🖤💖Nightmare - Haechan

Request by Tasneeeeeeeeeeem

It was quite late, and the 127 dorms were very quiet, all the members either asleep or dong something quietly in their rooms. Taeyong was well awake tending to his fish and reviewing the schedule for the week. He was convinced all the others were already asleep, so he remained as quiet as possible.

He was sitting at his desk working on his laptop when he heard a strange sound. He brushed it off at first thinking it was nothing and went back to work.

The sound continued, it was faint, but it was definitely coming from one of the member's rooms. Taeyong sat up and tilted his head towards the door listening for the noise.

He heard it clear as day this time, the sound of heavy breathing and whimpering. The voice was slightly high- pitched, they sounded younger which meant it had to be haechan.

Taeyong was immediately on his feet his laptop abandoned on his desk. He rushed into the hall, the sound much louder now. He quickly shuffled over to haechan's door and knocked.

"hyuck? Are you alright?" he asked softly.

The sound didn't stop but he received no answer which made his chest ache in worry.

"hyuck? It's taeyong are you okay?"

Still no answer.

"okay, I'm coming in donghyuck." Taeyong announced before he turned the knob and rushed into haechan's room. it was pitch dark and haechan was still bundled up under his blankets in bed.

Taeyong sat on the edge of haechan's mattress and clicked on his bed side lamp seeing the boy's scrunched up expression and his shaking hands gripping the blankets extremely tight. His skin was coated in a thin layer of sweat, his eyes moving rapidly under his eyelids.

Taeyong quickly shook his shoulder trying to wake him up.

"donghyuck, wake up, open your eyes for me hyuckie." He called as he continued to shake the boy's shoulder.

Donghyuck showed no sign of waking up despite taeyong's attempts.

Haechan's breaths were quick and shallow like he was panicking in his sleep. Taeyong took a breath and reached under haechan to lift him up into a sitting position. He held him up securely and shook his gently.

"donghyuck! Wake up hyuckie, open your eyes please hyuckie." Taeyong called slightly louder than before.

Suddenly, haechan's body flinched slightly and his eyes shot open. He glanced around the dimly lit room in a panic, his eyes darting in all directions.

"hey, hey, hyuckie it's okay, it's just me, you're okay." Taeyong said quickly noticing the boy's panic.

Donghyuck blinked a few times trying to catch his breath. He shifted his gaze until his eyes met taeyong's soft boba eyes.

Taeyong smiled softly and ran his hand through haechan's hair.

"h.. hyung?" haechan gasped out.

"yes hyuckie, it's me, I'm right here."

Haechan's body flooded with relief. Tears filled his eyes as if a trigger and his lip quivered sadly as he looked at his concerned leader.

"hey, it's okay hyuckie, don't cry you're safe I promise." Taeyong spoke gently as he watched tears begin to drip down haechan's face.

Haechan leaned forward his head hitting taeyong's chest. His tears were in a constant flow now and he couldn't stop them even if he tried.

Taeyong felt his heart break. He quickly wrapped his arms tightly around the younger and held him close letting him cry into his t-shirt.

"shhhh, shhhh, it's okay baby, it was just a bad dream love, you're awake now, I'm right here with you." Taeyong cooed softly.

Haechan snuggled against taeyong trying to bury himself as deep into taeyong's chest.

Taeyong used one hand to card through haechan's messy hair and the other to rub soft circles on his back.

"it...it felt so r.. Real hyung..." he whimpered sadly.

"i...I was with dream and...and we were performing but...all of a sudden there...there were gunshots...and...then I saw mark on the ground...he...he was bleeding...and...the whole audience were screaming; it was so loud! i...I rushed over to mark but...but he...he wasn't breathing hyung!" haechan sobbed loudly recalling the horrific scenes he saw in his head.

"shhhh, shhhh oh baby I'm so sorry, listen to me okay? It wasn't real, mark and all the dreamies are okay I promise."

Haechan just kept crying unable to get the picture of mark out of his head.

Taeyong felt terrible for his dongsaeng. He wanted him to feel better.

He sat holding him for a second before he got an idea.

"hey, baby? Let's go see mark hm? I'll take you to go see him okay?"

Haechan nodded softly clutching taeyong tightly.

Taeyong wrapped his arms under haechan's legs and lifted him up like a child. He carried him carefully down the hall to mark's room.

Taeyong opened the door without knocking startling the Canadian boy who had just fallen asleep.

"woah! Hyung? What are you doing?" mark asked as he reached for his glasses.

Once he could see, he noticed the crying boy in taeyong's arms.

"hyuck?" mark was now sitting up and worried.

Taeyong gently placed hyuck on mark's bed. Haechan looked at mark and tackled him into a spine crushing hug.

"woah, woah, hyuckie? What's the matter buddy? Why are you crying?" mark was so confused but he wrapped his arms around haechan regardless.

"hyuck had a bad dream mark, he wanted to see you." Taeyong informed softly.

Mark felt terrible. He held haechan close and stroked his hand through haechan's hair.

"it's okay hyuckie, I'm right here, don't cry buddy."

"I'm...I'm so happy you're okay hyung...." Haechan whimpered into mark's shoulder.

Mark was confused.

"of course I am hyuckie, why wouldn't I be?"

"i...in my dream...someone...sh...shot you at our concert..."

Mark's eyes went wide, and he understood what hyuck was talking about.

"oh hyuckie, I'm right here, I promise I'm okay, it was just a dream hyuck, here look at me."

Haechan rose off mark and met his eyes.

"see? I'm here, I'm still here hyuckie, everything's okay I promise."

Haechan sniffled and looked at mark softly smiling slightly.

"are you okay now hyuckie?"

He sniffled and nodded wiping his face on his sleeve.

"I'm sorry I freaked out hyung...I guess it just...freaked me out."

"hey, you have nothing to be sorry for, it's okay hyuck, I'm always here for you, so is taeyong hyung."

Hyuck looked over at taeyong who smiled warmly at him.

"thank you hyungs, I love you guys." Hyuck said shyly.

"we love you too hyuckie." Taeyong said.

"do you want to go back to sleep hyuckie?" taeyong asked.

Huck seemed a little hesitant.

"you can sleep with me if you want donghyuck." Mark offered.

"would...that be okay hyung? I don't wanna be a bother."

"of course it's okay hyuck, come on, get under the covers." Mark ordered opening up his blankets for hyuck to crawl under.

Once he was settled taeyong gave him a gentle head pat and told him goodnight before he left mark's room.

Mark took off his glasses and clicked off the light. He layed down next to hyuck and wrapped his arms around his torso.

Soon enough they both dozed back to sleep and slept soundly through the night.
