Chapter 11: Confrontation (Luhan)

Trixie and I were eating at a family restaurant and the table next to us is a family of four. I smiled looking at them and realized that Trixie was looking at them also.

"It must be nice to have a family like that" I said.

"Didn't you grew up in a family like that?" Trixie asked.

"No, not really. We probably grew up with the same family environment. Parents are always away, you always trying to find ways to be noticed and all that stuff." I told her and she nodded.

"You know, when we have kids, we should show them the love, we are always hungry for." she said and I was shocked to what I heard. Did she just told me, she want kids? with me? have a family with me?

"Wait, I didn't mean we as us, I meant you know when the both of us, I mean..." She tried to explain when she realize what it could possibly mean. Her  face is really red and she looked really cute and innocent.

"I get it."I told her.

Our order arrived and we started eating. After our meal, we decided to go home. We were almost at the car  I caught a glimpse of someone and turned around to see it was Sophia.

Uh-oh, I'm in trouble.

"Sophie, what are you doing here?" I asked as I slowly let go of Trixie's hands.

"I'm here to eat alone, since my boyfriend told me his busy from work." She said. I can see anger in her eyes, and she looked really hurt.

"Sophie, I'm sorry, its my fault." Trixie said but Sophia just glared at her.

"Sophie, It's not her fault. It's mine. I'm sorry if I lied. I should have just told you the truth." I told her. I want to hold her and hug her, kneel down if I had to but I can't do that not now, not when its too public. Sophia looked really hurt, I don't know what to do anymore. Should I just go and comfort her?

"Luhan, is this how you're planning to fix this?" Sophia said then she left. 

She is really mad. Trixie told me to follow her but its better not to. It might make the matter worse. I decided to just talk to her tomorrow and explain what happened. We were driving home and the mood is really down right now.

"Hey, you wanna go somewhere else before we go home?" I asked her and she just nodded.

I drove to a hilltop park. Its the place I used to go when I feel down. I parked the car and opened the door for Trixie. We went to the park and sat down.

"This is a nice place." Trixie said, she was looking around the park.

"Yeah it is." I said as I remembered the times that I've been here.

We became quiet and we just take in the beauty of the scenery. Since its a hilltop, we can see the lights of the city and from here it feels like the city is so peaceful.

"So what happened?" I asked her.

She looked down for a while then she looked at me. She was holding back her tears.

"I saw Kris making out with some girl." She said.

I was shocked with what I heard. Kris?! but I'm pretty sure, he's madly in love with her.

"Are you sure its him?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." She answered and started to sob.

 "But he really loves you." I told her. I can't believe that Kris two-timed her. That guy almost killed me at the hospital because I couldn't protect Trixie. She might have seen a different guy but she said she's sure about it. I better have some talk with that guy.

"Well he doesn't love me enough to not make out with other girls."Trixie said bitterly.

I looked at her and she's crying again. I went near her and hold her.

"Hey, I'm sorry." I told her as I stroke her hair and I don't even know what I'm sorry about but I feel like I had to say it.

"You don't need to be sorry to me. I'm the one who should apologize. You got in a fight with Sophia because of my problem. I'm really sorry. Are you sure you don't want to go after her and you know beg for forgiveness?" She asked.

'Beg for forgiveness is an understatement, I'll even eat fire, if that what it takes for her to forgive me' I thought.

'You know you don't have to do all that, you can just simply file a divorce paper and hwala~ your problem is sovled.' My conscience told me.

I ignored my conscience and continue to stroke Trixie's hair, she was leaning on me and I am back hugging her.

"Even if I followed her, a while ago, it still wouldn't make her feel better. I know that the only thing to make her feel better is to file divorce but I'm being selfish. I can't really do it right now. I know its too selfish and to you too. I'm really sorry, you and Kris might not be in this situation right now if it wasn't for me." Luhan said.

'Oh so you do know that.' My conscience nagged again.

"Whatever Kris did, is not your fault. He said he loved me and he will wait for me. He said he will steal me back from you, and I trusted those words but..." She said and started crying again, she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Hey, I don't really know what to say, to be honest, I'm really shocked he did that. But Trixie, I hate to say this while you're in this state but you do know that you can't let this affect your grades, right? You'll be graduating soon." I told her and faced her to me. I wiped her tears while I said that.

She looked at me and nodded. 

"Hey, can you drive me and pick me up at school tomorrow?" She asked.

"Sure." I said. 

She's really hurt, Kris should have a really good explanation about this when I confront him or I might not be able to stop myself from beating the daylight out of him. 

'How could he hurt the one he loves so much.' I thought.

'Oh Oh, like what you're doing to Sophia right now?' My conscience said again.

'I've never kissed any other girl in front of her.' I thought.

'Oh of coarse not, you're just married to someone else while dating her. Of coarse that wouldn't hurt her, right? You know that feeling when your the second choice and some people would think of you as a mistress.' My conscience nagged.

'Enough!' I thought.

"Luhan, are you alright?" She asked and looked really worrried. I might be making some weird faces as I battled my other self. I smiled at her and nodded.

"I guess, I'm just a bit tired. Shall we go home now?" I asked her.

She nodded and we stood up. I drove us home.

The next morning, I drove Trixie to her university, she doesn't look so happy when we arrived at her school.

"Hey smile. You look really ugly when you don't" I told her trying to cheer her up.

She stared at me and raised an eyebrow then she smiled a little bit.

"There that's better." I told her.

She was about to get off the car when I called her back.

"Where's my thank you kiss?" I asked.

'Woah, where did that came from?!' I thought.

Trixie looked shocked but she went near me and give me a kiss on my cheek. I blushed a little and tried to keep a cool face.

"Thanks for driving me to school, promise me you'll pick me up after class , okay? I don't really want to have an encounter with Kris right now." She said and I nodded. I gave her a warm smile and she smiled back then she went inside the campus.

I was going to drive away when I saw Kris with his friends, I parked my car somewhere and went to him.

"Hey Kris, can we talk somewhere?" I called him and he nodded. He lead the way and we reached the back  part of the parking area where there were only a few people.

"What do you want from me?" He asked or more like he hissed.

"Where were you yesterday night?" I asked him.

"I think that's none of your business." He retorted.

"Well, it's my business since what you did yesterday, hurt my wife!" I told him raising my voice a little bit.

"You're wife is my girlfriend and she's only your wife in papers! I didn't know that it will hurt her with me asking her to go out and have some fun together and doesn't she think that I'm not hurt with her keep on rejecting because of her oh-so-perfect husband." He said and I was shocked with what I heard. This is a different story, I thought.

"So yesterday you weren't making out with some girl?" I asked to be sure but he gave me a very shocked reaction like I caught him stealing something. He composed himself then answered.

"I was just releasing my stress" he said and I punched him right there and then. He fell on the ground still shocked with my sudden out burst.

"You're an asshole. Don't you go near her again!" I said out of anger.

Kris looked at me shocked with my out burst but I didn't care. I left him there looking shocked and went to my office.
