Chapter 28: Promises (Trixie)

Author's note:

I'm sorry for putting the author's note on top and for not updating for so long. So I finally have internet connection!!!YEHET!!! \(T∇T)/ 

Thank your continues support for this story, for voting, commenting, and reading. I really appreciate from the bottom of my heart ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ.

So about this update, you might not be happy about this... but this is how things must go... I hope you still continue reading it after this chapter... please? m(_ _;;m

The story is almost ending maybe in 10 more chapters... よろしくお願いします。


Its been 5 years since the twins were born. Its been also 5 years since Luhan died.

Well, the Luhan, I knew died. I can still remember clearly that day, the day Luhan was shot by some man who has a grudge on him. The guy said that he was an employee at Luhan's company but lost his job unfairly and his family left him so he wants Luhan to feel the lost of a family like what he did to him. Luhan received 5 gunshot wounds. One in the back of his head, one in his shoulder, one near his heart, one in his back, and one in his side near his kidney. It was really amazing how he survived that. It took almost 24 hours to get him breathing again and it took 3 months for him to open up his eyes. Our parents were so happy to finally see him open his eyes. I hugged him and thank God that he was alive but then I was suddenly pushed away from him.

“Who the hell are you?” Luhan asked sounding really annoyed.

“Luhan, she's you're wife.” His mother said gently.

“Wife? How can she be my wife? Where's Sophia?” He asked looking around the room.

At that moment, I felt like my world stopped moving. Tears just suddenly run down my cheek as I looked at him looking at me full of disgust. He was starting to get violent so the nurse gave him sedatives.

The doctor explained that he might have amnesia and done some test on him. Unfortunately, it was confirmed that he has amnesia and the chances of him remembering everything is only 5%. The last thing he remembered is that he sent Sophia home after their anniversary date and that happened even before I met him. He doesn't have any memory of me. His parents tried to convince him about me, about us, how we were happily married and now have twins.

“No, those are not my kids!” He shouted and I felt really hurt. I was angry how could he say that.

“Believe it or not those are your kids which you promised me to care for and love for the rest of your life.” I told him as tears stream down my face.

“Those are not my kids!” He said as he emphasize each word and glared at me.

“That's enough Luhan. Those are your kids! You have amnesia that's why you can't remember your wife!” His father shouted.

“She is not my wife. I would never marry someone like her, all the more have kids with her!” He said like it was the most disgusting thing that ever came out from his mouth.

I couldn't stop myself and I slapped him.

“Why don't you test them to see if they are really your child or not.” I told him and he agreed.

I can't believe he agreed to that. I can't believe he can't remember me.

He was released from the hospital after a few weeks. He really did ask someone to take a DNA test of the twins and what's worst he didn't even lay eyes on them. As expected, the result came back stating that he was the father. He accused me of seducing him and all the harsh thing he could think of.

But as the old Luhan as he is, he can't give up perfection. He researched about the things he can't remember and studied them. He didn't let anyone except for us to know about his amnesia since it might cause some problems in his business. He even let the doctor sign a non disclosure agreement. Can you believe that guy.

So for 5 years, I've been living up with this facade again. A happy family with two children who were loved by their parents. The kids as young as they are, were already used to acting in front of other people. Luhan and Sophia got back together while Kris and I were, well, were friends. After the accident he came back and right now, he is the one I am getting my courage to continue with my life and take care of my kids.

I still live in the house Luhan and I promised to raise our kids, look at the bright side at least he kept that promise or at least half of it. Luhan rarely goes home so its mostly the twins and I who lives here. He only goes here once in a while, to discuss some plans or if there is this event we had to attend.

I was sitting on the couch and watching some movie, I remembered the times when Luhan and I would cuddle and watch movies. I felt tears run down my face. I can't believe after all those years I still can't get over it. Why I still stayed in this f*ck*d up home? Why I'm still hoping that he will remember me and our kids. I was sobbing when I felt two pairs of tiny hands hugging me.

“Mommy, don't cry. Who made you cry? I'll beat him up for you. I'll protect you and Nathalie.” Nathan said.

Nathan is the older twin. He looks so much like Luhan. I can't really believe he denied him.

“Mommy, don't cry.” Nathalie said as she started to cry.

I immediately stopped crying knowing that the kids would start crying too, if I won't.

“I'm okay. It's just the movie made me cry.” I reasoned out.

“But that is Jackie Chan's movie. Its supposed to be a comedy.” Nathan said, he just doesn't look like Luhan, he also has his intelligence.

“Tears of joy.” I told him.

Nathalie wiped my tear and hugged me as she pat my shoulder to calm me down.

“It's okay, mommy. Nathan and I are here. You don't need Luhan.” She said.

Nathalie as young as she is understand our situation. The twins calls their father in his first name when no one important is around. They don't treat him as their father. I tried to tell them that's not right, that they should respect him because he is their father but how can they respect him if his not around, and if they caught him making out with another woman. At first, they were devastated but after a while they have started to build a wall. At the age of five, they have matured enough to not act like spoiled brats because Luhan told them not to. He told them to act mature. He asked 5 years old kids to act mature can you believe that! The twins as young as they are understand the situation and followed his orders.

I hugged the twins and cuddled them as we continued to watch the movie.

“I'm really grateful for having two adorable angels.” I told them and kissed them.

The twins hugged me back. I try to give them all the love I can give them and also fill up the love their father should have given them. After the movie, the kids were already asleep, I looked at their peaceful faces. I started to cry again. I feel so sorry towards my twins, if only I can do something about our situation, if only I can bring the old Luhan back, the Luhan that promised the warmth of a home, the one that promised me he'll give me a real family, not this charade. Luhan, why did you forget? Why did you leave me? What happened to all those promises? Should I still wait for you to come back?
