Chapter 21: News (Trixie)

"Huh? I'm sorry. I did something wrong. I fell in love with you." Luhan said and I just stared at him.

"What the? Is this serious? Nah~ he's just fooling around with me. How can he fall in love with me when he's head over heels in love with Sophia." I thought.

"Nice one, Luhan. Come on, I'm not going to fall for that. Let's go to sleep." I told him as I went to bed beside him and hugged him.

He just stared at me like I'm crazy. 

"Good night, han!" I said and went to sleep.

I felt him hugged me back. The next morning, we were getting ready for our meeting. I'm very nervous since this is my first time handling a negotations that would have a very big impact to my family's and Luhan's company. I feel pressured. I kept looking at my reflection and checking if everythings perfect.

"You know if you can be anymore prettier than you are now, you can kick out Aphrodite off her throne in Olympus." Luhan complimented and he held my waist and face me to him.

"I'm just checking if everything is in order." I told him and he chuckled.

"And you are calling me a control freak." He said.

"But seriously Luhan, do I look okay?" I asked him. I feel so insecure.

"You're the prettiest woman that I've ever seen." He said.

"You mean, second prettiest after Sophia." I teased him but he didn't said anything.

He hold my hand and we went out of the room. I realized that we would be late if we won't leave now. Luhan drove us to the venue of the meeting and before we went inside the building he hold my hand and kissed it.

"You'll be fine. You're good. I'll be with you so don't be scared. Okay?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead. 

We went inside the meeting room and I saw many old people. Luhan kept me by his side and kept pressing my hands lightly so that I can calm down and that simple action did calm me down. I took three deep breaths and prepared our agenda for the day. I presented to them our plans and I kept glancing to Luhan and he gives me a warm smile that helps me calm down and focus on my presentation. The morning presentation ended with the old people looking satisfied with my presentation. When everyone had left the room, Luhan approached me.

"You were so great. I think this would be a good deal." He said as he put his hand around my waist and gave me a hug.

"Hey, PDA!" I complained and he pouted.

I poked his cheeks and he just hugged me tighter.

"Come on, let's have a celebratory lunch and I'll tour you around China." He said as he dragged me out of the room.

He drove us to a family restuarant and we ordered our food.

"You really like going to a family restaurants, don't you?" I asked him.

"Well, we're family so we should go to a family restaurant and I like the ambiance in restaurants like this." He answered.

He starts to look at the family across our table and he has a soft expression on his face. 

"You know when I had a child I wouldn't leave him. I would spend time with him and attend his events, birthdays, and everything." He said as he stared at the little kid in his father's arm.

"Wow. I never thought Luhan has this kind of thinking. He would make a good father." I thought and smiled.

"What are you thinking?" He asked. I didn't realized that he was already staring at me.

"I just thought that you would be a good father." I told him honestly and he awkwardly smiled.

Our food arrived and we ate. After that he started to tour me in China. The palce is awesome. We went to the Great Wall of China. I've always wanted to go here and step foot on it. Luhan and I went out for a stroll but after a while we noticed that the number of paparazzi suddenly increased and so we decided to go back to our hotel room.

The moment we reached the room. I laid down on the bed. I felt so tired that I didn't notice that I fell asleep. Luhan waked me when the dinner is served. He ordered room service and I woke up and ate with him.

"I didn't know you were that tired. You should have told so we could have gone home a little bit earlier." He said.

"Nah~ it was worth it. I had a fun afternoon. Don't worry too much my awesome husband." I answered.

"Of coarse, I'll be very worried for the woman in my life." He said as he went closer to me and hugged my waist and he kissed my cheek.

"You actually also worry, if things don't  go according to your plan." I teased him.

"Yeah, nothing's really going according to my plan since I met you." He said as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Coz, I'm here to rock your world!" I said as I poke his cheeks.

I really like touching/poking his cheeks. His eyes are also really pretty and his lips that look so soft. I couldn't stop myself from kissing him and when I realize what I was doing I pulled back.

"Woah~ that escalated quickly." I said. I can't look at him in the eyes but I heard him chuckle.

"Come on, wifey. You can do anything to me, I'm your husband." He said.

"Really?" I said as I start to tickle him.

"Ok, not that. Trixie. stop. what. are we. teenagers. stop." He said in between laughs.

He was now lying on the bed and catching his breath. I laid beside him and he pulled me into a hug.

"Let's  sleep. We have another meeting again tomorrow." He said.

And so two weeks passed with us focusing on our business negotiation. It was a tiring two weeks, I always end up sleeping the moment we reached the hotel room. Luhan had been really caring to me this past weeks. I know that he's assisting me since I'm new and giving me all the support he can give. We are now at the airport the deal was successful and we're excited to head home. Well, actually, I'm excited to go home but Luhan looks like he will be sentenced to death.

"Hey, are you alright? What's wrong?" I asked him when we were seated on the plane.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." He answered but I can't feel that he's fine.

"You seem like you're going to be executed in a minute." I teased him.

"Yeah, I feel like dying right now." He answered and I was shocked and worried.

"I'm scared of heights and planes are not really my favorite means of transportation." He answered and to calm him down, I hold his hand told him to sleep so he won't be thinking of his fear.

When we arrived at the airport the media surrounded us. I was shocked. I didn't knew that the success of our deal have already reached the media.

"Mrs. Lu, what is your relationship with Kris Wu?" one of the reporters asked and that shocked both Luhan and me.

"Are you two-timing Mr. Lu? There are some leaked photos of you and Mr. Wu. It seems like your on a date." another one said.

Luhan held my hands as we tried to get out from the media. The airport security helped us to escape. Luhan's driver was already waiting for us at the entrance and we went inside the car immediately. We were both quiet then suddenly Luhan's phone rang. It seems like he was talking to his parents and when the call ended, he has that serious look on his face and he told the driver to go to his parent's  home.

When we entered Luhan's parent's home, my mother and father were both there with them. My mother approached me and slapped me. Luhan pulled me and hid me behind his back.

"I told you so many times to stop seeing that guy. He is not for you! You are already married! How could you face your husband after you two-timed him." My mother scolded.

"Mom, it is still not confirmed. Maybe, its just some plot to ruin our image." Luhan reasoned out with my mother. I was already crying and Luhan was comforting me.

"Why are you covering for your wife and she is not the only issue here. The media might still not know but you are also still seeing that model! Can't the both of you just respect your marriage and be loyal to one another." Luhan's father scolded. 

He sounds really scary.

"This marraige wasn't our choice! Whoever we decide to see is also none of your business. Since when did you even start to care about our relationship? Oh now, because its tarnishing this f*cked up family's reputation!" Luhan shouted back at his father and dragged me out of the house. He took the key from his driver and drove home. I never heard Luhan being that angry. He must have really love Sophia.
