interview #3 @darlenerwrites {A Chat with @}

1. When do you begin your writing routine? (morning, afternoon, day, evening)

I usually begin my morning routine in the morning or at least, I try to.

2. What do you need for your writing routine? (laptop, notebook, ect)

I need my laptop, a cup of water, and possibly a playlist

3. What is your main focus, when you're working on a story?

My main focus is to tell the story the way the characters intend. I try to remover that it doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be.

4. What is something important you've come to learn, since you've begun writing?

I've learned there are always going to be ups and downs, good and bad days, but that doesn't make you a terrible writer. 

5. Do you believe having some sort of writing routine is helpful?

Not entirely. I try to have a schedule but it never really works. In all honesty it's about setting goals. If you want to make it happen, you will. Somehow. 

6. What is a writing strength of yours?

Characters and dialogue. People have told me my dialogue comes off as very realistic and my characters have depth are developed well. 

7. What's is a writing weakness of yours?

Descriptions. I'm not ashamed to admit it. When I'm writing, especially a first draft, I'll leave out so many descriptions. But it's ok because that's hat the editing process is for—to add what you missed. Grammar is another one for me, which is fine. Again, that's what editing is for, 

8. Do you ever share your writing outside Wattpad? (other social media platforms, family, friends)

Yes! I share teasers on social media platforms and I actually self-publish on Amazon and KU. 

9. What's a good piece of writing advice, when it comes to beginning a new story?

Just write. Let your imagination run wild and get your story out. 

10. Who is an author you admire and why? (on or outside Wattpad)

Let's see... on Wattpad, off the top of my head: Dene and Vee. Off of Wattpad I'd say Sara Cate, T.L Swan, Ashley Munoz, A. Jade, and a bunch more.

11. Do you believe an author interacting with their readers is important?

Absolutely! There are so many times where I've geeked out when authors I loved interacted with me. It makes me love them and their work even more so I love doing the same.

12 How do you believe a writer can build a fanbase?

Be yourself. Show people who are, encourage them to be who they are, and support others. The right people will find you. 

Title: Breaking Hearts

Status: ongoing

Genre: Romance


I've kept my feelings for Ophelia a secret since the day she moved away. Our friendship always came first. She was there for me when no one else was. So I tucked away my feelings because I couldn't survive a life without her.

We crossed the line once, and I swore it'd never happen again. 

As our time at college passes and the closer we get, the harder it becomes to live up to that promise. She's my best friend. I can't ever lose her. 

But when Vincent Rose, my sworn enemy, tries his shot at her. I toss caution out the window.

There's no way in hell I'll let him have her.

She's mine. Always has been, and always will be.

I just have to convince her.

Why should someone consider reading it?

It's a story about not letting those inner demons get to you and taking a chance to be with someone you always had feelings for.

What inspired the overall idea of the story?

I read a book about friends who moved away from one another. It was a friends to lovers as well so that sparked the general idea. But the rest of it, just kind of came to me. I overthink things and this story developed from me just wondering what if this happened.

Is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

It's a piece of a series, but it's a stand-alone series so each book focuses on a different couple. 
