~Chapter Seventy Four~

Maddy and Elena sat at Bonnie's side awaiting for the witch to awaken. The tribrid was kind enough to bring Bonnie back to her house while Klaus and Damon got rid of the bodies. She had given Bonnie some of her blood to heal her but the girl still hadn't woken up yet. The two girls stayed silent, but Maddy could feel Elena's eyes on her from time to time.

"Is there something you wanna say, Elena?" Maddy raises an eyebrow after finally getting annoyed with the doppelgänger's staring.

"Did you kill her?" Elena asks,m quietly while fiddling with her fingers.

"Kill who?"


"Of course I killed her. Did you think I was gonna give her another chance to try and kill me?" Maddy scoffs.

"No, I just thought you would've found a different way." The doppelgänger shrugs.

"I would have if I thought there was one." Maddy sighs, the guilt starting to dwell on her once again.

Madison Sinclair was not a cold-blooded killer. Even if she tried to act like she was, she very much was not. Life in general meant a lot to her, even if it was the life of someone she hated. But, when it came down to it, she had to choose herself. Maddy was willing to die for the right cause, but she wasn't willing to give her life up just because people were scared of what she might do. The only person who was gonna take her out was herself.

"I'm not judging." Elena quickly speaks up as she stands from her spot.

"I know you aren't. You're one of the last people who can judge me for protecting myself... Or anything for that matter." Maddy states, glancing at the brunette.

"...I just think it's weird that ever since you got with a certain Original hybrid, your answer to everything seems to be murder."

Maddy lets out a soft humorless chuckle before turning her full attention to Elena. "You and I both know if that was true, you, Damon, Stefan, and, Bonnie would be six feet under by now." She speaks. "You're hanging around Damon too much."

"Why do you say that?" Elena questions in confusion.

"Because you're starting to gain his tendencies on picking a fight."

"I'm not trying to pick a fight." Elena quickly defends.

"Then what are you trying to do, Elena? What was the point of bringing up Klaus? The way you're always talking about him you make me think you wanna sleep with him or something."

"That's disgusting, Maddy. I'm just worried about how this is gonna end for you."

"How what's gonna end?" Maddy questions, narrowing her eyes at the doppelgänger.

Elena stays silent before answering. "Stefan and Damon are working on a way to kill Klaus."

"Does that mean you're gonna come up with a plan to kill me too?" Maddy raises an eyebrow, slowly standing up a turning towards Elena.

The Gilbert girl takes a cautious step back before vigorously shaking her head. "No, Maddy. We aren't making that mistake again. But we don't want you to get involved or hate us when we go through with it."

"Elena, would you sit back and be just fine if I tried to kill Stefan or Damon?" Maddy tilts her head whiles narrowing her eyes at the girl.

"Of course not."

"Then what makes you think I'm gonna do that when you guys try to kill Klaus?"

"Because I know you don't wanna pick sides," Elena states softly.

"And you're right, I don't. I'd like to stay cordial and out of this mess of a situation you have all created. But, if you try to kill the man I love, then I have no choice but to step in and go full tribrid on your ass." Maddy explains, her face remaining expressionless. "Do I make myself clear?"


"I said, do I make myself clear?" She questions again, slightly raising her voice at the doppelgänger.

"Yes." Elena gulps while nodding her head.

"Good...You can leave now. I'll send Bonnie home when she wakes up." The tribrid says, turning her back.

About an hour later Bonnie was still out cold, but Maddie was no longer waiting beside her like a guard dog. Instead, she sat downstairs with Klaus, her head resting in his lap. Her mind was racing with one very intrusive thought. The two sat in comfortable silence before the tribrid sat up, turning her body to face the man she loved.

"I need to get out of here." She sighs.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I wanna take a trip somewhere. Clear my head. Get away from the drama that seems to be never-ending since I got here." She stands, placing her hands on her hips.

"I'll take you wherever you wanna go, Love." Klaus smiles.

"No I-I mean alone." She states, feeling a tug at her heart when she saw the smile on his face quickly fade away.

"Oh... Did I do something wrong?" He questions, tilting his head.

"No, of course not." Maddy shakes her head, sitting back on the couch, their knees touching as she took his hands in hers

"Then why don't you want me to come with you? Why are trying to leave me?"

Klaus looked at her and even though he was trying to hide it, she could see the tears welling up in his eyes. She could see the vulnerability. She could see that his guard was completely down when he was with her.

"Niklaus, don't you ever for a second think I'm trying to leave you." She demands. "I just need some time alone to think."

"Think about what?" Klaus snaps, standing from his seat. "What do you need to think about?"

"About what I want! About what it was like before I got involved with all this!"

"By all this do you mean me? Because believe me Madison, you are no walk in the park yourself."

"You came looking for me!" Maddy shouts, also standing to her feet. "You wanted me, you signed up to deal with whatever baggage came with me! Do you really wanna spend the rest of eternity doing the same thing you did tonight? Fighting my battles for me?"

"I'm not fighting them for you I'm fighting them with you. And yes, I am perfectly ok with doing that every day for the rest of my life if I have to because you're worth it."

"...Bonnie could have died because of me." She says sighs, running a hand through her hair. "I thought that I hated them and I thought that I wanted them dead, but when I saw her like that... hanging on by a string because of me. I don't know what I think or what I want anymore."

"You saved her, Madison. She's fine." Klaus reassures.

"And what happens if I can't save the next person? What happens if the next person they come after is you or Rebekah or Jeremy? I would absolutely hate myself if something happened to you guys because of me and what I am."

"You aren't responsible for any of us. You can't save everyone. Some people just happen to be collateral damage, Love." The hybrid sighs, trying to calm both her and himself down.

"Don't say that." Maddy shakes her head at him. "Maybe it's better if I'm alone, or maybe it's better if I just..."

"If you just what, Madison?" Klaus grits, stepping closer to her, not liking where the conversation was heading.

Maddy takes a deep breath as she looks down at the daylight ring on her finger, trying to hold back tears. "...Maybe it's better if I just off myself before anyone else can." She whispers.

Before Klaus could reply the creaking of the stairs caught their attention. Bonnie stood awake and well with a frown on her face.

"Why would you say that?" Bonnie questions, having heard their conversation from upstairs. "That's not true and you know it." She states, joining them in the living room.

"Oh really? Because you guys were thinking the same damn thing a few weeks ago. It was just fine for you guys to try to kill me but now that tired and ready to do it myself it's a problem?" Madison narrows her eyes at the witch.

"That was a mistake, Maddy! How many times do we need to tell you that?"

"You could tell me that it was a mistake over a million times, but every time I look at you that's what I see. So whether or not I decide to end the legend that is myself, you don't get a say." Maddy explains calmly before using her magic to open the front door. "Now go... Your friends are worried about you."

The couple watched as she stormed out, slamming the door behind her causing a framed picture on the wall to drop to the floor and shatter.

"I will lock you away and snap your neck every time you wake up if you try killing yourself, Madison." Klaus threatens.

"I'm just trying to do the right thing. I'm tired." She sighs.

"You think the right thing is being a coward and taking the easy way out?"

Madison quickly speeds over, slamming the original against the wall by his throat. "Don't call me that." She seethes, stepping away from him. "I'm a lot of things, Klaus Mikaelson, but a coward I am not."

"I may not always keep my word on things, but you can trust I'll keep my word on what I said," Klaus states, before brushing past her and leaving the tribrid alone.

Maddy was frustrated that he wasn't listening to her. He didn't want her to leave, he didn't want her to end her life. He didn't care to listen to how she felt. She didn't want people getting hurt because of her. It didn't matter if she hated them or not. It didn't matter if they did her wrong her not. If she was gonna have blood on her hands, then it better be her who was responsible for killing them.

She didn't want Klaus to have to spend every second of every day worrying about whether or not she was getting attacked. She didn't even want to worry about it herself. The people she cared about did not deserve that kind of stress. At this point, she kind of started feeling like Elena.

She understood how the doppelganger felt back when she was trying to hand herself over to Klaus. Now here Maddy was, torn between life and death. Torn between being at peace or constantly fighting. She just wanted all the chaos to end. She wanted to be happy with Klaus. She didn't want to keep fighting for her life. She wanted to be able to forgive the people who hurt her. She wanted everything to go back to normal.

But the universe clearly didn't care what she wanted. It didn't care that she was a good person. It didn't care that she always tried to do the right thing. And it most certainly didn't care that she was tired of fighting.

She was angry. Angry at herself, angry at Elena, angry at Klaus, angry at the Salvatores and Bonnie. Most importantly she was angry at the world. She couldn't catch a break and it was exhausting. She took what she said about not knowing what she wanted. She did know what she wanted.

What she wanted was for it all to stop. The fighting, the betrayal, the black magic coursing through her veins. She wasn't suicidal, she just couldn't think of anything worth fighting for anymore. Her daughter was dead, her friends betrayed her so now she couldn't trust them, and now she and Klaus were fighting just because she wanted some alone time.

She couldn't get ahold of Katherine and Rebekah was nowhere to be found. Her two best friends were absolutely nowhere when she needed them. Madison Sinclair had no more fight left in her. In a fit of rage, she lets out a frustrated scream, the power in her voice causing everything to fly off the walls.

With a deep breath, she took her daylight ring off and sat it on the coffee table before speeding off into the night. When the sun came up, she knew what she wanted to do. Her mind was made up. She would be the one to end her own suffering.
