~Chapter Sixty Seven~

"What do you mean he took your family?" Maddy questions.

"He took the coffins that have their bodies in it, Madison. I don't know how else to explain it to you." He huffs, walking past her.

"Don't talk to me like that!" She shouts, the lights flickering at the sound of her voice. "I've been though enough tonight and the last thing I need is you treating me like shit over something you got yourself into."

"So you're saying this is my fault?" He asks, raising his arms.

"Yes. If you would've left him alone you wouldn't be in this situation. He basically lost the love of his life because of you, you made him turn into a ripper again. What did you think was gonna happen when you stopped forcing him to be loyal to you?" She furrows her eyebrows.

Klaus lets out a frustrated growl, picking up a nearby vase and throwing it across the room. Just before the vase comes in contact with the wall, Maddy holds her hand up stopping it mid air. Walking over, she grabs the glass decoration and places it down on the stand closest to her.

"I happen to like that vase." She sighs.

"I'm sorry." He shakes his head taking a seat on the couch.

Maddy watches as he sets his head in his hand. With a sigh, she walks over to him sitting in the the empty space. "We'll figure it out, Niklaus. You'll get them back, I know you will." She reassures taking his hand in hers. "You figured out the situation with your shit show of a father, you'll figure this out too."

"I don't understand why nothing is going right. This was supposed to be our time to get closer. It was supposed to be time for me to make you happy." He mutters.

"You make me happy." She smiles softly. "Being around you makes me happy."

"Yeh when your friends aren't trying to kill us."

"They're not my friends... not anymore." She shakes her head a sorrow look on her face.

It was hard for her to say it, but it was the truth. She was no longer friends with Elena. No longer friends with Damon. No longer friends with Bonnie. It was all gone. The trust, the love, the relationships. They threw it all away. She just wished she could throw the memories away too.

"What's that look on your face?" Klaus questions.

"Just thinking." Maddy shrugs.

"About what, Love?"

"I think I need you to do something for me." She states.

"Anything." He nods.

"I want you to make me forget."


"I don't wanna remember that I used to be friends with them. I don't wanna remember that I used to be in love with Damon. I want to forget about them. It hurts less that way."

Klaus stares at her for a second before scooting closer to her. "Are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure. Please?" She begs.

Nodding his head he grabs a hold of her face looking her straight in the eyes. "You will forget about Elena and her friends. You will forget about any kind of love you had for Damon Salvatore. You will no longer remember any of them, they will be like strangers to you." He compels.

Maddy feels a weight lifted off her shoulders and thankfully her heart. She wasn't sad over the people who hurt her. She was happy. She was relieved. Relieved of the pain and sorrow they had caused her.

"How do you feel?" Klaus questions.

Without answering his question, she quickly leans forward, placing her lips on his. She couldn't remember what they were talking about and she didn't care. All she knew was that she wanted him. She wanted to be consumed in nothing but him. That was the perks of complete forgetting about the people who had caused her so much pain. Now she was only focused on the things that made her happy, and Klaus Mikaelson made her extremely happy.


The next morning came along and the two were still laid in bed. Klaus had his arms wrapped around Maddy, both enjoying their time together.

"Can I ask you something?" Maddy speaks up, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"Of course." He nods.

"Would you still want anything to do with me if I wasn't some all powerful weapon?" She questions.

"That's an odd question." Klaus quirks an eyebrow.

"Not really. I'm just curious. The only reason you were so fascinated with me in the first place was because I'm a banshee." She shrugs.

"I'm not with you because you're a tribrid, Madison. Even if you didn't have any power I would still want you right here with me." He explains.

"You mean it?" She asks, rolling over to face him.

"Every word." He nods, staring into her green eyes.

A smile tugged a Maddy's lips. Klaus knew just what to say to make her worries disappear. For some reason she never really worried about anything with him. This was the happiest she felt in a long time and she was gonna spend every second enjoying it. She was also well aware that he had compelled her about something, but she didn't wanna know. All she knew was that it was probably for the best.

"I think it's time for us to get up." Klaus sighs, moving a piece of hair from her face.

"Ugh, why?" She groans, her face scrunching up in disgust.

"Because I have a Stefan problem to attend to."

"Who's that?"

"He...he's nobody, just an old friend of mine turned into an enemy." Klaus explains.

"Well then, I guess I'll just spend the day alone then." She huffs rolling away from him and getting off the bed.

"I won't be gone all day, Love. You can join me if you want." He offers.

"Tempting but I think I'll take some me time." She informs while pulling Klaus's shirt over her head to cover her body.

"Madison Sinclair taking some me time? That's a shocker." He chuckles.

"I know, I'm in dire need of a manicure." She states.

"If you say so my love." Klaus smiles, watching her as she makes her way to the bathroom.

He didn't wanna leave, in fact he would much rather spend the day with her instead. But, his family was in the wrong hands and he needed to get them back. The sooner he did that the more time he could spend her without any interruptions. His attention was pulled away from her by the sound of Maddy's phone ringing. Reaching over and grabbing it the name Teenage Witch was plastered on her screen. Quickly glancing at the bathroom door to make sure Maddy wasn't coming, he answers the call.

"What can I do for you, Bonnie?" He questions, venom laced in his voice when he speaks her name.

"Klaus...Where's Maddy?" She mutters through the phone.

"I'm afraid Madison is busy living her best life." He answers, the sound of Maddy humming in the shower putting a smile on his face.

"What's the supposed to mean?"

"It means she no longer remembers you and the rest of your friends so now she doesn't need to feel the pain you all caused her. Feel free to spread the news." With that being said, he hangs up the phone before going through and deleting their contacts from the phone.

If Maddy wanted to completely forget about them, then forget about them she shall.


Maddy entered the Mystic Grill, heels clicking as she walked. The jean skirt she wore hugged all the right places and as usual, heads turned. One of those heads belonging to none other than Bonnie Bennett. The witch quickly followed behind the tribrid who was approaching the bar unknowingly not too far from Damon and Alaric.

"Maddy?" Bonnie questions as the strawberry blonde takes a seat at the bar.

"Yes... do I know you?" Maddy tilts her head in confusion.

"You're kidding right?"

"Mm no, I don't know who you are I'm sorry." Maddy shakes her head sending Bonnie a small smile before turning to face the bartender and ordering a drink.

Bonnie continues to stare at Maddy as tears welled in her eyes. She couldn't believe that after everything they had been through and all the moments they had shared she would really have Klaus erase her memories of them. She thought they would eventually get past what had happened. Obviously she was wrong.

"Uh, are you ok?" Maddy questions. "You're crying."

"Yeah, sorry." Bonnie quickly wiped away her tear. "I just thought you were someone else." She mutters before walking away to join Elena at their both.

"What's wrong?" Elena questions her friend.

"Maddy's here." She states.

"Is she? Where at?" Elena quickly stands to her feet searching for her used to be friend.

"Don't bother. Klaus compelled her to forget us." Bonnie sighs, the two of them watching Maddy talk with the bartender, a carefree smile on her face.

"No way. Maddy wouldn't let him do that." Elena shakes her head.

"She devil wouldn't do what?" Damon asks joining the two of them.

"Klaus compelled Maddy's memories of us away." Elena states.

"Yeah, right. She'd never let him do that." He scoffs.

"That's what I said."

"I'm not lying, I saw her face. She didn't remember one bit. You guys can go see for yourself. She doesn't remember us."

With a huff, Damon walks towards Maddy. "Madison..." He calls out, gaining her attention.

"That's me... Who are you?" She asks, glancing his way before taking a sip of her drink.

"I can't tell if that's sarcasm or if Bonnie was right. Considering you're not bashing my head in with that bottle of bourbon, I'm gonna go with the latter one." He sighs.

"What?" Maddy furrows her eyebrows. "I'm lost. If this is your way of hitting on girls, I hate to break it to you buddy but you suck."

"You really let him do it." Damon shakes his head in disbelief as us steps closer. "You really don't remember me? After everything we've been through."

"Ok, I think you've had one too many drinks dude." Maddy states, standing from her seat. "Thanks for ruining my mood, you jerk."

Damon watches as she walks away, a hard look on his face. Bonnie and Elena join him, each of them also watching Maddy leave.

"I told you." Bonnie sighs.

"She's just gonna erase us over one stupid mistake." Elena huffs.

"Stupid?" Bonnie scoffs. "We tried to kill her, Elena. Maddy, we tried killing Maddy. We played a part in purposely hurting our friend. That's not a stupid mistake. It was the biggest mistake of our lives."

"Does it look like we need a re-cap?" Damon narrows his eyes at her. "You could've said no. You're the one who linked her life to Klaus's."

"It was Elena's idea."

"I was scared and confused. Mikael got inside my head. I wasn't thinking." Elena defends herself.

"That's exactly why no one lets you make your own decisions." Bonnie fires.

"Why are you acting like we forced you to go through with the plan?" Elena questions.

"Because I hurt her, by helping you. You two might be ok with being the villains in her story but I'm not." The witch explains.

"Technically, we're nobody in her story. She has no memory of us remember?" Damon chimes.

"You are really not helping." Bonnie snaps at the vampire.

"I'm not trying to. The way I see it, we get a do over.  I'm I pissed off that she doesn't remember that I was the love of her life at one point, yes. But now she doesn't know what we did." He shrugs.

"I don't want to start over with her. You guys have no idea how much she helped me. My friendship with her was the only thing that was getting me through this whole crazy supernatural mess. I don't have that friendship anymore." Bonnie states.

"We still have ours." Elena speaks.

"That's not the point. This isn't about you and I, Elena. This is about the fact that only person who actually cares about my well-being being no longer knows who I am."

"Hey, I care about your well-being."

"Do you? When's the last time you asked me if I was ok? When's the last time you made sure I slept or made sure I ate?" Bonnie questions, getting no response. "Exactly, you haven't. Every time I see Maddy she makes sure I'm ok. Every time I see you there's always another problem you're throwing on my plate. Yes, your my best friend, Elena. But you're not Maddy. You will never be Maddy."
