Chapter 16

19th November 1993

Today's the day. Te day of The premiere. I was excited all day. Brian had chosen the outfit that he will wear and I helped him with the hairstyle.

Yesterday we all flew to Los Angeles, where the premiere is gonna be.

At about 6pm I went with my mom to the hair dressers and to the makeup artist. I had my hair curled up a bit and I had a bit of makeup on. At 8pm a limousine drove to our house to pick me, Brian and mom up.

"Wow..." Brian whispered when we sat in the luxurious car.

"Get used to it." I smirked as I sat in the limousine.

We drove for a few minutes and soon we arrived to the movie theatre. There was a huge crowd of people wanting autographs and all the TV people of almost every channel.

As soon as I got out of the limousine the lights of the cameras hit me. Brian was amazed since he has never experienced such thing. After that the limousine of Nick, BJ and their parents stopped.

Nick got out and he also looked amazed. BJ walked towards me.

"Oh my god!" She said out loud. "This is amazing."

"I know." I smiled as I started walking on the red carpet. I was smiling to the cameras that were taking pictures of me and signing autographs for some of the fans. Also some people took a group photo of all the cast.

Finally we entered the movie theatre to watch the movie. To be honest I was pretty excited to see how it turned out. I sat next to Nick and Bobbie. I had bought popcorn and soda. The movie began.

I was really entertained while watching it and it was interesting, even though I knew the plot.

"How is it watching yourself on the big screen?" Nick whispered to me one of a sudden. I honestly didn't know how to feel about watching myself in the cinema.

"I really don't know." I chuckled. "I guess I'm kind of used to it. I like it though." I smirked and laughed quietly. "But it's weird at the same time." I chuckled.

"You know, I was in 'Edward Scissorhands'." He giggled as my eyes grew bigger.

"Really?" I whisper yelled ignoring the movie that was playing. I loved that movie and I never noticed a boy that looked like Nick in it.

"Well, I was an extra in the background playing Slip 'N Slide." He laughed.

"That's cool." I said honestly wondering if he had a chance to talk to Johnny Depp.

"Well not as cool as staring in a movie." He said and we returned back to watching it.

I started feeling awkward while a scene started playing. I knew what was going to happen and I haven't told anyone about it but my parents. Well my mom knew about it, since she was on set while I was performing.

I cringed while watching it, covered my eyes and sighed.

"Awww." BJ said and turned her head so she was facing me. Nick also turned his head to look at me. At this point I felt more awkward.

"You didn't say that you kissed a boy!" Bobbie said a bit too loud and I covered her mouth.

"Because its awkward!" I whisper yelled. I was blushing but, thank God, nobody could see it because of the darkness.

"No it isn't." BJ whispered to me. "It's cute." I rolled my eyes as I continued watching the movie.


After the premiere everyone was clapping and I couldn't help but smile. It made me happy that our work was appreciated. We left the movie theater and headed towards the limousines.

"Now, tell me all about it!" Said BJ as we walked out.

"About what?" I asked sincerely. She rolled her eyes at my question.

"The kiss!"

"Oh..." I blushed a bit. "It was actually my first one." I mumbled so only she could hear.

To be honest I didn't count it as my first one. For me it was only acting and it meant nothing to me. I will count my first kiss when I kiss someone who I love without any camera filming it.

Heeey! Hope you liked this chapter. Also sorry if I got something from the premiere wrong since I've never been to one lol.
Stay awesome!
