Chapter 15: Decision (Trixie)

I opened my locker and saw my favourite flower, above a little card stating, 'I love you always. I will wait for you. -Kris'

'Kris, I miss you but it still hurts.' I thought.

I went out of the school building and saw Sophia's car. I asked Sophia to accompany to shop today for my business trip in China. I wanna look pretty and sophisticated, it'll be the first project I will handle so I'm very excited about this.

"Ooohhh... nice flower." Sophia commented as I entered her car.

"Thanks. Kris gave it to me." I smiled weakly.

"Hmmm... Let's drop the topic. Its our girl's night out so let's have fun!" Sophia said enthusiastically.

I nodded and we continued to drive to the mall. When we reached the place, we immediately start our shopping escapade. 

"I think this would look good on you." Sophia said as she showed me a blue mini dress. It looks really cute.

"Hey, don't just stare at it. Come on try it." Sophia said.

"No wonder your a model. Your fashion sense is really good." I said as I took the dress and tried it on.

It looked really nice on me. I wonder if Luhan would like this. What am I thinking? I shook my head as I realize how weird that thought is. I went out of the fitting room to show Sophia the dress and ask her opinion about it.

"Wow, you must buy that. You look really pretty on that. I bet if your boyfriend saw you on that he'll beg for you come back." Sophia said and I laughed at her comment.

Sophia is such a good friend, I swear. Its really no wonder why Luhan fal head over heels for her. I wonder how it feels to be loved by Luhan. I mean, it feels like he's the type of guy who'll give you the world once he loves you. Kris is also like that or I thought he's like that. I suddenly felt down remembering him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sophia asked while we were walking out of the shop.

"Nothing." I said and smiled at her.

"Let's eat." She said.

I nodded and we looked for a place to eat. We decided to eat Italian so we ordered our food and wait for the order to arrive.

"Hey, I know something is wrong and your hurting." Sophia said sincerely.

I smiled at her.

"I can't stop thinking about Kris." I replied.

"Hmm.. Do you still love him?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Then why not forgive him and start over again?" She suggested.

"I don't know if I can trust him again. I want to start over but I'm scared. How can I trust someone who cheated on me to not cheat again?" I let out all my worries to her.

"Its hard to regain a lost trust and its only logical for you to never get back with him ever but remember this also, it was also logical for him to leave you when you got married." She told me and that made me think a little bit about what Kris' has went through in our relationship.

Am I being selfish? Was I too unreasonable? But he made out with some girl, I never did that with Luhan. He still cheated but if I were in his position, I have a girlfriend but can't call her that, can't go on dates, a girlfriend that needs to hide her boyfriend, how would I feel? Would I stay?

I looked at Sophia and wonder what she felt about this. She was in the same situation with Kris. She looked back at me and looked curious why I was staring at her.

"Its hard, very. I also thought of finding someone else and give up on Luhan but I know I can't find any other guy like him so I stayed without knowing what would happen. I don't even know if we would really end up together or not. But you know, in this life, no one really knows what will happen so I decided that except of wondering if there is a future in this and what not, I decided to follow my happiness because you know at the end of the day, that's what matters the most." She told me, felt like she read my mind. I was shocked and just stared at her.

"If you're thinking how did I know what's on your mind, well its clearly written in your face so." Sophia said and continued eating.

"Thanks, that made me feel better." I smiled at her.

"Hey what are friends are for." She said and I smiled at her.

The food arrived and we started eating. I kept on thinking about what Sophia told me. Maybe, I should give him another chance, I still do love him.

After eating, we decided to go home. Sophia sent me home. I asked her to go up and meet Luhan but she declined she said she still have a shoot tomorrow and Luhan might not let her go home if she came up. After she left, I went to our house. I saw Luhan on the couch as I entered the place.

"What time do you think is it?" He greeted me with a very angry voice.

I felt really scared.

"I sent you a message, I told you that I'm going shopping with Sophia." I explained, I felt really scared, I've never seen an angry Luhan before.

He came near me and smiled.

"I'm just kidding." He said and he started to chuckle.

I felt so relieved that I started crying.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I was just fooling around. Hey, stop crying." He cooed me.

"I don't know what I'll do if your gonna be mad at me. I won't have anyone to support me anymore." I said in between sobs.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Don't worry I won't leave you." He said as he hugged me.

After I finished crying, he sent me to my room and brought my shopping bags with him. He tucked me in bed.

"Hey, Luhan. Can you sleep beside me tonight?" I asked.

I don't really know why I'm asking him to do this but I felt like I needed someone to care for me tonight. He nodded and laid beside me and hugged me.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly.

"Hmmm... I'm thinking about Kris. I still love him but I find it hard to forgive him. I can't understand why its hard for me to believe him again." I said.

"Its hard to regain a broken trust. I know you still love him and he loves you too. I know how much he loves you since I can see it in his eyes whenever I pick you up from the university. There are times that I can feel like he wants to beat me up." He said and laughed at his last sentence.

"Would you kiss another girl if your drunk?" I asked and he was shocked to hear that question.

"If I was really drunk and don't know what I'm doing, there is a huge probability that I would. That's why I don't drink till that happens." He said and I nodded.

"If you still love him and you know that he still loves you. Ain't it enough for you to believe that he won't do it again?" He said.

I kept quiet. Luhan has a point. I do love Kris, why can't I believe in him. Why can't I trust him again? 

I heard Luhan humming me to sleep. He is really such a sweet guy. I'm really happy that he's a friend of mine.

The next morning when I woke up Luhan was already in his office. I took a piece of paper and wrote something on it then I prepare myself to go out. I went to the university gym, I know that by this time the basketball team are practicing. I went to their locker and put the letter that I wrote inside Kris' locker. I don't know if this would turn out right but this is what I felt like the right decision. 
