Chapter 41: Aftermath (Trixie)


Then Luhan and Kris fall on the ground. I looked behind me to see the police entering the barn with Laura, so that's where she went. I was shocked and my head is not processing anything until I heard Nathan's voice.

"Mommy! Daddy's bleeding!" Nathan shouted.

I saw my twins beside their father, shaking him. I went near them and saw Luhan shot in the back. He was half concious.

"Luhan, get a hold of yourself!" I told him and shouted at some police officer to help them.

They carried him out of the barn while I hugged the twins, who wouldn't stop crying. The police officers also took us out and was told to get in the police car. Kris was also taken to a separate ambulance.

I was staring into nothing while the twins continued to cry. Its like I'm reliving the nightmare of losing Luhan again. Why does this keep on happening? Why us? We both just wanted a happy life and start a family, was that something too much to ask for?

"Daddy... so much blood..." I heard Nathalie sobbed and I realized that I need to get myself together.

It must have been terrifying scene for the kids seeing someone get shot specially if one of them is your own father.

I hugged the both of them and tried to calm them down.

"Don't worry, daddy would be okay. Daddy's strong. He loves you so much so he wouldn't let you be sad, okay? He's strong, he can make it through." I told them and myself.

After a few minutes, we arrived in the nearest hospital. They took the twins and check them if they are hurt. They also run some test to make sure that they are healthy and nothing is seriously wrong. The twins were a bit dehydrated and lost quite a lot of weight. They also have little bruises here and there but nothing is really wrong physically. 

The doctor put them inside a private room to rehydrate them and I wait there with them. Lay entered the room and looked at me.

"How are they?" Lay asked.

"They're fine its not that bad. Thanks Lay for finding them and I'm sorry for doubting you." I told him.

"It's okay. I'm really glad that they're fine. Luhan would finally calm down and have a peace of mind." Lay said and I was touched with what he said. So Luhan did cared.

'Duh? He just got beaten up and shot so that Kris wouldn't hurt the kids.' My conscience said.

"By the way, how's he? Is it bad?" I asked remembering that he was shot.

I started to feel scared again. Would I be losing him this time? But I don't want to. 

"He's still in surgery. Don't worry he'll be fine. The wound was not like before. He survive 5 gunshot wound before, don't worry he'll survive this. I'm sure he would." Lay said sounding really confident.

"You're awfully confident with your friend." I told him.

"I know he would because he still wants to complete his family. Trix, you know, Luhan really loves you and the twins. He had been blaming himself for the past few weeks for everything that happened. He doesn't really know where to start apologizing to you. He wants you back and Trix, he's sincere about it. I know its hard. After everything you went through because of him in these 5 years, its probably really hard to forgive him but Trix, can you find it in your heart to forgive him one more time?" Lay asked.

I was silent. I want to forgive him but I'm scared. What if when he came out of that surgery, he forgets me and the twins again, what am I holding on to right now? His love for me? How can I be sure that when he wakes up it will be me who he would look for and not Sophia.

"Sophia..." I didn't realized I blurted out her name.

"Don't worry about them. They're relationship were done. It was done 5 years ago, they were just too blinded that they didn't realized that. They just simply wanted to make it work because the relationship they had is something they were both accustomed to. They finally figured out that one now and both have already let go. Luhan loves you, he never really forgot that he just doesn't want to accept it since he can't remember you. He's scared of the uncertainty it brings." Lay explained.

"But what if he wakes up and the same thing happens. He can't remember me again." I told Lay.

"If that happens, I'll help you beat the hell out of him. " He said and I smiled.

"He really loves you. I swear. I haven't seen Luhan be helpless in front of anyone else than you. You're the only one who can make him weak, make him face uncertainties, make him forget who he is. Last night was the first time, I saw him so lost, so scared, so confused. He doesn't know what he needs to do to keep his family in one piece. He regretted everything he did, to the point he regretted he lived just to forget you and hurt you." Lay explained.

"Yeah, I heard him rant about that last night." Trixie said.

"So you were really the one who was with him last night." Lay said shocked.

"Yeah, who did he thought it was." I asked feeking a bit annoyed that he forgot it's me.

"He thought it was me." Lay said while looking so grossed out.

"Really? He's insane." I said as I shook my head.

"Yeah but only for you. Trixie as Luhan's best friend, I'm begging you to forgive him on his behalf. I know when he wakes up, he'll be begging you but please, give him one more chance. Just one more." Lay said.

"I'll think about it." I told him and sighed.

Lay looked defeated but still satisfied with my answer.

"Okay. I'll leave now. Call me if something else happened." Lay said as he left.

"Mommy." Nathalie called.

I appraoched them.

"Is daddy really going to leave us? Are you going to leave us?" Nathalie asked. She was on the verge of crying.

Nathan hugged his sister to comfort her but he was also on the verge of crying. It was a heartbreaking scene for me. They both couldn't look at me in the eye. They were scared of what my answer would be. After a while, their tears started to fall but they don't made any noise. I felt so helpless, I wanted to hug them and tell them that everything would be better. But would it be? 

I sat down on their bed and touch their hands, tears were also falling down from my eyes.

"I'm not gonna leave you. How could I leave you? You're my children, I love you very much and so does your daddy." I told them, remembering the video Luhan made just for them. Maybe when all of this is over, I can show it to them.

The twins hugged me and they cried. I let them cry all they want. I know they were scared. Kris had told them a lot of bullshit things. Speaking of Kris, what happened to him? Did he survive? 

The door opened a nurse entered the room. She told me that the twins needs to rest for a while so that their body could relax. I nodded and put them to sleep. When they were asleep, I decided to went out of their room to see how is Luhan doing. The nurse told me that the surgery was a success and they would be transferring him to another room but I told them if they could just transfer him to the same room where the twins are. The twins would probably be happy to see that their dad is okay. I was about to leave when the nurse told me that the other guy's operation was a success also and he was already moved to a room. I asked her the room number and she gave it to me.

I went to Kris' room to give him a piece of my mind. I saw police officer in front of his door, they looked at me and I told them I wanted to talk to him. They let me enter the room since he's already awake and told me that I can't stay that long.

When I entered the room, I saw Kris staring at nothing and then he turned to me when he heard the door closed.

"Trixie? What happened?" He asked. I guess this is the normal Kris.

"What happened? You kidnapped my twins and attempted to murder them for you petty revenge." I told him while restraining myself from shouting at him.

He looked shock with what I said.

"No, that's not true. Its just a dream. I didn't do that." He said while shaking his head.

"No, you did that. I trusted you." I told him. I felt eyes starting to get teary but not because I'm sad but because of anger.

"It must be a mistake." He said.

"I saw you with my two eyes pointing a gun to my daughter! You bastard! I can't believe that I trusted you all those years! You're a mad man!" I told him.

Then he suddenly laughed. I guess the other Kris has emerged.

"I should have killed those brats earlier. You deserve to feel the pain I've felt after you used me!" Kris accused.

"I didn't used you, I honestly did love you but now, I hated the very thought of me loving you. You were not worth it. I made the right decision in being with Luhan." I told him and glared at me.

"You bitch! You're going to pay for this. This is still not over. I'm gonna make sure you won't live happily! I'm gonna make you feel the pain I've felt!" He shouted which caused the police officer to barge inside the room and told me to leave.

"I'm going to live a happy life and there's nothing you can do about it." I told him before I left which angered him more but I felt relieved that I've let it out.

I went back to the twins room and saw that Luhan was already there. I looked at his angelic face and touched it.

"I want to forgive you but I'm scared." I said.
