Chapter 36

After that scene they started preparing Kevin for his shot. My cousins had to ride a motorcycle with a girl for a scene.

While they were filming, preparing Kev and doing their thing, me, Brian and Nick were in the basketball pitch playing.

They were, well Nick was, looking how good I am at playing basketball. Brian had told me how to play and I do pretty well.

"You are still so short for this game." Teased me Nick.

"You are short compared to this extras." I said pointing out to the tall basketball players.

"I'm a singer, not a professional basketball player."

"Well, same here, but I'm an actress instead." I told him as I threw the ball that hit the basket.

"You missed again." Told me Nick as I rolled my eyes.

"I can't help the fact I'm so short." I sighed.

"I know how I can help it." Nick said and picked me up.

"What the hell are you doing, Nick?" I asked panicking a bit.

"Just trust me and sit on my shoulders." He said and I did what he said.

I ended up sitting on top of him and my legs were hanging from his shoulders. He held them and told Brian to pass me the ball. I took it and threw it into the basket feeling super tall.

"Well, now we can both get into any team we want." Nick chuckled. I felt a lot of butterflies filling up my stomach.

"Oh, get a room." Said Brian, but as soon as he said that I sent him a dead stare and he held his hands up like most prisoners do when they want to show they are innocent.

"Wait!" Someone said. "I wanna take a picture of you two."

That someone turned out to be Kevin's mom - my aunt. She held a camera and I smiled looking at it.

"Wait, make a funny face." Nick told me and I stuck my tongue out and held Nick years, so they looked bigger.

My aunt giggled and soon a lot of people were around us taking pictures.

Great this is gonna be the head page of some teen magazine, I thought.

"You'll probably be in a magazine tomorrow." I told Nick when everyone was gone. He helped me get down and laughed.

"Probably." He said.


Then they called Nick and Brian to change for another scene.

They came out of the dressing room with leather jackets and long jeans on.

"On the hottest day of the year." Complained Howie.

They went into a path in between the bushes to film the scene that was as long as the song.

"And you say that Nick and you wouldn't make a good couple." Told me Sam when we were standing next to a tree.

"Well, we are just best friends." I said casually, with the intention of not showing that I have feelings for Nick.

"You are wasting your opportunity." Shook her head Samantha looking at the boys who were singing to the song while a camera was filming them.

"Hey! I saw you and Nick playing basketball." Rose her eyebrows Marissa when she approached us. I rolled my eyes expecting another lesson 'that me and Nick are meant to be together'.

"I just wanted to put the ball into the basket. That's all." I shrugged.

"Nick wouldn't do that just because 'you wanted to throw the ball into the basket'." AJ's girlfriend crossed her arms. "Just pay attention how he looks at you!"

"Uh... Normally?" I said sounding obvious.

"No. Uh huh." She shook her head. "He likes you and you are too blind to see that. He was staring at you when you weren't looking."

"And when?" I crossed my arms.

"Maybe a few seconds ago? When you were talking to Sam?" Marissa replied and looked at Nick who was talking to Brian.

A part of me was really hoping that Nick actually liked me back. The other part, though, couldn't accept that. It didn't seem real. Two years and nothing has happened... I guess we are just not meant to be. I treat him like a second brother sometimes and it would feel weird dating him. Also the TV and magazines will be full of our photos together and articles full of lies and other stuff.

It was just impossible for me and Nick to get together.

Anyways, the boys were preparing for another shot. They had just to walk around, sing, move their bodies, stuff that every singer does in their music video.

This was my perspective - AJ, Howie and Kevin were all doing that thing normally, then there was Nick who was overreacting the whole time. His arms were basically everywhere and was moving too much. And then there's Brian who doesn't seem to give a shit about doing anything with his arms or body. He was just singing to the camera with his eyes closed and sometimes moving his arms.

Nick was moving so much and covering Brian with his arms. This honestly looked so funny but I tried not to laugh. 

After this they did a few more shots in this place and then went back into the dressing rooms. Now we were moving to a closed set with a stage. The boys will apparently be dancing there and some girls will be the 'fans'. And that's where they asked me to be an extra. I had to pretend being a fan and dance in the little audience.

That's why they changed my outfit, hairstyle and did my makeup. After that they asked me to go where the other girls were.

They stated rolling the cameras and filming the scene. This compared to filming movies was so easy. I just had to dance around with the other girls.


After a long day everything was filmed. We could go back to our houses. All of the the boys but Nick went somewhere with their girlfriends leaving me and him alone.

"Well, let's go for a walk in the forest." Suggested Nick when Brian dropped us in front of my house.

"Okay." I agreed.

We both went to our favorite spot and sat there on a rock. Nick and I stared at the lake that was located there thinking about everything, well I was thinking about everything and how it hurts that the boy I care about is right next to me and can't be mine.

"What are you thinking about?" Nick asked me without me expecting it.

"Uh..." I said 'waking up' from my thoughts. "Nothing important, really. I'm thinking about everything."

I looked at the blonde boy then back at the lake in front of us.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes." I said without thinking.

Oh god I'm so stupid, I thought. Now he's gonna ask more questions.

"What's it?"

"Actually, it's nothing." I replied looking at my feet and started playing with my hands. I got nervous and the only thing I wanted was to escape as fast as possible.

"You just said something was wrong." He told me.

"Look at me." He said turning my head with his hands so I was facing him and his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Will you tell me?" He asked seriously.

To be honest, this is probably the first time I saw Nick being that serious. He wasn't his usual goofy self.

All of a sudden all the emotions came into my body and I felt a ball in my stomach and throat. I was holding back tears, I don't even know why I was about to cry.

And that's when it happened. Without me realizing it, our faces were inches apart. I could feel Nick's breath. After a moment... I kissed him.

Yes I did it and regretted it the moment I placed my lips on his.

Nick's lips were so soft and gentle, but I pulled away quickly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said holding back the tears. "I shouldn't have done that." I said and without even waiting what Nick had to say I ran away like a coward.

On my way back my heart started beating faster and faster. When I reached my house I ran straight to my room and laid on my bed overthinking what I have just done. I'm so stupid.

At this point I felt so embarrassed. I don't want to leave home tomorrow. All I want is to fall in a deep deep hole so I don't face Nick again.

Wow this chapter was a bit intense. And it's the kissing part which you were all waiting for!!! Hope you liked this chapter!
Stay awesome!
