@-Chrysalis_Community {community promotion}

1 What is your community title?

The Chrysalis Community 

2 Why was your community established?

It was established for a way to open up to all kinds of writers and designers; just a place for everyone to get together and show off their skills, while creating new bonds of friendship. 

3 When was your community established?

It was first established June 8th with 3 founders. One dropped out, so we published the community on July 8th, after much stalling and working out all the kinks. 

4 What does your community offer?

 Our community offers a place for anyone, with tons or little to no experience, to be able to show their skill, work together, commemorate together the achievements we hope to achieve, and to learn together. We offer bonding, competitions, shops, and plan so much more as we build. 

5 Why should someone consider joining the community?

They should consider joining for not just the talent they can showcase, but because we are a very tight-knit community who engage with one another on a friend-to-friend level. It's not all about work here. Our aim is to give each member an experience that they will forever treasure and remember, even as the years pass. They should consider joining to become a part of a home, where they can be free to be who they want to be and create memories that will last forever. 

please click the external link to checkout this community.
