interview #1 A chat with @_Boreddd_

1. When do you begin your writing routine? (morning, afternoon, day, evening)


2. What do you need for your writing routine?

 My laptop, music and silence

3. What is your main focus, when you're working on a story?

 Trying to make sure my spelling is correct

4. What is something important you've come to learn, since you've begun writing? 

Write mostly for yourself. When you constantly write for others you lose that passion and maybe even the need to write,

5. Do you believe having some sort of writing routine is helpful?

 I think so, but spontaneous writing is good as well.

6 what is a writing strength of yours? 

Making the ideas and pulling through with them. I find it quite easy to stick to one book and balance others.

7 what is a writing weakness of yours? 

The second chapter-

8 Do you ever share your writing outside Wattpad?

 I do it on Quotev and with my family sometimes.

9. What's a good piece of writing advice, when it comes to beginning a new story? 

Look through it once your done and take some time to edit.

10. Who is an author you admire and why? 

I don't read a lot of books outside of wattpad. And I'm a very simplistic person that always replies with whoever so I have no answer.

11. Do you believe an author interacting with their readers is important?

 I think so, but you shouldn't feel obligated to do so.

12. How do you believe a writer can build a fanbase?

 Consistency and promotion on other socials like, insta, twitter, ect.

Story Overview

How I Met You 

 status : ongoing               Genre: Romance

Summary: " ... "


My nightmares were always what kept me company at night. They followed me in my dreams and in my thoughts throughout the day. When we moved, I finally gave myself a chance to move on. But my past won't let me, my so-called family won't let me and my thoughts won't either. My friends and my father are the only people that keep me going through the day. But how long can I run from the past until it tackles me to the ground?
