🩹💖Sick - Haechan X 127

Request by: softangel5

Warning: vomit

It was late, almost 4 AM and taeyong was still up working on something for 127. He was sure the rest of the members were asleep besides mark probably since the boy always stays up writing lyrics or practicing guitar.

He was typing on his laptop when he heard someone cough. At first he ignored it, but it continued every few minutes. It sounded wet and painful.

He removed his headphones and listened again hearing the cough a little more clearly.

"aish, that sounds bad..." he said to himself pondering if he should go check on whoever was coughing.

He decided to go. He placed his headphones down and stood up exiting his room where he ran into mark and taeil.

"hyung?" mark whispered.

"mark? Hyung? What are you guys doing up?"

"we heard coughing we wanted to go see if everyone was okay." Taeil said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

The coughing started again startling all three of them.

"aish, that's haechan for sure." Mark said recognizing the boys voice.

They walked down to haechan's door and opened it not caring to knock.

"haechannie?" taeil called out softly in case the boy was asleep.

Haechan groaned before another horrible painful sounding set of coughs left his lips.

"aish donghyuk-ah." Taeil said as he walked over to haechan's bed followed by taeyong and mark.

Mark clicked on the small lamp on haechan's bed side table.

"hyuckie you sound horrible, are you feeling okay?" taeil asked softly as he sat on the edge of haechan's bed.

Haechan shook his head unable to make words.

Taeil placed his hand on haechan's forehead and winced at how warm he was.

"he has a fever." He informed the other two.

Taeyong's eyes went wide.

"oh you poor thing... when did this start haechannie?"

"l...last night..." he forced out with a very raspy voice.

"here, sit up hyuckie, let's get you some medicine." Taeil said as he gently helped haechan up into a sitting position.

"I'll go grab the fever reducers and see if we have some cough syrup." Taeyong said before he left into the hall.

Mark knelt down next to haechan replacing where taeyong was.

Haechan began coughing again, violent wet coughs echoing through the room.

"Jesus, that sounds awful..." mark said rubbing haechan's back.

The fit lasted a few minutes before he stopped and struggled to take in a breath.

"your poor throat must be on fire right now..." taeil pouted running his fingers through haechan's hair.

"I feel terrible...everything hurts..." he whined with a barely audible voice.

"I'm so sorry hyuckie, we're gonna try and make you feel better okay? Just hang tight for a second." Mark said his hand still gently resting on haechan's back.

Just then another horrible coughing fit wracked his body, the coughs sounded even worse than before.

Haechan doubled over due to t he force of them sounding almost like he was choking.

"easy hyuckie, try to breathe honey." Taeil said feeling worried for the poor boy.

When the fit ended his face was red, his eyes wet and bloodshot.

Haechan groaned at the pain in his throat.

Taeyong returned with some pills, a bottle of cough syrup, and a bottle of water.

"here hyuckie, take these first." He handed hyuck the pills.

He shakily took them finding it difficult to swallow them.

"okay now the syrup." Taeyong said as he poured the thick red liquid into the small medicine cup.

Haechan winced at the thought of swallowing the terrible syrup.

"I know hyuckie, but it will make you feel better." Mark said noticing his face.

Taeyong handed hyuck the small cup and capped the syrup.

Taeil sat with the water uncapped ready to give it to haechan.

Haechan reluctantly raised the cup to his mouth and downed it like a shot grimacing at the taste.

As if the universe rejecting him, he immediately began coughing again before all the liquid could even get all the way down his throat.

He jolted forward the syrup and some of the water he drank coming out of his mouth as he lurched forward, more horrible coughs coming from him.

The three flinched at the sudden situation.

The violent motion and the feeling of cough syrup in his mouth caused him to gag and as if the situation wasn't bad enough he coughed and brought up a mouthful of sick onto the floor and on his shirt and blanket.

Taeyong was quickly in action grabbing haechan's trashcan by his desk and holding it in front of him just as haechan gagged again.

Mark winced at the sight but rubbed haechan's back as the poor boy puked.

"it's okay hyuckie...you're okay, we're right here." Taeil cooed softly pulling haechan's auburn locks back.

Just then there were two more figures at haechan's door, jaehyun and Yuta.

"hey what's going on- oh, nevermind." Jaehyun said as they saw the mess in the room.

Yuta rushed in to help followed by jaehyun.

"what can we do hyung?" jaehyun asked.

"um, can you start the shower for him please?"

Jaehyun nodded and rushed to the bathroom to turn on the shower.

Haechan rose his head out of the bin and whined in discomfort and pain.

"are you okay baby? Are you all finished?" yuta asked very softly placing his hand on his waist not caring about the mess in his lap.

He nodded weakly leaning his head against taeil. He had tears on his cheeks as his brain was flooded with pain, fatigue, and embarrassment.

Taeyong moved the bin back to the floor and began removing haechan's bedding so it could be washed.

He noticed haechan's tears and his heart ached.

"oh hyuckie, baby it's okay, don't cry honey." He cooed softly as he wiped haechan's cheeks with his sleeves.

"m'sorry..." he whined.

"baby It's okay, don't be sorry." Taeil said as he tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear.

"come here baby, let's get you cleaned up okay?" yuta said as he helped haechan stand.

Haechan wiped his face and calmed his feverish tears as he followed yuta.

He led haechan to the bathroom where jaehyun was waiting so he could help clean the younger.

Mark and taeil worked on cleaning the floor and the bin while yuta and jaehyun helped haechan in the bathroom.

"haechannie? Are you comfortable with us washing you?" jaehyun asked seriously.

Haechan just nodded feeling too weak to talk.

Yuta and jaehyun nodded at each other before working on removing his clothes and getting him in the shower. They stood on either side of him, yuta holding him steady while jae hosed him off with the shower head.

Once he was clean, they helped him dry off and dress in fresh clothes before brushing his teeth and leading him back into his bedroom where he had fresh bedding and a now clean floor.

"is your stomach hurting hyuckie?" mark asked as he helped haechan settle into bed.

Haechan shook his head.

"just my throat hyung..." he forced out.

"okay hyuckie, why don't we try pills this time instead of the syrup?" taeil said softly.

Haechan nodded weakly before some more coughs escaped his lips.

Taeil gently placed the small white pill into his mouth and gave him some water.

He swallowed it painfully before leaning back against his headboard.

Taeyong returned a few minutes later.

"how are you hyuckie?"

"my throat hurts hyung.." he whined.

"I know baby, hopefully the medicine will help." He said brushing his hand through haechan's hair.

"m'sorry for causing a mess hyung."

"yah lee donghyuk don't apologize, it wasn't your fault baby."

"it's better than you choking hyuckie, we just want you to be alright." Mark said his hand resting on haechan's chest.

Haechan nodded softly.

"do you wanna go back to sleep hyuckie?" taeil asked.

He nodded his eyes already drooping.

"okay baby, go ahead and lay down."

Haechan slowly slid under his covers and rested against his pillow.

"I think one of us should stay with him." yuta said.

"I'll do it, you guys go get some more sleep before practice." Mark said.

"are you sure mark? You haven't even been to sleep yet." Taeyong said.

"how did you know that?"

"mark, this isn't my first day knowing you."

Mark looked away guiltily.

"still, let me stay with him."

"okay, call one of us if you need help."

"I will."

They slowly left the room one by one leaving mark with haechan wh was already fast asleep.

Mark sat next to him carding his fingers through his hair wincing at the heat of his skin beneath his hand.

"aish hyuckie, get better soon please, I hate seeing you in pain." He whispered out loud before he layed down next to him and wrapped a loose arm around his waist.

After a few hours, mark had fallen asleep as well keeping hyuck secure in his hold.

By 8 AM the boys had woken up to get ready for practice.

Taeyong and johnny had entered haechan's room to check his condition.

Mark slowly rose up as he heard them enter the room.

"morning mark, how is he?" taeyong asked.

"he seems alright, he slept the whole time, he didn't cough much after he took the medicine."

"okay that's good, let me check his temperature."

Taeyong hovered the thermometer over haechan's forehead until it beeped.

"ah, still a little high but it's lower than it was."

"we should let him rest, have mark stay back." johnny said.

"are you okay with that mark?" taeyong asked.

"yeah of course hyung, will you be okay without me at practice?"

"I'm sure we'll manage." Johnny teased.

"you should get some more sleep too mark, you've only gotten like three hours." Taeyong said.

"alright hyung, if you're sure."

Taeyong smiled softly before they left haechan's room.

Mark layed back down next to haechan dozing back to sleep until haechan woke up a few hours later.

"hey hyuckie, how are you feeling?"

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked over at mark.

"m'okay hyung, I feel a lot better."

Mark smiled at how much better haechan's voice sounded.

"I'm so glad, you still have a fever, but it seemed to go down a lot."

Haechan nodded.

"thank you for taking care of me hyung."

Mark smiled ruffling haechan's hair.

"yah don't get all sappy." Mark teased.

Haechan giggled awkwardly.

"donghyuk it's my job to take care of you, I'm your leader remember?"

"not in this dorm, taeyong is my leader under this roof." Haechan snarked sticking his tongue out at mark.

"yah do you want me to hit you?"

Haechan laughed shaking his head.

"but seriously, thank you hyung."

Mark smiled pulling haechan into his arms.

"anytime hyuck."

Haechan giggled softly.

"hyung let go you'll get sick too."

Mark shrugged snuggling closer to haechan.

"we're way past that hyuck, I slept here all night."

Haechan rolled his eyes at his clingy hyung before giving in and snuggling into him.

"don't worry hyung, if you get sick I'll take care of you."

Mark chuckled.

"yeah right, you'll leave me for Jeno, and you know it."

Haechan laughed.

"this time will be an exception."

Mark laughed.

"okay hyuck. Get some more rest okay? That fever still needs to break."

Haechan nodded against mark's neck laying his head on his chest afterwards.

Mark ran his hand through his hair before he felt him fall asleep soundly on his chest.

He smiled feeling relieved he was feeling better as he kept him close.

Within the next twelve hours, haechan's fever broke and his symptoms disappeared. He was back to annoying the hell out of the dreamies in no time feeling grateful for his hyungs for taking care of him.
