Chapter 20

During the night all that the girls could do was talking about boys. I preferred watching the small TV that was on.

"What about you, Karla?" Samantha asked me.

"Huh?" I turned my head around to face her. I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Do you like anybody?" She asked. I thought about it for a second but shook my head.

"No. Why?" I replied. They were all sitting on the floor in a formed circle.

"Come on! You must like someone you're almost 13!" Giggled Marissa.

"Um..." I thought about it, but the only person that popped out in my head was Nick. Did I like him? Nah. "Nope I like nobody." I said in a confident tone. They sighed and turned back to ask BJ the same thing. She talked about some 'cute boys' from school. I don't know why, but boys were never really in my head. I was different than most girls I guess.

"Let's play 7 minutes in heaven!" Sam said excitedly.

"Oh no..." I mumbled to myself. This was the worst that could happen tonight.

"What's the point of it?" I asked. "You have boyfriends." Sam and Marissa shook their arms. I guess they just wanted to make out with their boys. I looked at Bobbie and sighed. She didn't look happy herself. The only boys that were single and not her brother were Howie and Kevin. I guess they will be all out of the game.

"I don't wanna play." I said looking back at the TV. "I will stay here with BJ."

"She's nervous." Sam said to Marissa in a way that I could hear her and smirked.

"I am not. Besides, who I am supposed to play this with?"

"Isn't that obvious? Nick of course." Said Marissa and I was glad that the room was dark, because I had probably turned red.

"No way." I said standing up.

"You like him, don't you?" Sam giggled.

"What? No!" I protested.

"You wouldn't be scared to play this then." They both smirked.

"Okay." I sighed. "I'll play only to prove that I am not nervous." I went after them and BJ followed me.

"Do you really like my brother?" She whispered to my ear.

"No!" I whisper yelled. "Do you really believe what they say?"

"Nope." She said as Marissa opened the boys' room door.

"We are gonna play 7 minutes in heaven." Sam stated looking at Brian.

The boys were not really into that idea and were complaining about it. They said it was too late to do that, but the girls convinced them eventually. We all sat somewhere in the boys' dormitory and the pairs had to go into the closet that was the size of a small room.

I rolled my eyes as Samantha and my brother entered first. I opened the window to watch the dark sky filled up with stars. I turned around to see Nick and AJ giggling while looking through they key hole in the closet's door.

The couple finally came out and AJ and Marissa got in pushed into the closet by Howie and Kevin. They locked them there as they did with Brian and his girlfriend.

I was sitting next to Bobbie talking with her when I heard the closet door unlock. Samantha turned her head to face me and a smirk appeared on her face.

"Karla." She approached me and grabbed my hand. "It's your turn." I frowned and looked at Marissa who did the same to Nick. Brian frowned. I don't think he liked the idea of his sister being locked in a closet with his band mate. They pushed us into the closet and locked the door. I sighed and sat on the floor. For the first time I felt so awkward with Nick being next to me.

"What a stupid game." He said and sighed. I thought of the same.

"Idiotic." I shook my head. Nick sat across me and we stayed in an awkward silence for a few seconds.

"So, what are we supposed to do here?" He asked being stupid. Of course he knew what this game was about.

"They want to hear us making out." I said in a annoyed voice and put a tired expression on my face and Nick did basically the same.

"Are they listening to us right now?" Nick whispered to my ear.

"Probably." I said in a 'duh' kind of tone referring to him looking through the key whole. Nick just grinned.

I crossed my arms waiting for someone to open the freaking door. I had no idea why Samantha and Marissa wanted to put me up with Nick. That was just stupid.

"You sing nice." I said randomly to him. That was the truth, he was really talented.

"Oh, thanks." He rubbed the back of his head. "I think your acting is very good."

"Thanks." I chuckled. Soon me and Nick started a random conversation that had nothing to do with love, kisses and that kind of stuff.

We heard someone unlock the door and we stood up. I was first to exit and saw Marissa that had the key.

"So did you make out a lot." She giggled.

"Nope." I shook my head. "We just had a normal conversation like every good friends have." Nick agreed and I saw the disappointment on Sam and Marissa's faces.


Even though I didn't like to admit that, I had to say that this night made me think about Nick in a different way. 'Did I like him?' that was the question that was stuck in my head. Sometimes I even felt slight butterflies while thinking of him or meeting him. This was weird.

Oh wow made it to the 20th chapter! Yo some stuff was going on here haha. I hope you liked the chapter. :)
Stay awesome!
