Chapter 24

Amanda was over my house for a week and she didn't stop annoying me. Whenever we were meeting the boys she would do the things that most best friends do around your crush.

We were hanging around in a little park near my house. Amanda was slightly punching me and moving her eyebrows up and down.

"Stop it!" I hissed so the nobody but her could hear me. Amanda just giggled and looked at the boys who were trying to climb a tree.

"Hey Karla!" Yelled Nick. "I bet you can't climb this." He was sitting on a branch. Amanda turned her head towards me and smirked.

I looked her dead in the eye but replied to Nick:

"I will do it better than you!" I yelled and approached the tree on which he was sitting.

If you know me, you know that I'm most likely to accept a challenge and that's what I did here. I also, maybe, did it to show off a bit. Well, that's a common thing when you have a crush on somebody. I looked at the tree - it was pretty tall. 'Why am I so short?' I asked myself. I was pretty good at climbing trees, though. I had experiences with it. I made it to the shortest branch on the tree.

"So I won the bet." I said looking at Nick who was sitting on a different branch. "What do I get?"

"You wish, Karla." He giggled. "What do you want? Hundred dollars, maybe?" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"No, but ten dollars sounds fair enough."

"Why the hell are you arguing about money?" Brian interrupted us. "You especially Karla, have a lot of money, so leave poor Nicky alone."

"Hey!" Nick said. "Soon I'll be richer than her and all of you."

"Oh really?" I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Don't forget that we are in the same business, buddy." Said AJ looking at Nick. "You'll gain as much as we gain."

Honestly, I don't know why we were having this money conversation, but it was pretty interesting. Everyone was basically telling what they would buy if they were billionaires.

"You guys are boring." Said Amanda as she laughed. "Is really money the main topic of your conversations?"

"It seems like it." I said jumping off the tree.

Me and Amy went for a walk with no boys. I knew she would start talking about me and Nick, which has become her favorite topic lately.

"I think that Nick likes you." I did the face palm and looked at her seriously. "What? I see how he looks at you." She defended herself.

"Amy, please stop talking about this. We both know that Nick and I will never happen, so I don't know why are you getting so excited about this." She rolled her eyes and we kept walking.

"Don't you notice that he always challenges you and teases you?"

"Because we are good friends if you already couldn't tell." I replied in a duh tone.

"You don't get it, do you?" I sighed as I knew that another class about 'how boys flirt' was coming. "When boys like a girl they tease her to get her attention." She explained.

"Well Nick has my attention. We are basically best friends and we treat each other like best friends." I said and time she did the face palm.

"This is called 'instinct', Karla. Boys do that."

"And who are you? A relationship specialist?"

"You can call me that if you want to." She smirked. "I know all about relationships and I know that Nick likes you back."

I laughed and shook my head. Amanda should be a relationship therapist or something some day. She really can talk about this topic for hours. I wonder if she will get a boyfriend soon with this super tips and knowledge about boys.

Hey! I hope you liked this chapter! And I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. Thank you so much for all the support I get on this book! <3 I love you guys so much! <3
Stay awesome!
