🖤Abuse - Jeno

Request by: Celestisabelle5


The members of nct dream were working hard to finish their latest album. For this comeback, several of the members had solo projects to fill the album track list.

They were only a few days away from finishing the album and releasing the music video and the only thing that needed done was jeno's solo and mark and haechan's dance video.

They woke up early to get to the studio, the rest of the dreamies staying home and relaxing. Mark, haechan and jeno made their way to the studio, jeno saying goodbye and entering the recording studio as mark and haechan went to their practice room.

Jeno put his bag down and took off his jacket as he entered the studio expecting to see him usual vocal coach and producer.

"ah, you must be jeno." A man came out from the corner of the room with a big smile on his face.

Jeno bowed but was a little confused, this man wasn't someone he recognized.

"ah yes, um, I'm sorry but where is Mr. Kim?"

"oh yes I figured they would have messaged you already, but I guess they forgot. Mr. Kim had a family emergency yesterday and needed to get back to Busan, so I am his substitute. My name is Chae Jinyoung."

Jeno sighed in understanding and smiled at the man.

"oh okay, well it's nice to meet you."

"you as well jeno, now how about we run through what you've worked on Tuesday just so I can see where you're at."

"sounds good sir."

"oh please call me hyung jeno, I'm not that old." The man chuckled.

Jeno laughed nervously and bowed.

"okay hyung." He smiled before he stepped into the booth and placed the headphones over his ears tapping his mic to check if it was on.

"okay so just sing from the top till verse two okay?" the man said into the mic.

Jeno nodded and leaned towards the mic, prepared to sing.

The music flowed through his headphones as he sang his solo song, it was slower in tempo showcasing jeno's ability to hold certain pitches and really highlight his vocal ability.

Once he ran through till the second verse, the music stopped and waited for the man's feedback.

The man sighed through the mic making jeno bite his lip in worry.

"aish jeno, I don't mean to upset you or anything, but I don't think that run through was very good." Jeno's face fell slightly.

"aish, really? I'm sorry, I must have not warmed up enough..."

The man gave him a sympathetic smile and clicked the intercom again.

"don't be discouraged jeno-ah, here, why don't I show you some techniques to improve?"

Jeno gave a small smile and nodded.

The man got up off his chair and entered the small recording booth with jeno. It was quite a tight squeeze but jeno felt comfortable around him, so he didn't mind.

"alright so when I was in school and studying music I also struggled with singing, you have a very nice voice, but I think your singing technique is a little off."

Jeno nodded listening to every word.

"so, first take in some deep breaths and blow them out through your mouth okay?"

The man demonstrated and jeno copied him feeling the air fill his lungs and leave them.

"good, a few of those."

Jeno did, the man standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

"great, now, make sure you are singing from your diaphragm. You should feel your stomach pulse with the notes you sing." The man demonstrated by singing the solfege scale showing jeno how his diaphragm moved with each note.

Jeno observed carefully and took mental notes.

"now, relax your body and sing your scale for me using your diaphragm."

Jeno took a breath and began singing his scale feeling his belly pulse with the sound.

The man smiled as he stepped closer to jeno and placed his hand on jeno's upper abdomen feeling the muscle pulse.

Jeno was taken off guard by the man's hand, but he brushed it off and continued to sing.

Jinyoung smiled warmly at jeno, his hand slowly caressing jeno abs.

Jeno stopped singing and looked at Jinyoung feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"h...how was that hyung?"

"very good jeno-ah, much much better." He said softly as his hand ran up to jeno's chest.

Jeno flinched slightly and looked at Jinyoung.

"um, h...hyung? W...what are you doing?" he asked with a shaky voice.

"shhhh, relax jeno, you're really tense, it'll affect your singing." He whispered as he moved behind jeno, both of his hands slowly sliding up to his shoulders. He massaged his shoulders deeply, his body pressed up against jeno's.

Jeno didn't like the way he was being touched but he decided to keep quiet, so he didn't risk getting in trouble or upsetting the man.

Jeno closed his eyes and took a shaky breath as he felt Jinyoung cold hands dig into his muscles. He swore he heard soft moans coming from his mouth, but he ignored it.

Jinyoung had a smile on his face, his eyelids hooded making him look slightly lustful which made jeno's stomach twist uncomfortably.

"feeling a little better jeno-ah?" he whispered in jeno's ear.

"y...yes hyung, we..we should keep recording now." Jeno said trying to keep himself calm.

"ah I guess your right, let's finish up todays practice then okay? You should rest that beautiful; voice of yours."

The man booped jeno's nose before exiting the booth and sitting back in his chair.

"ready whenever you are jeno-ah."

Jeno forced himself to smile and sing through his few verses.

He ran through them two times before Jinyoung told him he could leave.

Jinyoung bowed politely as he exited the booth. Jinyoung had his coat in his hands and jeno's bag swung on his shoulder.

"you did great today jeno, ill see you same time tomorrow alright?" he said as he put jeno's coat onto his and secured jeno's bag over his torso.

Jeno nodded as he backed away nonchalantly.

"have a good day jeno-ah, see you tomorrow." Jinyoung winked at him before jeno exited the studio and rushed down the hall.

Jeno felt gross, he felt like he could still feel the man's hands all over him, his thumbs digging into his shoulder, the whispery moans leaving his lips sent shudders up his spine.

He speed walked down to the dance practice room wanting to be around people he trusted.

He burst through the door and took a seat watching the two oldest dance.

When they finished practice they packed up and walked over to jeno.

"hey jeno, how was practice?" mark asked as he took a seat next to jeno and took a drink of water.

"it was okay, are...are you guys done now?" he cursed at his voice quivering.

"yeah, hey jeno? Are you doing okay?" mark asked immediately noticing jeno seemed upset.

"yeah, yeah I'm fine just, I really wanna get home."

Haechan shot mark a look and subconsciously placed his hand on jeno's shoulder.

Jeno flinched away from haechan's hand the touch startling him.

"jeno? I'm sorry did I hurt you?" haechan asked carefully.

Jeno relaxed knowing it was just haechan and apologized.

"i'm sorry hyung, you just startled me." he tried to force a giggle.

"are you sure?"

"mmhmm, come on, the boys are probably destroying the house." Jeno said before he rushed out the door.

Mark and haechan followed but hung back slightly.

"you saw that right hyung?" haechan asked.

"yeah, he flinched...he seems jittery too." Mark responded.

"maybe his anxiety flared up today." Haechan said.

"maybe...I just hope he'd talk to us if something was wrong."

They both sighed before they followed jeno up to the dorms.

The only thing jeno wanted to do was shower and get out of his clothes, they smelled like Jinyoung, and he didn't like it. He entered the dorms and kicked off his shoes ignoring the dreamies in the living room.

He went straight to his room and hopped in the shower.

"that was weird...he didn't' even acknowledge us." Chenle said looking up from the floor where he was laying with jisung.

Jaemin looked down the hall an anxious feeling settling in his gut.

"he's probably tired, let's give him a minute." Renjun said as he read a book.

Then the eldest walked in taking off their shoes and placing their bags down.

"hey hyungs, how was dance practice?" chenle asked.

"it was good, we finished most of the video we only need to do the last bit tomorrow." Mark said.

"hey, do you guys know what's up with jeno-hyung?" jisung asked softly.

"you guys noticed too?" haechan said as he took a seat on the couch next to Renjun.

"yeah, he just went to his room, he didn't say anything at all." Chenle said.

"we aren't sure, we think he's having some anxiety today, he was super jittery downstairs." Mark chimed in as he sat next to jaemin.

"poor jeno, I wonder if he's nervous about his solo." Jaemin said softly.

"let's just keep an eye on him, we'll talk to him if something seems wrong alright?" mark said leaning back against the couch, his muscles aching.

Jeno scrubbed at his skin in the shower, his hands shaking slightly as he thought about jinyoung touching him. he wasn't sure if he was overreacting or if what jinyoung was doing was wrong. He scrubbed his skin until it was red and decided he should get out.

He dressed himself in sweatpants and a t-shirt before he joined the dreamies.

"hey guys."

"jeno! Hey hyung, you okay?" jisung said as he walked over to him with a cute smile on his face.

"I'm okay sungie, sorry I rushed off, I really needed a shower." He said ruffling jisung's hair.

"that's okay Jen, are you hungry? We were talking about getting dinner." Chenle said.

"yeah sure, anything's fine you guys can pick." He smiled before he joined the members on the couch sitting next to jaemin.

Jaemin instantly cuddled up to jeno's side, his head on his shoulder, his arms around jeno's.

Jeno felt the touch and flinched away making jaemin jerk back in surprise.

Jeno had never refused jaemin's skinship before and all the members watched as the boy flinched in fear.

"jeno?" jaemin asked very softly being careful not to touch him.

"ah, I'm...I'm sorry jaemin i...I just don't really feel like cuddles right now." He said trying to calm his racing heart.

"oh, okay, that's alright jeno, I'm sorry." Jaemin said feeling a little guilty.

"no, don't be sorry, we can cuddle later okay?"

Jaemin nodded an uneasiness washing over him.

He really didn't like jeno's facial expression and he definitely noticed how his hands began trembling.

All the dreamies looked at each other as jeno excused himself from the room.

"he did it again hyung." Haechan said to mark.

"again?" jaemin asked.

"when we were downstairs I put my hand on jeno's shoulder and he flinched away just like he did now."

"I've never seen him look so freaked out, Hyung's his hands were shaking." Jaemin informed.

"something's going on, something is seriously wrong." Mark said.

Jeno hadn't returned yet and they were getting worried.

"I'm gonna go check on him, go ahead and order dinner okay?" jaemin said as he stood up.

"okay nana." Mark said before jaemin left the room.

He went up to jeno's door and knocked.

"just a second." He heard jeno's voice, it sounded a little strained.

After a few seconds the door opened revealing jeno in the doorway.

Jaemin's heart broke as he looked at jeno's face, his eyes were freshly red meaning jeno had been crying but he had a forced smile on his face clearly hiding the fact that he was hurting.

"hey jen, you disappeared so I wanted to check on you."

"oh, sorry nana, I didn't realize I had been away that long, I had something to do for the company on my computer."

Jaemin looked into jeno's glassy eyes wanting desperately for him to tell him what was wrong.

"hey jen?"


"can we...talk for a second?"

Jeno nodded thinking that something was wrong with jaemin.

"of course nana, here, come in." jeno opened his door so jaemin could walk in.

They sat on his bed and jeno waited for jaemin to talk.

"nana, what's up? you can talk to me you know that."

"jen, is everything okay?"

Jeno was caught off guard by jaemin's question.

"of course nana, why?"

Jaemin sighed softly and looked at jeno seeing his hands were still trembling.

"well it's just," he paused for a second.

"can I hold your hands jeno?" he asked softly knowing jeno seemed to be uncomfortable with touch.

Jeno took a quiet breath and nodded knowing he could trust jaemin.

Jaemin very slowly slid his hands into jeno's and held them feeling the tremors of his hands.

"you'd tell me if something was wrong right nono?"

Jeno felt guilty as he nodded giving jaemin a warm smile.

"of course nana."

"you just seem...a little off today I wanna make sure you're doing alright." Jaemin said softly squeezing jeno's hands.

"I'm perfectly fine nana, don't worry okay? I'm just tired from all the practice that's all."

"you promise?"

Jeno smiled.

"I promise nana."

"okay jen, as long as you're okay."

With that jaemin stood up.

"do you wanna come eat with us?"

"ah, I'm super tired jaem, I think I'm gonna call it a night."

"okay jen, sleep well." He smiled before leaving jeno's room and joining the dreamies in the kitchen.

"everything okay?" Renjun asked.

"I don't think so."

"what happened?" mark asked.

"he opened the door, and I could tell he was crying, his eyes were puffy and red. I talked to him, but he kept telling me he was okay."

"aish why is he being so secretive? We can't help him if he doesn't tell us what's wrong." Haechan said sadly.

"we can't force him to talk, if he wants to be left alone we have to respect that." Renjun said with a sad expression.

They just sat at the table feeling conflicted.

The next morning jeno got dressed and reluctantly left his room, he had some trouble sleeping as he was anxious about seeing jinyoung again. He washed his face and brushed his teeth before he left his room and joined mark and haechan in the doorway.

"we'll be back in a few hours boys, don't burn down the dorms." Mark teased.

"we won't hyung." Jisung said with a cheery smile.

"see you later hyungs!" chenle said.

They left the dorm and went down to the studio.

"okay, have a good day jeno, we'll see you soon okay?"

Jeno nodded and smiled at the oldest.

"you too hyungs."

With that, jeno went into the studio and the other two went to the dance practice room.

Jeno entered the studio putting his bag and coat down.

"jeno! Welcome back how are you?" jinyoung smiled as he helped jeno out of his coat.

"oh, I'm okay hyung, I'm excited to finish this recording."

"I'll bet, okay well hop in there and let's get started!"

Jeno rushed into the booth and warmed up his voice.

He began singing hoping it sounded good enough for him to be done with the recording.

After a few voiced he saw jinyoung get up and enter the sound booth.

Jeno visibly tensed as the small space was filled with Jinyoung's Prescence.

"what's up hyung?" he asked nervously.

He saw jinyoung reach over and lock the door which sent immediate chills up his spine.

Jinyoung approached him with a smile.

"you sounded so good jeno-ah." He slowly ran his hand up jeno's arm.

Jeno swallowed hard trying back away from the man.

"h.. hyung.. what are you d...doing?"

Jinyoung stepped closer his other hand slowly sliding up under jeno's shirt.

"jeno-ah, you have such a beautiful voice." He whispered seductively as he inched closer to jeno.

"you know, you're quite beautiful jeno-ah... I can't help but want to be closer to you."

"h...hyung...please...please don't."

Jinyoung wrapped an arm around jeno's waist and pulled him close, his lips near jeno's ear.

Jeno's eyes filled with tears as jinyoung pinned him to the wall.

"will you let me have you jeno-ah? Let me taste your sweet lips baby boy."

Jeno shook his head leaning away as jinyoung leaned forward. He pressed his lips to jeno's kissing him violently.

Jeno felt sick to his stomach as the man's lips moved all over his, his tongue shoved in jeno's mouth.

Jinyoung's hand roamed over jeno's abs and chest before he moved to suck on jeno's neck.

Tears streamed down jeno's cheeks as the man continued to violate him.

"you taste so good baby; I can make you feel so good jeno-ah..." he whispered as he slowly slid his hand down to jeno's waistband. Before he could go any further, there was aggressive knocking n the door.

Jinyoung stopped and sighed deeply standing up and straightening jeno's shirt.

"stop crying and get yourself together." He said coldly before he opened the studio door and walked towards the main door.

Jeno followed forcing himself to stop crying.

Jinyoung opened the door and saw the two eldest members of nct dream before him.

"hello, can I help you?"

"hi! We are here to pick up jeno."

"ah, okay wait one second." Jinyoung ran over to jeno making him immediately flinch.

"your hyungs are here. Don't you dare say anything about this you understand?" he was so close to jeno he could feel his hot breath on his face.

Jeno nodded aggressively.

"see you around jeno-ah." He whispered before he slowly caressed jeno's back before jeno rushed away to his hyungs outside.

Once they were in the hall, jeno immediately collapsed in haechan's arms as tears flowed out of his eyes.

Mark and haechan were caught off guard and were instantly concerned.

"jeno!? Hey? Hey what's wrong?" mark asked quickly.

"h...hyung...hyung i...I wanna go home...please...please get me away from here!" he sobbed.

"okay jeno, it's okay honey, we'll get you home okay? Calm down sweetheart." Mark said gently as he and haechan swiftly moved jeno upstairs.

They ushered him into the dorms and quickly set him on the couch, him clinging to haechan for dear life sobbing violently in his neck.

"hyung?! What happened?! What's going on!?" chenle asked as they brought jeno into the dorms. The rest of the dreamies sat around jeno extremely worried for the crying boy.

"we don't know, he just collapsed in tears and begged to go home." Marks aid quickly before he joined haechan and jeno on the couch.

"jeno-ah...honey talk to me, what happened?" mark spoke softly.

Jaemin was kneeling on the floor in front of jeno very concerned.

"he...he...he touched me...he...he kissed me! i...I begged him to stop but he...he just...kept doing it...i.... i can still...feel it...please...please don't make me go back!"

The boys were all absolutely in shock.

"jeno...jeno who did this to you? Mr. park?!" Renjun said in fear as they are all very close with the vocal coach.

"no...no...j.. jinyoung...he...he's a substitute..." he said shakily.

"oh my god, jeno... baby I am so sorry! Don't worry baby, we won't let him anywhere near you ever again okay?" tears filled mark's eyes.

Jeno cried hard into haechan's chest.

"jeno...baby take a deep breath, you aren't with him anymore sweetheart, we promise you're safe now." Mark tried to calm his own emotions to soothe jeno.

Jaemin had tears streaming down his face along with jisung and chenle.

"i...I'm sorry I didn't tell you...i...I was afraid...I was afraid it would affect the group if I told..." jeno sobbed.

"no, no jeno-ah, none of this is your fault baby...oh god jeno, listen to me, if you are ever in any danger or something is wrong you can always come talk to us, you should always come ask for help okay?" mark said softly.

Jeno nodded still in tears.

The rest of the dreamies joined the hug crying with jeno until he calmed a little bit.

"jeno, I promise you that he will not get away with this. I am going to talk to the manager and have jinyoung removed immediately. And I will never let you get hurt ever again okay? I promise." Mark said seriously.

"thank you hyung...I'm...I'm sorry for causing such a mess."

"stop. Jeno please stop apologizing..." it was jaemin, his voice was quivering and choked up.

Jeno looked over to jaemin and saw tears in his eyes.

"nana..." jeno said his heart breaking.

Jaemin couldn't take it anymore, he pushed past mark and engulfed jeno in a tight hug sobbing miserably into his shoulder.

"nana...don't cry...please." Jeno said feeling his eyes well up again.

"I can't believe this was happening to you...I can't believe we let you get hurt like this...I'm...I'm so sorry." Jaemin sobbed gripping jeno tight.

Jeno hugged him back hating the fact that jaemin was crying.

"nana, it's not your fault...please don't apologize..."

The rest of the dreamies silently comforted the two until everything finally calmed down.

It was quite late now and jeno was utterly exhausted. He and jaemin left the room to sleep, jaemin cuddling up to him.

Back in the living room mark was absolutely fuming as he held his phone to his ear.

"hyung, I need to see you right now.

Yes, I know it's late, but this is important.

"okay, I'll see you in ten."

"you guys stay here; I'm going to speak with he manager." Mark said wiping his eyes and leaving the dorms.

He returned a few hours later finding all the dreamies asleep in the living room except for haechan.

"what happened hyung?" haechan said immediately meeting mark in the doorway.

"they fired jinyoung. We're going on a hiatus and jeno is allowed to go home."

Mark was very clearly upset and haechan leaned forward and hugged him.

"don't beat yourself up hyung...you didn't know."

Mark breathed out a shaky breath and hugged haechan back.

When they broke apart they woke up the dreamies and took them to bed.

Over the next few weeks, nct dream was kept super quiet on the internet as they dealt with the charges against jinyoung and gave jeno some time to heal.

The dreamies took care of jeno and did their best to make him feel better until he felt okay enough to be in the public eye again.

The company made sure to do thorough background checks on anyone they hired and made sure that none of the members were alone with staff.
