interview #5 @Nyhterides (monthly)

1 what is a good piece of writing advice?

If someone with a lot more experience than you suggests you try a certain genre/style because they see something in your works, do it! You have nothing to lose and you just might gain a lot. 

2 What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

The fabulous stories! The amazing friendships! It's a great community. 

3 What is your favorite story?

On Wattpad: Nomenclature by @prose-punk. It's a short piece. I cannot recommend it enough!

Off Watpad: Drawing Blood by Poppy Z Brite. That story changed everything in regard to writing for me. 

4 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

YES! It's like Christmas! 

5 What is the best way to handle a bully?


6 If you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I don't have a favorite but someone I'd love to chat with is Poppy Z Brite (now known as Billy Martin he/him). I would love to pick his brain about writing and editing.

7 What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

A song I've been listening to a lot of lately is Moonlight Kissed by Poets of the Fall. 

8 What is your favorite snack?

Salted crackers 

9 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

With a really good bottle of red wine (and salted crackers). 

10 What's your favorite movie?

Constantine. I will never get tired of it. 

11 What is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas. There's such a wonderful vibe in the air. 

request time

The story is called Rosalind

Rosalind is the story of a young woman's descend into madness and duty. In the pandemonium she faces, Ros finds her dark side and emerges a changed person.

Bound to a beastly lord's house in return for her family's safety, Rosalind must endure the monster's presence for a month. When curiosity gets the better of her regarding a room she should never enter, she finds out about the mysterious young man living there. Soon she learns about the secrets both the cruel lord and gentle resident keep. 

As time passes, she finds herself desperately drawn to both men. Rosalind must choose who it is her heart truly wants before she becomes the reason the world as she knows it is destroyed. 
