Chapter 14

My stomach started hurting when I saw the front page of this morning's newspaper. Tears started falling down my face while I was sitting on the kitchen table. I was back from the Carters' house and I was just going to eat lunch.

"What's happening, Karla?" My mom asked me. I could see she was worried. I just showed her the newspaper and she looked very sad herself.

'River Phoenix dead at 23' - that was the main heading of the newspaper. I couldn't believe it. That couldn't be true. One of my favorite actors was... dead... Why?

It may sound stupid - crying because of an actor, but he was more than just an actor to me. I've met him and I could call him my friend. He was a big inspiration for me and my whole acting career. He deserved better. He didn't deserve to die. I cried more as my mom tried to comfort me.

"I'm so sorry about that." My mom said. "What a shame... He was such a nice guy."

I nodded my head as I sobbed once again.

"Why?" Was all I could say. I didn't even say goodbye...

"Karla, sometimes this things happen." My mom hugged me. "He will always be here whenever you need him." She pointed to my chest, the place where my heat was. "I'm sure he's in a better place now, looking after you." She said as I cried.

"Why? What happened?" I still didn't know how he died and I didn't really want to. I got upstairs and closed the door of my room. I laid on my bed and the tears were still falling down my cheeks. I looked at my River Phoenix poster and sobbed once again.


This day was horrible. The fact that one of my favorite actors died didn't leave me for a second today. I had a big ball in my stomach. I was basically all afternoon in my bedroom thinking and getting over River's death...

"Did you hear about River Phoenix?" Asked me Bobbie in a sad voice when I let her in my house. I needed someone to cheer me up so I called her and asked if she could come. I simply nodded trying not to cry.

"I'm so sorry about him." She added as we headed to my bedroom. "I know that you'll miss him so much." She hugged me and I hugged her back.

We talked for a bit and she really made me feel better. BJ always could make your day cheerful. She's such a good friend and has a great sense of humour.

We went to the kitchen to get some hot chocolate. We put whipped cream on it and walked back upstairs.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked and I nodded. I chose to play 'The Lost Boys'.

We laid on my bed and watched this movie and a couple of movies more. We didn't realise that it got so dark.

"I'd better get going." Said BJ. "Otherwise my parents are gonna kill me." She laughed and I did the same.

"Bye!" I said and hugged her, before she left our house.

Hey! I'm so sorry this contains so much fangirling lol but River Phoenix death really upsets me. He really didn't deserve to die. Anyways I hope you liked it and wait for more chapters.
Stay awesome!
