🩹💖Sick - Doyoung

Request by: niklee426_

Warning: Vomit

NCT 127 were all relaxing at home as they finally had an off day after four busy weeks of schedules. They were all dressed in comfy clothes and were relaxing on the couches in the living room watching tv and playing on their phones.

Jaehyun, johnny, and mark were all piled together on the couch all looking at something on johnny's phone while taeyong and taeil sat in a chair watching the tv. Jungwoo was sitting on the floor with haechan playing a card game and Yuta was fast asleep on the love seat.

Everyone was at peace enjoying their break from work. Except for doyoung.

He sat on the far end of the couch squirming uncomfortably. He felt discomfort in his stomach, and it wasn't getting any better. He shifted on the couch and wrapped his arms around his tummy feeling a particularly painful cramp strike him hard. He felt cold sweat coat his pale skin as he layed curled up in a fetal position on the couch.

Johnny had noticed the younger's discomfort and he non chalantly reached over and placed his hand on doyoung's back.

"You doing okay doyoung-ah?" he asked softly.

Doyoung gave a small groan and nodded not wanting johnny to worry about him.

"You sure? You don't look so good."

"I'm okay hyung...just a little tired." He lied.

Johnny wasn't fully convinced but he decided to not press the younger anymore. He kept his hand resting on his back the whole time though hoping it offered him some kind of comfort.

As doyoung layed there, the pain in his stomach worsened creating a swirling storm of queasiness to wash over him. he clenched his teeth and breathed out of his mouth trying to ease his nausea praying to God he wouldn't get sick.

Johnny noticed doyoung's body language and took note of his sweaty skin and pale sickly face. He quickly caught taeyong's attention and pointed to the younger.

Taeyong took out his phone and texted johnny.

"Something wrong with doyoung?"

"I don't know for sure, but I think he's not feeling well."

"Aww, poor doyoungie... does he look bad?"

"he's really pale and sweaty."

"Okay, we'll keep an eye on him, thanks hyung."

Johnny pocketed his phone and turned back to jaehyun and mark keeping doyoung in his peripheral.

Doyoung had felt himself doze off to sleep and had been napping for around fifteen minutes before he woke up suddenly. He felt a horrible pain in his stomach, his brain spinning with dizziness and a horrible wave of nausea hitting him like a truck.

He closed his eyes and massaged his belly trying to soothe the discomfort but with every second he felt sicker and sicker.

He felt his stomach flip and he knew he had no more time to stall. He suddenly jumped off the couch and bolted to the bathroom which alerted all the members except for Yuta who was still asleep.

"What just happened?" mark said with wide eyes.

"Shit, I knew he looked sick, I'll go check on him." johnny said as he got up from the couch and rushed after doyoung.

"I'll come with you hyung." Taeyong said as he peeled away from taeil and followed johnny into the hallway.

Once they entered the hall, they immediately heard doyoung retching miserably from the bathroom. Their hearts broke as they rushed in finding doyoung on his knees, his head buried in the toilet, his hands clutching the sides of the toilet seat so hard his knuckles were white.

Johnny quickly dropped to his knees and positioned himself behind the sick boy. He slowly wrapped his arm around doyoung's waist sliding his hand under doyoung's shirt rubbing gentle circles on doyoung's belly as he rubbed drew circles along his back with the other hand.

Doyoung gagged harshly as the contents of his stomach rose up his throat. He whined out in fear and discomfort not wanting to be sick.

"Doyoungie, you're okay baby, breathe through it and relax." Johnny cooed softly continuing to rub the boy's angry tummy.

"i...I don't wanna throw up h.. hyung.." doyoung whined, another empty gag leaving his throat.

"I know baby, but you'll feel better once it's all up, just relax and let it happen doyoung-ah, I'm right here with you." Johnny encouraged softly feeling sympathy for the younger.

Taeyong moved to sit on the edge of the tub and gently pulled doyoung's bangs back from his face just as the boy retched again, this time bringing up everything in his stomach into the bowl.

Johnny sighed in relief as doyoung finally relaxed letting his body take over. He knew how awful doyoung must feel but he just wanted doyoung to feel better as fast as possible.

"There you go baby, remember to breathe doyoungie." Johnny whispered as he pressed a soft kiss to the nape of doyoung's neck.

Doyoung finally finished and spit into the bowl, a disgusted groan leaving his lips.

"You okay doyoungie?" taeyong asked softly wiping doyoung's mouth with a piece of toilet paper.

Doyoung gave a soft nod.

Taeyong flushed the toilet and sat placing his hand on doyoung's cheek and forehead.

"Geez, hyung he's burning up." taeyong informed.

"Shit. Can you go get the thermometer yongie?" johnny asked softly.

Taeyong nodded and rushed off to grab the thermometer from the drawer in the kitchen.

Johnny sat with doyoung in silence for a few seconds before doyoung suddenly lurched forward again scrambling to grip the seat as he brought up another round of sick.

Johnny helped support the weak boy's weight as he heard the boy painfully vomit into the bowl, his stomach tensing beneath his hand as doyoung fought his horrible nausea.

He heard doyoung cry out in pain, tears beginning to drip down his cheeks.

"Shhhh, it's okay baby...deep breaths doyoungie, deep breaths." He whispered.

Doyoung breathed out harshly as he closed his eyes resting his head against the toilet seat. Tears continuously rolled down his cheeks, small heartbreaking whimpers leaving his lips as he sat in pain.

"I know doyoungie...I know this sucks baby, please don't cry, you'll be alright I promise.

Just then taeyong came back in with the thermometer and handed it to johnny.

He slowly raised doyoung's head up and gently placed the object under doyoung's tongue.

the object in doyoung's mouth made him want to gag but he clenched his tongue down waiting for it to beep.

Once it did johnny removed the thermometer and doyoung's head was instantly in the bowl again, taeyong quickly pulling his hair back once again.

"Oh poor doyoungie." Taeyong pouted as he waited for the boy to finish.

"He has a fever of 101 degrees... it's probably the flu." Johnny said as he capped the thermometer and placed it on the sink.

Doyoung finally finished and rose his head out of the bowl his head lulling forward in exhaustion. Taeyong wiped the boys' mouth again and flushed the toilet as johnny pulled doyoung to lean against his chest, resting the back of his head on his chest.

"Are you feeling any better doyoungie?" johnny asked sweetly.

"a little...I'm really tired hyung..." doyoung whined with tears in his eyes.

Taeyong pouted as he wiped doyoung's cheeks with his thumb.

"I know baby, are you all finished, or do you think you'll be sick again?" johnny asked softly.

"No, I think I'm done...I think my stomach is empty now..." doyoung said tiredly more involuntary tears rolling down his face.

"Okay baby, I'm gonna slowly pick you up now alright?" johnny informed as he stood up. he slowly picked doyoung up bridal style and pulled the boy into his chest. He carried him out of the bathroom and into his bedroom laying him in bed. They tucked him in and placed a small trashcan by his side of the bed in case he got sick again before taeyong fed him some fever reducers and stomach medicine giving him small sips of water.

"Try to get some rest doyoungie, me and taeyong will be here if you need anything okay?"

Doyoung nodded as his eyes slipped closed, exhaustion engulfing his entire body.

Once he was asleep, taeyong and johnny left his room and entered the hallway both sighing in relief.

"Gosh he's really sick..." taeyong said.

"Yeah, poor kid, let's just hope the worst of it is over." Johnny said running his hands through his hair.

"let's go tell the others what's going on." Taeyong said.

They both entered the living room finding the members looking worried.

"Is he okay?" haechan asked from the floor.

"Yeah I think so, he's sleeping right now but he just threw up like three times and he has a fever." Johnny replied.

"Oh jeez, poor doyoung..." jaehyun said.

"Yeah he's pretty sick...he seems very upset too due to his fever so if you guys go to see him please speak softly and don't upset him in anyway." Taeyong said in a soft leader tone.

"that's awful, he must be so uncomfortable." Taeil said sadly.

"Yeah, the poor thing was crying before he fell asleep." Taeyong said as he sat next to taeil.

"I hope he gets better soon." Mark chimed in.

"Me too mark." Taeyong said.

"Okay well I'm gonna stay with him in case he wakes up, you guys just keep enjoying your day off." Johnny said.

"Okay hyung, call us if you need any help." Haechan said.

"I will." Johnny smiled before he went back to doyoung's room finding the boy fast asleep.

He was shivering under the blankets and johnny's heart shattered.

He gently crawled into the bed and wiggled under the blankets immediately feeling doyoung's body radiating heat. He slowly wrapped his arms around the younger snuggling into him to help stop his shivering. He snuggled into doyoung and softly ran his fingers through doyoung's sweaty hair placing a soft kiss on doyoung's cheek.

After a few hours doyoung woke up feeling strong arms wrapped around him. he blinked a few times and looked to the side seeing johnny sleeping peacefully next to him.

He smiled softly at the older already feeling much better than he did earlier.

He shifted positions slightly and johnny instantly woke up and looked at doyoung.

"Oh sorry hyung...I didn't mean to wake you."

"No no it's okay doyoungie, how are you feeling?"

"Better hyung, I'm just kinda achy and tired, my stomach feels better though."

"Oh good, I'm so glad doyoung you had me so worried."

doyoung chuckled softly.

Johnny reached dup and placed his hand on doyoung's forehead feeling that the heat had significantly lowered leaving him only slightly warm.

"It looks like your fever has gone down a bit so that's good."

"Thank you for taking care of my john-hyung, I'm sorry I ruined your day off."

"Hey, you didn't ruin anything doyoung. All I care about is that you are okay, it's my job to take care of you doyoungie, no need to thank me."

Doyoung smiled softly at johnny and johnny playfully pinched doyoung's cheek.

"don't look at me like that, you're so cute I can't stand it." Johnny cooed smiling playfully at the younger who's cheeks flushed bright red.

"Hyung! Don't say stuff like that." He giggled playfully hitting johnny's chest.

"I'm sorry but it's true!" johnny teased.

Doyoung giggled softly before he snuggled closer to johnny which signaled for johnny to wrap his arms around him and pull him into his chest.

"Why don't you go back to sleep doyoungie, your body still needs some rest."

"Okay hyung, can I stay here though? It's so comfy." Doyoung said softly making johnny's heart melt.

"of course doyoungie, stay here as long as you want." Johnny smiled burying his face in doyoung's hair pressing a soft kiss to the crown of his head.

Doyoung snuggled deeply into johnny's chest and instantly fell back asleep.

Johnny smiled keeping doyoung securely in his hold until eventually he fell back asleep too.
