Chapter 33

Time passed by and it was already December. I was sad to miss the Richie Rich premiere, but happy at the same time about the Christmas holidays. Again, we are going back to Kentucky to our grandma's house.

"So how's your relationship with Nick going?" Amanda asked me when we met up. I rolled my eyes as always. She didn't stop talking about this topic.

"We are just good friends, nothing more." I said looking at her with a serious expression on my face.

"Yeah right." Amanda replied with a smirk on her face. "You've liked him for almost a year now, how could there not be something between you two?"

"There's nothing special between us." I said sighing. "The special thing is that we are very very good friends. I think that me and Nick is not supposed to happen."

"You know that if you like someone more than four months you love them."

"Are you trying to tell me that I love Nick?" I said not believing her. Where did she read that? In a love magazine or something?

"It's true, Karla. It's true..." She said. Amanda sounded honest, I could feel that. Maybe, just maybe she was right.


It was New Year's Eve and I was in Kevin's house. The boys, Samantha, Marissa, Kristin (Kevin's girlfriend) and I were home alone at Kevin's house to celebrate. Since I'm the youngest my mom told my brother to take care of me, but that's probably not gonna happen.

"So, where's the whiskey?" Asked AJ.

"Forget it, AJ." Said Kevin. "You are underaged. That means no alcohol for you."

AJ sent him an annoyed look. Everyone knew that he was gonna drink even if he was underaged or not.

I was surprised that Brian even let me go, because they will probably do 'mature' stuff all night. Well, at least I get to spend more time with Nick, since he's the only one that is younger than the others.

"So, are you and Nick together yet?" Asked me Samantha sending me a smile and rose her eyebrows.

"No." I said calmly.

"No?" She said surprised. "Why? You guys look so cute together." Sam said and looked at me with disappointment in her eyes. Exactly last year she and Marissa wanted to hook me up with Nick.

"We are very good friends, that's all." I said and shrugged. Both Marissa and Samantha looked disappointed but didn't say anything.

It was 1995 now. There were a lot of fireworks outside and we even set our own fireworks show. I can't believe another year has passed so quickly. Me and Nick were sent to bed after the short party... That just sounds pathetic.

"You are too young to stay here with us." Said AJ. Yeah, like he is only three years older than me, but whatever. Everybody wanted me and Nick to go to bed, well besides Kevin. He was the only one who was kind to us tonight, but me and Nick went to my room anyways. We didn't sleep, who would at New Year's?

"We're small." Nick said in an angry voice.

"Apparently." I agreed. I hopped on the bed.

"Let's spy on them." A mischievous smile appeared on Nick's face.

"Seriously?" I laughed.

"I'm serious. Let's spy on them. It's gonna be fun." He said.

I agreed to do that. Me and Nick basically went outside the house and were looking through the living room's windows. I saw what I had expected - everyone drinking. How fun.

I don't really know what everyone sees in alcohol. I just don't find it that fantastic and tasty.

When we got bored from watching the 'big people' we went back into the house and to the room. We continued talking till late at night. When we fell asleep it was about 5am. Nick and I were both sleeping on the floor next to each other, I don't know exactly why on the floor, but whatever. It was comfortable so why not?

Heeeey Carter girlsss! I'm so sorry for not updating daily. As you probably know I'm on vacation and I don't find a lot of time to write. :( Also I didn't have WiFi for a long time so I couldn't update this book. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)
Also I'm so grateful for 1K reads!! I didn't know this book will get so far in only 1 month! You guys are AMAZING!
Stay Awesome!
