Chapter 10

Today's the day. Brian is coming back home! I woke up at 7:38 am, even though it is summer. And honestly, who wakes up at 7:38 in summer time? - Karla Littrell, the girl that is excited to see her big brother and friends.

"What time is Brian coming home?" I asked my mom as I walked into the kitchen for breakfast.

"You asked that ten times already." My mom rolled her eyes and giggled.

"I forgot mom. Come on!" I laughed as I put two slices of bread into the toaster.

"He's coming back at 12pm. Happy?"

"Totally." I said as I sat on a chair waiting for my toasts to hop out.


"Brian!" I yelled as I heard the door open. I jumped into him and hugged him tight.

"Hey!" He laughed. "How have you been?"

"Brilliant!" I replied. "It was just another boring summer for me." I mumbled to myself which Brian apparently heard.

"It can't be that bad. I heard you went to that River Phoenix movie premiere. I saw you in a magazine." Brian moved his eyebrows up and down. I laughed at his comment and face expression.

"You are going to go with me to my movie premiere in November, aren't you?" I asked him and stared with big eyes.

"Well, I honestly don't know, Karla." He said and looked down at his shoes.

"Ow..." I started thinking what to say. "Umm, don't worry about it." I said trying to sound as pure as possible, because honestly I was so upset and annoyed that Brian might not be at the premiere with me.

"It's nothing final. I may be able to go." He smiled and looked at me.

"And what exactly are you gonna do if you can't go to the premiere?" I asked annoyed.

"Well... Maybe we'll tour schools in fall."

"What?" Was all I could say. "You are going around all Florida again?"

"No, maybe we'll go all around the United States." I rolled my eyes and sighed. They were taking my brother away from me. It was pissing me off already. What happens if he gets famous some day? We will be completely separated.

Look at me, I'm an actress but I don't go around all the state and back for almost two months and then have plans for going again through all the United States of America!

I understand, they are a boy band, they sing and perform, but there must be time for family and friends, right?

"I'm sorry, Karla. I really am." Said Brian in a gentle voice looking at me. "But you left for LA too, remember? And it wasn't your first time..."

"It's not the same, Brian." I said and walked into the kitchen where mum was cooking something for lunch. I sat on one of the chairs and looked at a teen magazine. I started reading it, when my mom spoke up:

"Karla, I know it's hard for you leave Brian, but you have to put yourself in his shoes." She told me with a sad smile. My mom probably heard our conversation. "You followed your dreams, didn't you? And Brian was the one that waited for you at home. Now it's his turn to follow his dreams."

My mom was right, but I didn't want to admit that. I just kept reading the magazine and ignored her as mom shook her head.

"What's for lunch?" Brian asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Vegetable soup and chicken."

"Ew." Both me and Brian replied,  looked at each other and giggled. We hated the vegetable soup and both of us don't have good memories with it as small kids.

My mom just sighed, rolled her eyes and kept cooking. Brian sat beside me and stared at me.

"What?" I asked getting annoyed of him staring at me.

"Nothing." He said slowly and put his arms behind his head. "Just thinking how famous you are."

I ignored his comment completely and looked at the posters inside the magazine.

"Really, you don't realise how famous you really are, Karla. Some people ask me if I'm the brother of the famous Karla Littrell. And they ask loads of questions about you."

"Look, Brian. Stop." I laughed. "As you said a few months ago, you'll be famous too so don't be jealous, please."

"I'm not jealous."

"Oh, really?" I teased him.

"Yeah, really." He replied and I ruffled his short blonde hair as he rolled his eyes.

Hello awesome people reading this book! It's your girl with another daily chapter lol. Hope you enjoyed it haha.
Stay awesome!
