Summer prompt contest winner: Constantina @JessyDumbo

placement: Summer 2022 Favorite

1 What is the title of your story? and what inspired the title?

The title of the of my story is Constantina, the I was actually thinking of a name to put, its based on a semi true story about a girl who was more on her masculine side, Constantine the great had a daughter , which is Constantina. I really admire Constantine, so I thought why not go with his daughter name. Which is unique as well!.

2 What is your story about?

 My story is about two young love birds found each other during schooling days, but one of them had to end the relationship due to ambitions, so they had to end it in a breezy nigh in summer

3 Is the summer prompt contest, the first contest you entered?

Yes ! Its my first ever contest I've entered.

4 What was your reaction to discovering you were one of the winners?

 I was shocking honestly, I wasn't expecting to win at all. Especially since its my first ever contest on Wattpad!

5 What is your favorite summer activity?

Definitely surfing! Or bike rides. Both are my favorite hobbies.

6 do you have any future plans with the story you entered? (standalone novel/series)

Actually yes! But I still don't know if I should write as a novel or not. But definitely will do a continuation for the male character (main character) and his journey. Or maybe even another one for the female character as well. 

What's a good piece of advice to give someone, who desires to enter a contest?

Definitely just do it, if its troublesome or you don't have time just do it really. Its a fun thing to do and it helps to clear your mind once in a while. Its a great activity to be in!

8 What is your favorite summer memory? (optional to answer)

My favorite summer memory would be going to the beach with my friends, it was thr first time I went to a beach without a parent there and just all friends. It was amazing and super fun!

9 What is the most important piece of a story?

The cover |quality of the story| type of story

The most important piece of a story i would say is the attraction and relatable personalities or struggles that a character goes through. I think it connects us to the character more and that's what people would like about it to me.

10 How does being a part of the Wattpad community help you as writer?

 Just reading a lot of creator's work, doesn't matter famous or not. Its amazing to what many people can do and come up with yet all of it are different. Best part is that we get to learn from each other and it'll help a lot for my writing as well!

11 What genre of story attracts you as a reader?

 I would say dark fantasy would attract me as a reader. Dark fantasy or sports (racing, boxing etc..) and lastly I would say is historical/ historical fiction.

12 What's a good piece of writing advice, that you've learned?

One good piece of writing advice I've learned is that to don't use repeated words and instead, I should look up the synonyms of it and use that instead! Something I learnt recently.

13 Do you believe contest and interview platforms help you as a writer?

 Yup! I believe it helps because first of all, it'll give more readers to read the writer's content. Another reason is because it helps us to learn too, learn from what is bad and good about it. 

14 Since joining Wattpad, do you believe you've become a better writer?

Definitely! Wattpad made me more interested and motivated and it helped so much for my writing. I couldn't even come up of anything to write years ago and now I can. 

15 What is a must have item for you to enjoy the summer?

 For me its not item but its music! Whether its a speaker , earphones , head phones or radio from a car or even a concert. Music is a must! Especially an energetic rock music!
