~Chapter Seventy One~

Numb... That's how Maddy felt as she sat in front Klaus. He had just compelled her to remember everything and she didn't know how to react. She was upset for many reasons, that was for sure. Upset at herself for being weak. Pain and betrayal were things that people deal with throughout their lives. Why had she been so weak that she couldn't have dealt with it like everyone else?

"How are you feeling, Love?" Klaus questions cautiously, gently placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know." She shrugs. "Why'd you make me remember?"

"It was the only way."

"The only way to what? Remind me that the people I love don't love me back?" She narrows her eyes at the hybrid.

"You still love them?" Klaus scrunches his face up in disgust.

"Yes, I do. I don't want to but these people were there for me when I was at my lowest. They were there for me when I died." She explains.

She was frustrated. She really did want to hate them. Every bone in her body was telling her to hate their guts. She was stuck. She wanted to get even, but she didn't want them to die.

"They're also the people that tried killing us."

"You mean like you killed Jenna?" She raises a brow.

"Me killing Elena's aunt has nothing to do with them trying to kill you. How can you say you love the people who tried to murder you but you can't say you love me?"

"I do, Klaus. I do love you. If I didn't we most definitely wouldn't be here right now." She sighs, looking up him. "I love you, ok?"

Klaus stares down at her, a smile forming on his face. Those words coming from her lips sent chills down his spine. It made his stomach do flips. It made him feel like fifteen year old boy with a high school crush.

"You love me?" He questions, his eyes showing nothing but vulnerability.

"Of course I do." Maddy gives him a small smile. "I'm sorry that I made you think otherwise." She says, reaching out and grabbing his hand in hers.

"You said it now, that's all that matters." He nods, bringing her hand to his mouth and planting a kiss on the back of it.

"So... About this mansion you're renovating. When were you going to tell me about it?" She raises her brows, pulling her hand away from him and taking a seat on her couch.

"When it was finished. It was gonna be a surprise." He answers.

"My house isn't good enough?" She tilts her head.

"This house is not gonna be able to hold five Mikaelsons, Love." He chuckles, taking a seat beside her.

"Touché." She nods, pursing her lips.

The two sit in silence for a few seconds before Klaus notices the look residing on Maddy's face.

"What are you thinking about?"

A smirk grows on her lips as she turns to face him. "Sweet sweet revenge."


"Did you get rid of him?" Elena questions Damon while washing the blood out of a rag.

"Yeah. Tony the headless hybrid is down at the bottom of Steven's Quarry." He answers.

"What about Alaric?"

"Maddy's blood pretty much fixed him up. Good as new."

"Speaking of Maddy.... I asked Klaus to compel her memories of us back." She sighs, turning to face him and leaning against the kitchen sink.

"You did what? Are you insane!" Damon shouts.

"I had to. She knew I was lying about things. She was getting suspicious."

"So what! We already have Klaus on our asses, we don't need a vengeful tribrid too. We could've all had a fresh start with her. Why would you go and mess it up?"

"How did it feel when she looked at you and had no recollection of ever being in love with you? The woman you wanted to marry couldn't remember a thing about you. How'd that make you feel Damon?" She tilts her head.

"Frustrated and angry! Is that what you wanna hear. I hurt her so bad that she wanted to completely erase my existence from her mind. Is that what you wanna hear me say Elena?"

"That's exactly what I wanna hear, because for some reason you've been acting like you couldn't care less."

"I wasn't avoiding her because I didn't care. I was avoiding her because I couldn't look at her after what we did."

Elena stares at the vampire in front of her. This was the most vulnerable she had ever seen him. The look of guilt and pain in his eyes. It was something she had never seen before.

"We'll make it up to her, Damon." She states, taking a step forward.

"How? She wants us dead after what we did. Do you not get that? We tried to kill her and now that she rememberers she's gonna try to kill us. If there's anyone who gonna succeed at that it's her. This isn't Katherine or a bunch of tomb vampires. This is an angry, tribrid, Madison Sinclair."

"You're scared." Elena concludes.

Never in her life would she ever think she'd see Damon Salvatore scared. He wasn't scared of Katherine. He wasn't scared of Elijah. He wasn't even scared of Klaus.

"Of course I'm scared! I'm scared for you, and for Stefan! I'm even scared for Bonnie!" He shouts, slamming his fist down on the counter. "I can't save us from this one, Elena..."


Maddy approached the Salvatore boarding house with her head held high, the sound of her heels clicking filling her ears. She was here to do one thing and one thing only. Propose a deal.

She balled her fist and knocked on the door three times. The door swung open after a few minutes revealing Damon Salvatore on the other side of it. The color drains from his face when he sees her smaller figure in front of him.

"Surprised to see me?" She cocks an eyebrow.

"No," he gulps. "I'm surprised you remember me."

"Trust me, honey, it wasn't by choice." She smiles sarcastically, pushing him out of the way and entering the house where she could spot Elena and Bonnie standing in the living room. "Great, just the people I wanna see."

"Maddy..." Elena spoke, their attention turning to the tribrid. "Did-"

"Klaus give me my memories back? Sadly, yes. But don't worry, no need to piss your pants. I'm not here to kill you guys."

"Does that mean you forgive us?" Bonnie questions hopefully.

"Ha! Absolutely not." Maddy laughs. "That was cute though. I'm here to compromise."

"Comprise how?" Damon furrows his eyebrows as he leans against the door frame.

"As we all recall, you all made the very grave mistake of trying to kill me. Which now that I think about it, makes me laugh. I mean the fact that you thought you guys would be the ones to take me out, is the funniest joke I've heard this century." She chuckles, shaking her head before getting to her point. "I'll be willing to forgive and forget about your guys moment of stupidity if you do what I say when I say."

"Deal!" Elena's the first to pipe up, taking an eager step forward.

"Elena, maybe take a second to think about it first." Damon speaks.

"What's there to think about?" She shrugs. "I'm fine with this if it means we're friends again."

"Seriously it seems like a pretty solid offer." Bonnie nods.

"I'd rather be her slave than another name on her kill list." Elena states.

"I'm sure you would love to be my slave, Elena." Maddy smirks, making the doppelgänger blush. "Anyways, we've got two on board, Damon? You wanna be stuck looking over your shoulder waiting for me to strike or do you wanna take me up on my offer?"

Damon stares at for a few seconds silently debating his answer. "We say yes and everything goes back to the way it used to be?"

"It depends. Let's face it, you and I haven't been on good terms in a while, Damon. Are you gonna get over yourself and let me be happy?"

"If you being happy means slumming it with Klaus, then no." He states, clenching his jaw.

"Damon..." Elena warns. "Take the offer, it's a win."

"Her having us wrapped around her finger  is a win for you?" Damon scoffs.

"Her not hating us and being out to kill us is a win. Not just for me, for all of us." She corrects.

"Fine." He huffs. "You got a deal."

"Great." Maddy smiles, clapping her hands together. "Now that this whole charade has been settled. I owe Caroline a girls day." She states, turning on her heels and heading for the door.

"Wait!" Bonnie calls out. "Does that mean I can come stay with you again?" She questions sheepishly.

The young witch was back to square one again. Not eating, not sleeping. Not looking out for herself. She missed the little things Maddy did for her. Leaving breakfast in the microwave, cooking her dinner, being there for her. Now that she wasn't, she was already carrying the burden of Stefan's drama with Klaus. She knew where the coffins were and she was using her magic to hide them.

"I said that I'd forgive you, not that I trust you." Maddy states, watching Bonnie's expression morph into one of sadness. "But, judging from the bags under your eyes I can tell you haven't slept. So, after I'm done with Caroline, I suppose you can come over for a few hours and we'll do something about those." She sighs, pointing to the very noticeable bags under the witches eyes.

"Ok." Bonnie nods, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Maddy sends her a curt nod before leaving the three of them alone. She didn't trust them, not one bit. But she did kind of miss them. Madison Sinclair did not need friends, but it didn't hurt to have some to watch a movie with or decide what dress was cuter. I didn't hurt to have someone get their nails done with you.

Katherine was in hiding and Rebekah was MIA. After finding out Klaus killed their mother, Maddy figured the blonde vampire just needed some time alone. Maybe she needed some time to come to terms with the fact her brother had lied to her for so long.

She wanted friends. She loved Klaus, but that wasn't enough. Maddy wanted a life outside of him. She didn't have Rebekah or Katherine. So, for now Caroline Forbes would have to do.


"I am so glad you showed up at my house!" Caroline smiles as she and Maddy sit at a booth in the Mystic Grill.

"Yeah?" Maddy raises an eyebrow as she sips her iced tea.

"Yeah. Elena and Bonnie told me about the whole compelling your memories of us away. I figured you didn't want anything to do with us anymore so I was just trying to stay away. That's why I haven't reached out."

"Moment of weakness, I guess." Maddy shrugs.

"No it wasn't. You were hurt and it's completely understandable. What they did was like a total no-no in the friend code... You know I had nothing to do with it, right?" Caroline questions.

"Care, I know you're a blonde but I'm pretty sure you're smarter than that." She chuckles lightheartedly.

"I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment." Caroline tilts her head.

"A compliment. I'm saying you're smarter than the average blonde."

"So, uh, how's the you and Klaus thing going?"

"You don't wanna hear about that." Maddy shakes her head.

"Yeah I do. That's what friends talk about. I don't like Klaus but I love you and I wanna hear about what makes you happy."

"You wanna hear me rant about the person who turned your boyfriend into a puppet hybrid and made you best friends life a living hell?" She questions, giving the blonde an odd look.

"Tyler is only half his puppet, ok? And yes I wanna hear. So spill the tea."

"We're ok." Maddy nods, a small smile making its way onto her lips as she her mind wanders to the Original hybrid. "We've started using the I love you words now."

"What?!" Caroline gasps, her blue eyes widening from shock. "The Klaus Mikaelson told you he loves you? The man who stabs his siblings in the chest and puts them in coffins for decades? The man who probably scares babies for fun in his spare time?"

"Yes, Caroline. The scary, arrogant, narcissistic hybrid himself told me that he loves me. I was shocked at first too." Maddy sighs, fiddling with her straw.

"Did you say it back?" Caroline leans forward eager to know more.

Caroline Forbes had always been a gossip. She loved finding out knew information about anything. This wasn't just any information though. This was Madison Sinclair's personal business. Something not very many were lucky to hear about.

"Not at first." Madison shakes her head. "I was confused and frustrated that pieces of my memory were gone. I was trying to figure out who to trust. Trying to figure out why I didn't know the people who knew me. But after everything came back, that's when I said it."

"Did you mean it?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I meant it." Maddy scoffs. "I always mean what I say."

"Did you mean it when you said you loved us?"

"I did, but you've all done something to make me change the way I loved you. I don't feel the same about any of you any more."

"What do you mean?"

"Damon has broken my heart more times than I can count. Him, Bonnie, Stefan, and Elena all tried to kill me. And as for you, you were, no offense, a judgmental bitch when I started getting close to Klaus. The only one who hasn't done anything like that is Remy." She states.

"I'm sorry, Maddy. At the time I didn't get it but I do now. You want someone to put you first. You don't wanna be anyones second choice... I know what that's like. It just took me a minute to realize you were going through it to. I mean look at you, I don't know why anyone wouldn't pick you first." Caroline explains.

"It's ok, Care. I forgive you. I'd probably react the same way if the tables were turned." Maddy shrugs it off.

"Would you?" Caroline quirks an eyebrow.

"Honestly... No I wouldn't. You could shack up with the devil himself and I wouldn't care. As long as he treats you good, I don't care how he treats anyone else." Maddy shrugs.

"I'm not always judgmental." Caroline sighs. "I just want what's best for the people I care about."

"I get that, Care. But sometimes you gotta let them find out what's best for themselves."

Caroline states at the tribrid for a second before speaking again. "I think you're going too easy Elena and them. I feel like you're plotting something."

"Really?" Maddy's brows shoot up. "What am I plotting, Care?"

"I don't know, yet. But I can feel it. There's no way you're letting them off that easy." The vampire shakes her head.

"Maybe I just wanna walk around this town without feeling any animosity towards anyone." She offers.

"I don't believe that for second." Caroline laughs.

Maddy responds with nothing but a smile as she shakes her head. Maybe Caroline was right. Maybe Caroline was wrong. Perhaps Madison Sinclair did have a few tricks up her sleeve. They would just have to sit tight and find out.

Author's Note:
Hey guys!! I've been getting writers block with this book lately so if you guys have any suggestions for the next few chapters or anything you'd like to see please feel free to let me know. It would be greatly appreciated!!!

