💖Overworked- Taeyong

Request: 31LouisTomlinson31

I'm Not sure if i like this one tbh it didn't turn out the way i wanted but i hope it's still okay! <3

Taeyong yawned widely as he stretched his sore arms in front of the large mirror. He peeked behind him watching the two youngest runs through their steps one more time.

Taeyong was exhausted to say the least. He hadn't gotten a proper good night's sleep in almost two weeks and due to his stress levels, hasn't eaten a meal in several days.

"Hyung! Can we run through the choreo one more time? I think we almost got it."

Taeyong felt his eyelids feel heavy as he forced a smile to the maknae's.

"Oh of course sungie, let's run it through again." He said as he stood in front of them clicking a button on a remote to start the music. As he helped run through the moves, he felt his body sway slightly. his feet felt unsteady and his eyes drooping involuntarily. He dropped the remote, it clattering off the hardwood floor.

The two youngest instantly looked up seeing the older swaying. They instantly rushed to him now worried about the older.

Jisung placed his hand on Taeyong's arm looking at him worried.

"Hyung? Is everything okay? You don't look good hyung."

Taeyong forced his eyes open again as he looked at Jisung warmly.

Jisung immediately noticed the dark bags under the leader's eyes and his pale, sweaty face.

"I'm fine sungie, don't worry- "before he finished his sentence, he stumbled forward almost hitting the mirror in front of him.

"Woah! Hyung easy, are you sure you're feeling alright?" jisung asked trying to keep taeyong upright.

Chenle snuck away for a second leaving the older with jisung. He placed his phone to his ear until he got an answer.

"Chenle? What's up, everything okay?" Lucas's voice was warm and concerned as chenle usually texts instead of calling.

"Gege, I'm worried about Taeyong." Chenle said looking back at the swaying leader.

"what's wrong? Is he okay?"

"He looks like he hasn't slept in days gege, I'm afraid he's going to pass out." Chenle informed keeping a close eye on the other two.

"What?! Okay, okay, don't worry me, ten and mark just finished a meeting for Super M, we'll be over in five, okay? Just, try to get Taeyong to sit down, rest a little bit until we get there got it?"

"Okay gege, thank you."

With that, he hung up and rushed back to the leader.

"Hyung, you really don't look good. Here, come sit on the couch and drink some water."

"Chenle, I said I'm fine-

"Now hyung." He said sternly.

Taeyong gave up and let the younger boys walk him to a small couch in the corner of the room.

"Here hyung, drink this." Jisung handed taeyong a bottle of water watching his body sink against the couch cushions.

Taeyong's eyes were closing, and his mouth hung open involuntarily. Jisung slowly placed his hand on taeyong's back and layed him horizontally on the couch placing one of the cushions under his head.

Chenle watched the leader fight to keep his eyes open and he knew that he needed to sleep. He placed his hand on taeyong's head rubbing his thumb softly up and down the skin between his eyebrows soothing the boy quickly to sleep.

Jisung sat on the floor next to the couch holding taeyong's hand gently and stroking his knuckles with his thumb.

"he's finally asleep hyung." Jisung whispered as he looked at taeyong's tired sleeping face.

"Good." Chenle whispered back slowly running his hands through taeyong's hair.

Just then the practice room door opened revealing mark lucas and ten. They rushed over to them being shushed by the maknae's.

"Shhhh, he's asleep." Chenle whispered.

Mark approached his dongsaengs and ushered them away from taeyong while lucas and ten examined his pale skin and eye bags.

"I'm so proud of you guys. "Mark said ruffling their hair.

"I'm worried about taeyong hyung... why hasn't he been sleeping?" jisung said softly.

"I don't know sungie, I guess we'll see when he wakes up."

"He doesn't look good; we should take him home." Ten said stroking taeyong's back.

"Okay, here, put him on my back." lucas said standing up and turning around.

Ten and mark carefully lifted the sleeping boy onto Lucas' back before they took him to the car.

They tucked taeyong into his bed and went to the living room to see the other members.

"Is he okay? I got a text from mark saying he looked sick." Johnny said to ten.

"He seems fine, he's just exhausted. I don't think he's been sleeping regularly."

"Poor yongie... he must be stressing out about this comeback." Doyoung said joining lucas on the couch.

"Well, when he wakes up, we definitely need to have a talk." Taeil chimed in from the wall.

They nodded in agreement before doyoung and ten went back to taeyong's room to stay with him."

Taeyong successfully slept until the morning and when he woke up, he rolled to the side seeing doyoung laying beside him.

"Huh? Doyoung? Why? Why are you in my bed?"

Doyoung turned to look at the leader.

"Good morning yongie, how are you feeling?"

Taeyong realized what doyoung meant and knew he had been caught."

"I'm okay doyoung, good as new." He smiled but doyoung didn't smile back.

"Come with me yongie." Doyoung said getting out of bed.

Taeyong knew he was about to get lectured but he complied following doyoung into the living room. "Taeyong is awake everyone." Doyoung announced as he sat taeyong on the couch looking at two very disappointed members in front of him.

Johnny and taeil stood with their hands crossed over their chests looking at the leader with furrowed brows.

"You have some explaining to do lee taeyong." Taeil said with a serious face.

Taeyong looked down feeling guilty.

"Taeyong, why haven't you been sleeping?" johnny asked looking into taeyong's eyes.

He didn't say anything at first and just looked down at his folded hands.

"You know how dangerous it is to neglect your health taeyong, why would you be so careless?" taeil scolded.

Taeyong felt his eyes water feeling terrible for disappointing his hyungs. He kept his head down letting the tears silently roll down his cheeks.

Doyoung placed a gentle hand on his shoulder noticing how quiet he was being.

"Yongie?" doyoung said hearing the leader sniffle.

"I'm so sorry hyung..." he whimpered trying to stop his tears.

Suddenly taeil and johnny looked at each other with concerned expressions.

"Hey, yongie why are you crying?" taeil knelt down next to taeyong placing his hand on the top of his head.

He didn't answer and just hid his face in embarrassment.

Johnny joined taeil on the ground and rubbed taeyong's back.

"Taeyong? Tell me what's going on bubu." Taeil cooed softly stroking his fluffy hair.

"I'm... I'm sorry for disappointing you hyung. I've just... I haven't been able to sleep like at all and...and I'm really stressed about this comeback and I'm trying to make sure everything is perfect, but things keep going wrong and i-

"Shhhh, bubu slow down."

Taeyong stopped talking.

"I'm so sorry yongie, I know you've been so stressed about this comeback, but you know that overworking yourself is unhealthy, we don't want you to get sick bubu, that's all. You don't have to apologize yongie, nobody's mad, we were just worried about you."

"Please don't cry taeyongie, it's okay, we understand now, I'm sorry we yelled at you." Johnny said rubbing taeyong's shoulder.

Taeyong finally calmed down and looked up at them with soft eyes.

"it's okay hyung, I'm sorry I acted foolishly and worried you."

"it's okay yongie, we just want our leader to be okay." Johnny smiled ruffling his hair.

He smiled back feeling better.

"Now, will you promise us to never neglect your health like this again?" taeil said looking deeply into taeyong's dark eyes.

"Yes hyung, I promise."

Taeil smiled before he brought taeyong into a quick hug.

"Thank you hyung."

"We love you bubu, and you can always come talk to us if something is bothering you, okay?"

He nodded into taeil's shoulder.

"Okay bubu, let's get some breakfast hm?"

He nodded following Taeil to the kitchen where the others were all sitting together around a huge layout of food. They all warmly welcomed taeyong making sure he was feeling better before they began to eat making sure taeyong knew how loved he was.
