💖Homesick Yu-Win

Nct just finished a busy schedule and were arriving back at the dorms. Winwin was chatting with Ten when he noticed Yuta from across the room. He eyed the taller and watched him avoid the others and go straight to his room.

"Sicheng? Is something wrong?" ten asked noticing winwin spacing out.

"what? Oh, sorry ten... hey, have you noticed Yuta's weird behavior lately?"

Ten thought for a moment.

"well, he did seem a little down today, I figured he was just tired from all the schedules." Ten responded.

"I'm gonna go check on him." Winwin said softly before politely leaving ten and vanishing down the hallway.

He knocked on Yuta's door and waited for a response. Seconds later the door opened revealing a very tired and distressed looking Yuta.

"Yuta?" win win said softly taking in his glum expression.

"hey sichengie... what's up?" Yuta said forcing a smile.

"hyung... are you alright?"

Yuta looked surprised by the question.

"I'm fine, why are you asking?"

Winwin gave him an unconvinced expression.

"you know if something's bothering you, you can tell me, right?"

"yeah, of course chengie..."


"I'm gonna take a nap chengie, I'll see you later okay?" with that, Yuta shut the door on winwin leaving winwin even more concerned. He sighed in defeat and walked back to the others who were sitting in the living room.

"hey Sicheng, where's Yuta?" taeyong asked as he scooped rice into 9 bowls.

"he's taking a nap." Winwin said softly.

"what's the matter win-win?" mark said from beside taeyong.

"I don't know, I think there's something wrong with Yuta, he's been acting weird lately."

"maybe he's just tired chengie, don't worry too much." Doyoung said wrapping his arm around win win's shoulders.

Several hours passed and almost all the boys were getting ready for bed. Yuta still hadn't come out of his room and winwin was getting even more worried.

On his way to bed he stopped by Yuta's door. He heard the tv playing so he assumed Yuta was awake.

He opened the door without knocking and shut it behind him entering Yuta's room. The room was dark, the only light coming from the tv. Yuta was sitting on the floor in front of his bed looking at the TV, his knees drawn to his chest tightly.

He slowly walked over and sat next to Yuta on the floor.

He didn't say anything at first and looked up at what Yuta was watching. He quickly realized the drama was in Japanese. He leaned back against the foot of Yuta's bed.

"what's this drama called?" winwin asked with a smile.

Yuta didn't answer him.

Winwin leaned forward to look at Yuta's face.

He saw tears streaming down Yuta's face and instantly grew concerned.

"Yuta? Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying hyung?" winwin shifted so he could face Yuta. He placed a gentle hand on Yuta's knee.

Suddenly Yuta began crying harder.

"Yuta... baby please talk to me, what's going on?"

Yuta moved suddenly throwing himself into win win's arms. He buried his face in win win's shoulder as soft sobs came from his mouth.

Winwin wrapped his arms around him securely rubbing his back and squeezing him tightly.

"I miss it chengie!... I miss it so much!" Yuta cried his words slightly muffled by win win's shoulder.

It took winwin a second before he connected the pieces.

Yuta was homesick, he missed japan.

"I just feel so overwhelmed chengie! I just... it's a lot... I just wanna go home..." Yuta tearfully admitted into win win's shoulder.

"oh Yuta... I'm so sorry baby... is this what's been bothering you these past few days?"

He felt Yuta nod.

He brought his hand up to card through Yuta's long hair, stroking it gently trying his hardest to comfort the older.

"baby, why didn't you tell me?"

"i... I didn't...wanna bother you, we were all so busy these past few weeks, i... didn't want to stress you out anymore..."

"Yuta, honey you are never a bother to me do you understand me?"

Yuta sat up and looked down at the floor.

"I'm sorry sichengie."

"why are you apologizing?"

"I'm sorry for acting like this, and for lying to you."

Winwin placed his hand on Yuta's cheek. He brought his face upwards so he could look at him.

"you have nothing to apologize for my love, everything's okay baby. You are allowed to feel homesick or sad, there's nothing to be sorry for." Winwin wiped Yuta's wet cheeks.

"thank you chengie..."

"come here Yuta." Winwin opened his arms for Yuta and embraced him in a hug once again.

"I will always be here for you no matter what, don't ever be afraid to come to me okay?"

Yuta leaned up to look into win win's eyes.

"I love you sichengie."

Sicheng leaned upwards and placed a soft kiss to Yuta's lips.

"I love you too baby."
