Chapter 10: Fight (Trixie)

Its only a few months till graduation and like a normal student, I am cramming right now. I've been locking myself in the library since this morning and its already 2 in the afternoon right now.

My thesis is still half way done and right now, I'm facing a deadend. I have no idea what to do next, I'm at lost and this is really not a good time for Kris to keep on disturbing me. He's lucky since his done with his.

"Trix, what do you want to do after graduation? Wanna travel?" Kris asked.

"No, Luhan won't let me do that." I answered shortly and continued doing my research.

"What about we bring him along?" He asked again.

"No, he's busy." I answered again.

"But you still haven't asked him." He said acting cutely.

"That's after graduation, right? He's going to China for business after my grad." I answered.

"Then how about we go to China, in that way, it'll be safer for you guys." He said still trying to convince me.

"No, but I'm going to China with him. " I said, while I continued typing what I found.

I didn't realize that Kris was getting really pissed off with me keep turning him down. Well, I didn't realize what I was saying, I was busy with my research, so I just answered the question without thinking of his feelings. 

"So you're going to China with him but doesn't want me around with the two of you?" He asked and there was anger in his voice.

"Kris, Its a business trip and that would be my first project after graduating. I'm going there as a representative of my father's company and Luhan's wife. That's all." I said, feeling a little bit irritated with him and all his questions. Can't he like not ask me right now? Can't he see I'm busy with my thesis?

"That's all? You're going there to show off that you're his wife." He said, he sounded angry this time and I am really pissed off with the way he said that. I faced him and raised an eyebrow.

"I am his wife and I think I do have that right to show other people that he is my husband!" I told him, I feel really annoyed at him right now. Why is he acting like this? It's not like its the first time he heard that Luhan is my husband. Its a fact that we must accept.

Kris looked shocked with what I told him. He looked really hurt and I just realized what I said but I guess my pride wouldn't allow me to back down.

"You know what. Fine. Whatever." He said, then he left me.

 I looked at him as he left. I didn't follow him since well its thesis were talking about here. I can't risk to fail, it will look bad for my dad and for Luhan. I just sighed and continued with what I'm doing.

After I finished for the day and packed up, Its already dark outside. Kris might have finished with his basketball practice so I decided to go there and meet him. I was also planning to apologize on what happened this afternoon. I wasn't thinking clearly when I said those stuff and now I felt bad about it. 

I was passing the dark hallway to the gym, when I heard moans and stuff. Seriously these people, can't they get a room? I walked quickly and went to inside the gym but Kris was not there, actually no one was inside the gym. Then I saw a sign, saying that there is no practice today. I sighed, he probably went home already. Should I drop by his house? I probably should. Its better to talk these things today than to let it drag tomorrow. I went out of the gym and those people who were making out was still there. I just shook my head. Then I heard the girl, moan a very familiar name, that made me look back at them. I realized that it was Kris with Janice, the lead cheerleader. 

"I.. he... Oh my God" I thought. Seriously this fast. 

I don't really know what to do. I'm in a state of shock, I've never really saw people making out before and all the more if its my boyfriend with someone else. I don't really remember what happened but I realized that I'm standing outside our house and Luhan was opening the door looking really annoyed.

"Trixie, one doorbell is enough you know." He said sounded really irritated.

"Luhan." I called and I just started crying. I'm loss at words. I really don't know what to say, how to react on what just happened. I don't even think that my brain is processing it at all.

"Trixie, are you alright? What happened? Hey" He hugged me and stroke my hair.

I didn't answer back and just cried, like a little girl. 

"What happened? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you? Were you bullied? Where's Kris? Didn't he protect you? or wait did you fight?" Luhan asked.

I just cried and cried. I couldn't answer. Words just won't get out of my mouth. 

"Let's get inside first. Come on." He said and lead me inside. I sat at the sofa and Luhan went to the kitchen to get me a drink. He handed me a glass of water when he came back then sat beside me. I drink the water and tried to calm down, tears are just falling by themselves.

I don't even know what I'm feeling right now. I feel numb. Tears would just really fall from my eyes. Luhan was hugging me and trying to calm me down.

"Trix, come on tell me what happened? Or just talk. Whatever's wrong just let it out. If you want someone to punch, I can lend you a shoulder to punch." He said.

I looked at him with an are-you-out-of-your-mind expression. He smiled and wiped away my tears.

"Now wifey stop crying. Calm down, breathe in, breathe out. If you cry again, I will kiss you so you can forget everrthing and be entraced with my kiss." He said boasting.

I looked at him with an amused looked and can't help to laugh.

"Yeah right" I managed to say.

"Oh my God! Its a miracle, she talked. A voice came out of her mouth. She's able to speak!" Luhan said as he stand up and raise his hands and looked up above.

"Luhan, you're being ridiculous!" I said and started to giggle.

"There finally you're smiling." He said as he sat down again.

I looked at him and smiled. I felt a little better, then suddenly my tummy started complaining. Luhan looked at me wide eyed.

"Don't tell me you're crying because your hungry." He said.

I gave him a 'seriously?!-look'.

He stood up went to his room and took some jacket and went back to the living room. He hold my hands and pulled me up from the sofa.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"We're going to eat out." He answered.

"But I look like a mess. Can't I wash my face first and look human?" I asked.

He gestured me to do so and so I went to my room and grab some new clothes then wash my face and change clothes. When I went out of the room and was going to the living room, I heard Luhan on the phone.

"I'm sorry, Sophie. I've got a lot of things to do tonight and I can't cancel them. I'm sorry, Let's reschedule our date. I'm really sorry." I heard him say.

Did he have an appointment with her? Oh my, I kindda ruined someone else's evening. Maybe, I should just tell him, that I'll cook something here. 

"What are you doing there?" He asked me. I didn't realized that he saw me and he was already standing in front of me.

"I... was.. uhmm... " I tried to find an explanation why I'm standing in the hallway doing nothing.

He didn't wait for me to explain and he hold my hands again and we went out for dinner.

He brought us to some family restaurant. The restaurant has a warm feeling, it makes me calm down and there's this warmth that feels really comforting. We sat near a family of four. I stared at the little girl sitting on her dad and her dad is feeding her. Her mom is holding a baby  and looking at her daughter and husband lovingly. I smiled at the very heart warming view I'm seeing. The wife turned at us and smiled, I smiled back at her.

The waiter distracted my attetion and we ordered food. 

"It must be nice to have a family like that." Luhan said.

"Didn't you grew up in a family like that?" I asked.

"No, not really. We probably grew up with the same family environment. Parents are always away, you always trying to find ways to be noticed and all that stuff." He said and I nodded at him.

"You know, when we have kids, we should show them the love, we are always hungry for." I told him and he looked at me shocked with what I said.

I rethink what I said and realize what it could mean.

"Wait, I didn't mean we as us, I meant you know when the both of us, I mean..." I tried to explain but I felt my cheeks really warm and I know my face is really red right now.

"I get it." He said while chuckling. I glared at him and it made him chuckle more.

Our order arrived and we started eating. We talked a lttile and I can feel that he is trying to cheer up and not remind me of whatever things thats making me sad right now.

After we ate, we decided to go home. We went out of the restaurant holding hands and he was teasing me with whatever he can think of. I know that he is trying so hard to make me feel better, he's that kind of guy. He might be a control freak but he's really kind.

We were approaching his car, when Luhan froze.

"Luhan?" A pretty girl called. Wait she is no ordinary pretty girl, she's Sophia, Luhan's girlfriend.

"Sophie, what are you doing here?" He asked as he slowly let go of my hands.

"I'm here to eat alone, since my boyfriend told me his busy from work." She said. I can see anger in her eyes, she looked really hurt.

"Sophie, I'm sorry, its my fault." I said but she glared at me and I got scared.

"Sophie, It's not her fault. It's mine. I'm sorry if I lied. I should have just told you the truth." Luhan said. 

Looking at Luhan, I can see that he would really want to approach her and try make her feel better but he can't because they are outside and people might see them. Sophia was looking at them and her eyes were really teary and I can see that she's trying so hard to keep them from falling.

"Luhan, is this how you're planning to fix this?" She said then she left. 

Luhan looked so sad and helpless. I went near to him and hold his arm. 

"Hey, I'm really sorry. You should go after her." I told him. He just shook his head and tried to smile.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow. Don't worry. Everythings gonna be okay." He said.

We went home. Luhan's mood really dropped and I don't know how to cheer him up. 
