🖤Abuse (Jisung)

Requested By : reaganfanfiction5


All of the nct members were gathered around in one of the SM practice rooms, their manager told them they were starting a new project so they were anxious to see what they'd be doing. all eighteen members filed into the small room. they all stood patiently waiting for the manager to enter the room. they were all chatting when the door opened revealing their manager and another man they had never seen before.

"good morning boys, i'm sure you're all excited to hear about your next project?" the manager said with a grin.

the boys all nodded in anticipation.

"okay well, we're putting together a collaboration with all of you. 127 and dream will come together and make a music video, the song is called Black On Black, and you guy's will be called NCT 2018."

"oh cool!" jaehyun exclaimed looking around at his members. the members of NCT dream all smiled excited to start this new project. mark and johnny did their handshake while jaemin attacked his members with hugs.

"alright so, we're starting the choreography today. boys, i'd like you to meet you're new choreographer, Lee Jiwook."

the unknown man stepped foreward bowing politely as he greeted the boys. the members all greeted him back.

"he will be working with you for a few weeks until you get the dance down and then we'll work on vocals and adlibs. work hard, i can't wait to see how this turns out." the manager said with a determined smile before he left the room leaving the boys and jiwook alone.

"alright boy's let's get started shall we?" jiwook clapped his hands once to get their attention before standing in front of the group.

the first day went very well. every one pretty much got the hang of the choreo quite fast and were showing great promise for this comeback.

"you guys did fantastic today! keep this up and this music video will be complete in no time! alright now go rest and stay hydrated, i'll see you tomorrow." jiwook said wiping his brow.

the boy's all began filing out of the room, jisung being the last one. he was about to leave when jiwook called his name. he stopped and turned towards the choreographer.

"yes sir?" jisung asked politely.

"hey, why don't you stay behind for a bit and we can work on the parts you're having trouble with."

jisung smiled at jiwook. "that would be great! thank you sir." jisung said putting his bag and water bottle down.

"okay, let's start from the top and work from there." jiwook said starting the music. jisung began dancing, the moves already stamped in his brain. he smiled at himself in the mirror as he did the moves, he was quite impressed with himself. after he finished the choreography, he stood tall waiting for feedback.

jiwook placed his hand on his chin and walked up to jisung.

jisung stood there panting when suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his arm. he looked at jiwook who had his hand raised with a disapproving look on his face.

jisung blinked in disbelief before speaking.

"w...why did you hit me?" jisung said rubbing his stinging arm.

jiwook furrowed his brows and stepped foreward abruptly, he raised his hand again and slapped jisung across the face causing jisung to double over clutching his cheek.

jiwook stepped closer and gently lifted jisung back up giving him a warm smile.

jisung had tears in his eyes as he rubbed his face.

"i'm sorry jisung but you didn't do very well with the choreography. we can't have you messing up on something this important now can we?" jiwook spoke in a sweet tone, rubbing jisungs arm in a comforting fashion.

he reached up and wiped a tear off of jisungs cheek.

"now now jisung, don't cry, it's nothing personal, if you mess up, you have to be punished, you understand right?" jiwook placed his hand on jisung's shoulder.

jisung gave a small nod as his tears stopped. jiwook ruffled his hair with a smile.

"good boy, okay, we're done for today, go rest up." jiwook said walking across the room to grab his things.

jisung quickly left the practice room, his head filled with confusion. does he hit all of the member's? was i really doing that bad? it's only the first day... Jisung rubbed his cheek as he made his way to the Dream dorms. he walked through the door and was immediately greeted by Mark.

"there you are jisung! what took you so long?" mark asked eying jisung's body language.

"oh, uh.. jiwook was helping me work on a part of the choreo..." jisung removed his hand from his face and scratched the back of his head. mark raised an eyebrow.

"jisung? are you okay?" Mark said which alerted the others in the living room. haechan ran up to them and examined jisung.

"i'm fine guys, just tired. i'm gonna go take a nap okay?" jisung said before making his way to his room.

"that was weird." haechan said. "yeah, maybe he's having more trouble with the dance then we are." Mark added shrugging his shoulders and returning to the others.

jisung sat on his bed examining his arm where jiwook slapped him. there was a bright red mark that was slowly turning into a bruise. he threw on a hoodie and curled up under the covers trying to not think about jiwook.

the next day went pretty much the same. jisung stayed after practice and apparently was doing worse than he did the first day. jiwook slapped him multiple times and yelled at him when he got frusterated. jisung stood against the wall as jiwook screamed in his face. if he was being honest, jiwook scared him, he scared him a lot. why was he the only one getting punished? he wasn't even doing a bad job. jisung thought about telling the others but jiwook kept convincing him that the punishment was normal. this went on throughout the entire first week of practice.

jisung's arms and abdomen were now covered in bruises. he had to constantly wear long sleeves to avoid the other member's seeing them.

NCT Dream and 127 were all together to talk about the comeback. jisung sat on the couch in between Mark and taeyong. he had so many eyes on him and he was terrified of his members seeing his injuries. he kept pulling his sleeves over his hands trying his hardest not to look suspicious. after they finished discussing the music video, they all were just hanging out, chatting, laughing, but jisung desperately wanted to leave. he couldn't risk anything being seen.

as he was lost in his nervous thoughts, he didn't even hear Mark talking to him.

"jisung? hey jisung!" mark shook jisungs shoulder which really hurt his sore muscles.

"what? oh, sorry, what did you say?" jisung asked frantically pulling at his sleeves.

"i asked if you were feeling okay? you look pale and you're sweating."

jisung looked around at the other seventeen people around him all looking at him with concerned faces.

"jisungie, it's 85 degrees outside, you're probably overheating wearing that hoodie. why don't you take it off?"taeyong suggested giving him a sweet smile.

"no... no i'm okay." jisung stuttered nervously. just then, jaemin came over to him.

"come on jisungie, you look like you're going to pass out, just take it off for a bit." jaemin grabbed the bottom of jisung's hoodie beginning to lift it off.

jisung panicked, he wasn't as strong as jaemin and as much as he fought, jaemin got the hoodie off leaving jisung in his t-shirt.

"see? you'll feel better." jaemin said tossing the hoodie to the side.

jisung glanced down at his arms, the purple and blue marks standing out against his pale skin. he hid his arms behind his back quickly but mark definitely saw something.

"okay, well i'm gonna take a shower, bye!" jisung ran out of the room to the bathroom grabbing his hoodie on the way.

all the boy's looked at each other with worried expressions.

"dude, something's definitely wrong with jisung." johnny said running his hand through his hair.

"why is he acting so weird? if something was wrong he'd tell us right?" jungwoo chimed in.

the rest of the members just shrugged confused and concerned for the youngest.

after the group separated, mark pulled taeyong aside.

"hyung, i think jisung may be hurting himself..." Mark said in a serious tone.

"why do you say that?" taeyong asked placing his hand on mark's shoulder.

"well, he keeps hiding his arms, and before he ran out i saw a huge bruise on his forearm... "

"we should probably try to talk to him, why would he hurt himself? he's always told us when something was wrong." taeyong said with curled brows.

"i think he's still in the shower, we should wait in his room." mark suggested gesturing down the hall.

they walked into jisung's room and sat on his bed. jisung finished showering and dressed himself in sweatpants and his hoodie. he walked into his room drying his hair but stopped when he saw taeyong and mark on his bed.

"uh... hey guys? what are you doing in here?" jisung asked raising an eyebrow.

taeyong stood up and walked over to jisung. he shut the door and placed his hand on jisung's shoulder.

"sit down jisung."

jisung swallowed hard. he sat on the bed next to mark who had a heartbroken expression on his face.

"what's this about?" jisung asked nervously.

mark took a deep breath, the question not wanting to come out of his mouth. he placed his hand on jisung's.

"jisungie, have you been... hurting yourself?"

jisung was surprised by the question. did he really make his leaders think that? he's been worrying the entire group since the start, that's the last thing he wanted.

he looked at mark squeezing his hand.

"mark-hyung, i would never harm myself. i promise you i am not hurting myself, you don't have to worry." jisung gave a small smile.

"jisung... i saw the bruise on you're arm, and you keep hiding you're arms and you've been acting weird ever since we started this comeback, can't you tell us what's going on?"

"guy's, nothing is going on, i'm super excited about the comeback, and jiwook's been helping me get the dance down, I've just been kinda tired lately, that's all." jisung said confidently looking at his worried hyungs.

"you promise?" taeyong said walking towards the youngest.

"i promise hyung." jisung said smiling.

jisung leaned foreward and pulled mark into a quick hug to reassure him. he broke apart and gave taeyong one aswell, the pressure of taeyongs arms pushing on his bruises making him wince against taeyongs chest.

soon after, mark and taeyong left leaving jisung alone. once they were gone, jisung went into the bathroom removing his shirt to examine his body. he gently brushed his fingers over the bruises wincing upon the contact. he ran his hand down his throbbing abdomen, tears welling in his eyes.









"you know i have to do this jisungie, you won't improve if i don't."

"i'm sorry jisungie, i'm not trying to hurt you but you need to be disciplined."

"i'm only doing this because i care about you."

Jiwook's voice echoed through jisung's head. why does he only punish me? i can't be that bad right? am i really cut out to be apart of the group?

jisung looked into the mirror as a tear rolled down his face. he wiped it away quickly, but more followed anyways. he clutched the sides of the sink as tears dripped down his face. he calmed himself down and wiped his eyes, splashing cool water in his face to ease the swelling of his eyes.

"Taeyong, i still think something's wrong." mark said once they were far from jisung's room.

"me too, i just wish he'd talk to us... i can't stand the thought of the youngest member going through something on his own..."

mark placed his hand on his chin for a second before he thought of something.

"wait, he only started acting this way after he started working on his moves with jiwook right?"

"yeah basically." taeyong answered.

"what if jiwook is doing something to him?"

"do you really think jiwook would do something like that?" taeyong asked, his eyes widening at the thought.

"let's hang around after practice tomorrow, see how jiwook acts around him." mark said with a determined look on his face.

"okay. i swear to god if he's been hurting jisungie i'll kill him." taeyong said curling his hands into fists.

the members went through dance practice as normal but taeyong and mark kept looking at each other throughout the dance. once they finished, the members left the room but stood outside the door this time instead of going to the dorms. taeyong, mark, and johnny stood the closest. jaehyun, Yuta, and lucas directly behind them.

they listened through the door for a few minutes before they heard jiwook scream at jisung and a loud sound of skin hitting skin echo off the walls. that was all Mark needed to storm into the room.

"what the hell is going on in here!?" he screamed observing the situation.

jiwook had an angry expression, his hand raised and jisung was on the ground clutching the side of his face and shaking.

Mark growled as he stormed up to jiwook, taeyong, johhny and jaehyun running up behind him.

mark grabbed the collar of jiwook's shirt and stared at him with angry eyes.

"did you hit him?!" mark asked, his teeth clenched in anger his fist curled so tight his knuckles turned white.

"what i do is none of your business!" jiwook yelled before throwing mark to the ground. taeyong rushed to mark and johnny slammed jiwook into the wall.

"You really don't wanna do that bro." johnny threatened grinding his teeth.

mark stood back up.

"Did you fucking hurt jisung!? answer me right now!!" mark screamed.

"he needed to be disciplined!" jiwook yelled back as johnny gripped his collar tightly.

all of the members gasped, anger boiling inside them.

"that's it! get the fuck out of here! stay away from us!" johhny screamed as he dragged jiwook out of the room.

mark quickly ran to jisung who was still on the floor holding his cheek.

"jisungie! are you okay?! what did he do to you!?" mark wrapped his arms around jisungs shoulders to help him sit up.

"hey, calm down... i'm okay, it was only one punch..." jisung said softly.

"what!? he punched you!?" doyoung yelled in disbelief.

"jisungie, why didn't you tell us he was hitting you?" mark asked looking into jisungs eyes.

"i didn't think it was a big deal... he told me he had to discipline me when i did the moves wrong, it's my fault i couldn't get the dance..."

mark couldn't believe the words that were coming out of jisung's mouth. he thought all of that was normal and okay, he thought it was all his fault.

mark felt his heart break.

"jisungie, it is not okay for him to hurt you, you should never ever let anyone treat you like that do you understand me?" mark said his voice cracking slightly.

jisung looked down at the ground, his eyes quickly filling with tears.

"i'm sorry... i'm so sorry Mark-hyung... i just wanted to do well on this comeback..." jisung brought his hands up to his face to mask the rapid flow of tears streaming down his cheeks.

mark felt tears well in his own eyes as he grabbed the younger and pulled him into his chest.

"don't you dare apologize jisungie! none of this is you're fault." mark squeezed his dongsaeng tightly as he cried into mark's chest.

the rest of the members had tears in their eyes as they got onto the floor to join the hug. they embraced jisung's small, shaking frame and cooed softly to him trying to soothe him.

not long after, johnny returned to the practice room, an angry expression on his face.

"i told the manager what happened, he fired jiwook." johnny informed as he frowned at the sight of all his members crying together on the floor.

just then, the manager came running in in search for jisung. the group broke apart and jisung stood up trying his best to stop his tears. he stood in front of their manager before the manager grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

"i am so so sorry jisung. i had no idea he would act that way, i would not have hired him if i knew he would bring harm to you, i am extremely sorry i put you through that jisung-ah."

"it's okay, you didn't know." jisung said lowly.

"come with me, we'll sort all of this out and give you a vacation okay? we have to call you're parent's aswell." the manger lead jisung out of the room and the rest of the group followed except for mark and taeyong. mark was still sitting on the ground where he had been hugging jisung, his right hand covering his eyes as tears rolled down his face.

taeyong frowned sadly ad he knelt down next to mark.

"it's okay Mark, don't cry." taeyong spoke gently as he rubbed marks shoulder.

"hyung... i'm responsible for him, and i let him go a week and a half of being abused by him.... why didn't i ask him earlier hyung? maybe he would've told me.."

"shhhh, mark, none of us knew it was going on, this is not your fault okay?" taeyong reassured, pulling mark into his arms rubbing circles on his back.

mark stopped crying and hugged him back before they both left the practice room.

the group was given a two week break after the incident.

that night, mark went to jisung's room.

he walked in without knocking and saw jisung standing in the middle of the room shirtless, holding a shirt in his hands, assumingly about to put it on.

mark's eyes widened as he looked at jisung's body. bruises all over his skin turning his skin a blotchy black and blue.

"jisungie... i'm so sorry." mark said startling jisung.

mark walked up to the younger to get a closer look.

"mark, don't apologize, it's not you're fault."

"i can't believe i didn't notice sooner.." mark said looking at the floor.

"mark, stop that, i'm the one who kept it a secret, how could you have known?"

mark sighed. jisung threw on his shirt and grabbed mark pulling him into a hug.

"i'm okay now mark, don't worry so much okay?" jisung said in a reassuring tone.

mark hugged jisung back taking a deep breath.

over the next two weeks the group worked on vocals and danced with their original choreographer in order to prepare for the black on black music video. they all kept a close eye on jisung throughout all of it.

eventually, jisung's bruises healed and he felt a lot better especially having his members by his side.

I'm so sorry this is so bad lol. i had no idea how to end this. i hope you liked this despite it being terrible lmao. :)
