~Chapter Forty Three~

Madison sat in the passenger seat of the car as Stefan sat in the backseat and Klaus sat in the driver's side. Her head was laid against the window, staring out into the darkness, her mind wandering to how much she missed her newfound friends.

Klaus had locked her away to get the vervain out of her system and then compelled her not to answer any of their phone calls or text messages. He had also compelled her not to run. It was completely shattering her that she wasn't able to see or talk to Damon after he almost died. She missed the hell out of him, to say the least. The number of calls and messages she had been getting from him was crazy.

Although it did make her happy to see that he still cared about her and missed her too, every time his name popped up on her screen she felt a tug of sadness at her heart. It wasn't just him who was reaching out to her though. She had tons of messages and calls from Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and Jeremy. It warmed her heart to know that they cared about her as much as she cared about them.

As for her and Stefan's relationship, it had definitely gone downhill. At this point, it mainly consisted of snarky comments and hateful glares. Well on Maddy's side at least. She was trying her hardest to forgive him for basically kidnapping her, lying, and betraying her trust. But every time she saw Klaus's face, it reminded her that the whole reason she was stuck in this situation was because of the young Salvatore.

She understood his reason, it was to save Damon. If pushed to a certain existent, she might've done the same thing. What hurts the most was that instead of Stefan telling her the circumstances, he just assumed she would've said no. If he would've come to her and told her that the only way Damon would get the cure is if she and Stefan left with Klaus, she would've packed her things in a heartbeat. She didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone. Not to mention the clothes Stefan grabbed for her were not to her standards.

Parking a little ways from a nearby house, Klaus turns his attention to Maddy while wearing a smile. "Ready, Love?" He questions.

"Let's just get this over with." Maddy sighs, stepping out of the car.

"Keep an ear out Stefan, you'll know when it's time for you to come in," Klaus states, glancing back at the younger vampire before following Maddy.

"I can't believe I'm doing this with you." She complains as Klaus puts his hand in hers, the two of them approaching a nearby house the way a couple would.

"You don't have much of a choice, sweetheart," Klaus smirks, his thumb gently rubbing the back of Maddy's hand.

She wasn't gonna lie, it was kind of comforting. For some reason, she didn't mind it. "Why can't you and Stefan do this? I'm sure you two will do just fine acting like a gay couple."

"You know, you offend me, Love." Klaus chuckles.

"And why's that, Love?" Maddy sighs, imitating his accent.

Stepping in front of her, their chests now touching, Klaus stares down at her with a small smile. "Because you'd think that if you're willing to go as low as Damon Salvatore, you'd be willing to higher your standards and try an Original. I'd proudly be willing to show you what you're missing." He whispers.

Maddy lets out a small laugh before looking up at him. "Oh, I was going to hop on the Original train, with your brother." She smiles. "And then you daggered him, but at least he got to the kissing stage."

"You kissed Elijah?" Klaus asks, jealousy written all over his face.

"Mmhm." She nods. "And I'd do it again." She states before continuing towards the house, an angry Klaus following behind her.

They silently speed behind a woman who seemed to be calling out for her dog. She turns around spotting the two suddenly standing in front of her causing her to gasp in surprise.

"I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." Klaus speaks in an American accent that made Maddy cringe.

"Can I help you?" She questions, glancing between the vampires.

"Yeah, our car um, our car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. Eh, I feel like I've been walking forever, my girlfriend is wearing heels and her feet are killing her. Yours is the first house we've come to so I was just hoping I could use your phone?"

"Don't you have a cell phone?" She asks.

"Uh yeah, " he nods, pulling out his phone. "The battery died."

"And what about hers?"

"My idiot of a boyfriend left mine at home." Maddy states. "He's not the smartest."

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. You're just so distracting." He smiles. "She has a habit of acting like a child most times."

"And he has a habit of acting like a narcissistic asshole all the time." She smiles.

"Look, I promise we aren't serial killers. We just wanna use your phone." He states, wrapping his arm around Maddy.

"Sure." The woman sighs.

"So, we can come in?"

"No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you." She responds.

"I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting," Klaus says in an annoyed tone, the American accent quickly vanishing.

"I'm from Florida."

"Well, that explains it." He sighs, before quickly grabbing her by her throat and compelling her. "Now show me and my woman a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea."

Maddy shakes her head as they walk up the steps of the house. It was hard for her to keep her mouth shut when Klaus was hurting and scaring innocent people. It was even harder when he'd do it in front of her. Over the past couple of months, she had lost track of how many people had been hurt or killed in Klaus's sick mission to find a certain pack of werewolves to turn into hybrids.

"I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning." Another woman speaks as they enter the kitchen. "What's going on?" She questions as she sees the three of them standing there, Klaus holding her friend by the nape of her neck.

"Please don't be alarmed." Klaus states.

"Are you serious right now? We're strangers intruding in their home and you're holding one of them by the throat. They are obviously going to be scared, asshat." Maddy says, looking at Klaus as if he were stupid.

"Behave Love, or else this visit will end a bloody mess," Klaus replies giving Maddy a stern look to which she rolls her eyes at. "I was told Ray Sutton lives here."

"He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly." One of the women speaks cautiously.

"But I expect he makes it home, once a month. That's what I thought. Where is he now?" He questions, gaining no response.

"For your own sake, I'd answer him," Maddy warns, resting her hands on her hips.

"If I have to make you tell me it's going to be infinitely more painful for you. Hmm." Klaus smiles.

The woman quickly takes off running towards the front door, opening it only to be stopped by Stefan.

"Aaaah!" She screams.

"I love it when they run!" Klaus shouts, dragging the other woman over to the door, Maddy reluctantly following.

"He's in Toll. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's on Highway 41." The woman sighs, giving up.

"Thank you, my love." He says, caressing a piece of the other woman's hair. "Now, may my friend come in?"

"Yes." The woman cries.

Klaus shoves the woman over to Stefan as he walks through the door. "Kill this one quickly. And make that one suffer. We'll be in the car." He says, grabbing Maddy's hand and leaving the house.

"Is killing them really necessary?" She questions.

"I don't know, was shoving the fact that you made out with my brother in my face necessary?" He replies as they speed to the car.

"Oh my God, are you kidding me? Your gonna make Stefan kill two innocent people all because you're jealous?" She scoffs.

"I have no reason to be jealous. My brother is daggered in a box while I'm sitting here with you."

"You are literally crazy." She shakes her head looking away from him.

"Only for you, Love, only for you."


The three vampires walked into the bar, Maddy in the middle of the two men. Klaus's hand once again rested on Maddy's waist, almost as if he were marking his territory, which Maddy didn't appreciate at all. Their eyes scanned the room full of drunk or nearly drunk people, searching for a specific werewolf.

"Is that him?" Maddy questions, nodding her head in the direction of a man who sat alone at the bar with a glass in his hand.

"It sure is, Love." He smiles, grabbing her hand as the three walked towards him.

Stefan's eyes glanced towards Maddy noticing Klaus's hand clutched in hers. A weird feeling of anger rushes through his body as he eyed the two. He didn't know why he was angry. His feelings for Maddy were strictly platonic. It may have sounded cliche but he loved her like a sister. Seeing her forced to hold hands with Klaus because of his newfound possessiveness over her made Stefan very unhappy.

"Ray? Ray Sutton?" Klaus questions as he and Maddy take a seat beside the werewolf and Stefan starts compelling the people in the bar.

Ray's eyes quickly land on Maddy, scanning over her body with a look of lust before he turns his attention to Klaus. "Who wants to know?"

"I've been looking everywhere for you. We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here, to you." Klaus explains.

"I think I'll be going," Ray states, glancing between Klaus and Maddy.

"Not so fast mate. You only just got here, now your type is very hard to come by." Klaus smiles, stopping him.

Trying to leave again, Stefan quickly appears, blocking his way. "I wouldn't do that." Stefan shakes his head pushing him back into the counter.

"Vampires." Ready states, giving them a look of disgust.

"You're swiftly swift Ray! Yes! My friend here is a vampire. He compelled everybody in the bar so don't look to them for any help. My woman over here who've you been eyeing since we got here is a vampire banshee, I'm sure you've heard of her."

"Madison Sinclair?" Ray questions while staring at her in shock considering he had never met her in person before.

"The one and only," Maddy says, pursing her lips and resting her chin in her hand.

"I, however, I'm something else, a different kind of monster. I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf." Klaus explains, wrapping his arm around Maddy's shoulder again as a way to claim what he thought was his.

"You what?"

"A hybrid Ray, I'm both. You see I want to create more of myself. Now you being the first werewolf that I've come across in many moons, pun intended Ray! I need you to direct me to your pack. So, where can I find them, Ray?" Klaus questions.

"You can't compel me, it won't work."

"Unfortunately for you, there are other ways to make you talk and he is not afraid to use them." Maddy sighs, crossing her legs over one another's while straightening her sundress out.

Stefan scratches his head knowingly as Klaus looks at him and nods. Stefan turns around and pulling out a pouch of wolfsbane.

"Can you bring out the darts please?" Stefan asks the bartender. "Tell you what Ray, We're gonna play a little drinking game, something I like to call truth or wolfsbane." He says, crushing the purple substance in his hand.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun, Ray." Klaus smiles.

Maddy shakes her head in disgust before reaching over the bar and snatching a bottle of bourbon. A small smile slowly appeared on her face as she stared down at the bottle in her hands. If anything in this bar would remind her of her friends, it most definitely would be a bottle of bourbon. The alcohol they all seemed to drink.

"I'm gonna step outside. You two have fun with your werewolf torture." Maddy tells Klaus as she stands from her seat.

Klaus quickly moves to grab her hand, stopping her from leaving. "Be safe, love." He smiles genuinely, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

The night's hot and humid air was quick to engulf Maddy's body. Turning the corner outside of the bar, she pulls her phone out of her bag. Klaus never said she couldn't listen to her friend's voicemails. The first one she clicked on was Damon's, one he had left her almost an hour ago.

"Hey Maddy, it's Damon again, for the eighth time today. I cannot express how pissed off I am that you still haven't answered anyone." The message starts, causing a smile to make its way onto Maddy's face. "We just wanna know if you're ok... God, I really wanna hear your voice right now." He sighs, the sound of sniffling being heard through the phone. "We miss you, I miss you."

The message was quickly cut off when the phone is snatched out of her hand. "What do you think you're doing?" Klaus questions, backing her against the brick wall.

"You said I couldn't contact them. You never said I couldn't listen to their messages." She states, trying to reach for her phone.

"You are just so determined to find every way you can to piss me off, aren't you?" He laughs, shaking his head.

"And you're determined to find every way to make me hate you."

Klaus tilts his head stepping closer to her, his hot breath fanning over her face. His eyes glance over every feature on her face, eventually stopping at her lips. Maddy could swear if she had a heartbeat, the people all the way back in Mystic Falls would be able to hear it.

"You don't hate me, Madison. I can see it in your eyes." He whispers, his lips brushing against hers.

Klaus steps backward with a smile on his face. He looks down at the phone before dropping it on the floor and stepping on it.

"Are you freaking serious!" Maddy shouts, hitting him in the chest.

"We'll get you another when you learn to listen. Now come on, love. We have a wolf pack to find."
