Chapter 3

After filming the movie I was finally free. I had a lot of fun filming it like the first part. I can't wait for the premiere of the movie. This may sound weird, but I love walking on the red carpet and smiling to the camera. Well, who doesn't or at least wouldn't want to walk on the red carpet and being photographed?

Me, my mom and Charlie landed in the Orlando airport. Brian was waiting for us there.

"Karla! My lovely baby sister!" He yelled as he saw me and everyone started staring at us, because he was too loud or because they recognized me.

"Shut up! People are staring!" I hissed. "I'm 12! I'm not a baby!"

"Still, you're a baby for me."

"Hi Brian." My mom greeted as she hugged him. "We're very proud of you for getting in the band!

"Do we have where to live?" I asked one of a sudden.

"Yeah we bought a house in a very lovely street." Brian replied. "I chose it." He smirked.

"If you chose it, I bet it isn't a very lovely street."

"You should be thankful, Karla. I especially chose a house with a big bedroom for you and I bought you posters."

"What posters?" My eyes lit up as he said the word 'posters'.

"You'll see." He put on a mysterious look on his face. "But we have to go to Kevin's first."

Brian drove us to Kevin's house. We were passing many beautiful sights and beaches. Soon we got to a nice neighborhood. Our cousin lived in a beautiful, rather big house. My brother rang the bell and we waited for Kevin to open the door.

"Hi Kevin." My mom said as she gave him a hug.

"Hi!" I greeted and did the same as my mom.

"You've grown since the last time I saw you." Kevin told me. "How old are you?"

"I turned 12 in April."

"Oh, yeah right. So happy late birthday then."

"Thanks." I smiled and laughed. He let us in and offered tea.

"Do you wanna meet the other guys? Like in the afternoon." Brian asked me.

"Sounds fine to me." I replied as I sipped a bit of tea.


"Um mom, these are AJ," my brother began to introduce his new friends. "this is Howie, and this" he pointed to, probably, the youngest member of the band "is Nick."

"Nice to meet you all." My mom smiled warmly.

"Hey." I simply nodded. This "Nick" boy had blonde hair and nice blue eyes.

"I'm Karla." I introduced myself as everyone else smiled and greeted me.

"The Karla Littrell?" Nick's eyes grew big and I was surprised. He knew me? Well he probably did know me like the rest of the guys, but they were clever enough to know that I may feel uncomfortable if they all start asking me questions or talk to me like: Omg Karla Littrell! Is it really you that plays Wednesday in The Addams family?

"Yeah..." I said slowly.

"You are the girl from The Addams Family!"

"Yeah..." I said slowly again.

"God, I love that movie! Brian why didn't you tell me that your sister is Wednesday from The Adams Family!? Could you give me your autograph?" Brian should have told him that I'm that Karla Littrell and to warn Nick not to ask similar questions. Don't get me wrong, I love being recognized. The thing is that I want to be friends with these guys, not some sort of a special girl, if you know what I mean by that.

"Umm.. sure I guess." I said slowly as Brian started laughing. I faced him and put a look on my face saying: I'll kill you if you don't shut up and fix this thing up.

"I think you two will get along pretty well." he mentioned and pointed to me and Nick. I looked at him confused and still with the killing look on my face.
"Nick's 13, you're 12. You're both kids."

"Just because you're 18 doesn't make you a serious business man." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Well it makes me an awesome superstar."

"Haha, you wish." I said with the same expression as Teddy Duchamp from Stand By Me before crossing the big bridge with the train tracks, if you know what I'm talking about.

"So can I get your autograph?" Nick interrupted us.

"Yeah sure. Where do you want me to sign?"

"Wait a minute." Nick ran somewhere and soon he returned with a piece of paper and a pen. I signed him the paper that he gave me. He looked pretty happy and that made me feel weird.

"You guys wanna go hang out somewhere?" Kevin asked one of a sudden.

"Sure." I said. I really wanted to do everything that Orlando has to offer.


We spent the afternoon walking around a nice park and getting to know each other better. I had my camera and I was taking pictures of everything that I saw on the streets. People around were looking at me and the boys, but my bodyguard was with us so nobody really dared to talk to me.

"Jesus, Karla. You're gonna be living here there's no need for taking pictures of everything!" Brian said as I took another photo and completely ignored him and his stupid blabbing.

"Brian, could you take a photo of me?" I said pointing at a nice lake. My brother just rolled his eyes and took my camera.

"Where do you want me to take the photo?"

"Hang on." I said as I was searching for a nice place for me to stand. "Here." Finally I find the perfect place and smiled to the camera.


"Okay Karla, it's done. Now let's get moving, because I'm hungry." I sighed, but everyone wanted to go and eat so I had to go too.


By the end of the day I saw our new house. I'm not gonna lie, Brian and my dad did a pretty good job choosing the house and he bought me posters like he mentioned in the car! Corey Haim, Michael Jackson, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Stand By Me, The Lost Boys and many more posters! I was very happy and occasionally hugged him.

"So do you like the members of our band?" He asked me while we were having dinner.

"They are not bad, I guess."

Hey! I hope you liked this chapter! As you probably noticed Karla got introduced to the boys hehehe. Have a nice day/night!
Stay awesome!
