interview #2 @devenialdream

1 What is your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday - Spring Holiday as I love flowers and my family like to go on vacation in between hot and cold season.

2 What is your favorite story?

My favorite story - Billionaire's Forced marriage.... It is now in Amazon 

3 What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

About Wattpad - I love readers and their Comments. It gives us platform to text our own writing skills.... And also amazing stories we get to read for free.

4 What inspired you to write?

My inspiration - writing is my hobby. But I never thought that I will write. But after reading so many books I give chance to my imagination which I usually have when I hold brush in morning 

5 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Not only surprised but it also fills joy inside my heart. I love vote but Comments and review always make me more happy. It just a push from my reader to keep walking.

6 If you could spend the day with your favorite celeb, who would you choose and what would you do?

I will choose Jamie Dornan..... I am fallen for his handsomeness. Not by movie . But his smile takes my breath away. I will like to go on a date in forest and keep watching his smile.

7 What is a good piece of writing advice?

I am still new in writing field. But strong confidence, faith and ability to take criticism to improve is a good piece of advice I ever get and want to give all author first.

8 What's the best way to handle a bully?

I am recently got bullied on Wattpad only. Best way is to stay strong mentally. Not let their voice reach your inner self. Don't stay silent whenever needed. But don't be violent on them. Complain about them, talk with your friends and families. It will help you mentally and also to get ride of them.

9 What is a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Song - Alone - 2, Ava Max

10 How would you enjoy a rainy day?

I make hot chocolate, sit in my balcony with slow music and a book in my hand which make you  feel love. 

11 Who is your favorite author?

My favorite author is @eilish rose who was Wattpad author but now her story is on Amazon. She helped me and inspired me so much.

request time

My first story - Alive Beat of Love

All my fellow readers and author friends should consider because it is combination of high-school year romance, collage romance and billionaire mrg life. Three trope in my book with kind hearted Ivanna, stubborn billionaire son, and sweet husband. A deep feeling of true love and my version of definition of love. I will be very grateful if anyone read and let me know their views.
