to Damon. Clenching his jaw, he quickly snaps the guy's neck, his body falling to the ground.

"Don't bring another guy around me." He growls.

"Or what?" She scoffs.

"I'll kill them."

"Don't threaten me with a good time, Damon." She laughs, grabbing her shirt and pulling it over her head. "You can get rid of his body since you couldn't keep your hands to yourself." She states, walking towards the bedroom door.

"What do you want me to do with him?" He sighs.

"Dump him, burn him, bury him, I don't care. Just get him the hell out of my room." She shrugs.

Damon stands there in shock. Maddy never acted like this when it came to people dying. Life was something she valued, or at least it was before she lost her humanity. He wasn't sure how he felt about her humanity being off. Obviously, she wasn't her normal caring compassionate self, but she hadn't done anything really bad yet. But he knew with each passing day she would get worse and it was only a matter of time before she became their biggest problem.
