Chapter 39: Lead (Luhan)

I woke up probably around lunch time with a very bad headache. I looked at the bed side table and saw an aspirin and a glass of water. I decided to drink it first then think. When the pain become bearable, I started to analyze what happened to me.

So Trixie doesn't want me anymore, she wants divorce and I don't want it. Wow, it was only a few weeks when I was the one asking divorce from her. Karma is really scary. I sighed and looked at myself. I realized that I was naked. I looked around to see if someone was there. Please don't tell I brought home some random girl and ... NOOOOO! I need to call Lay now.

I took my phone and dialed Lay's number.

"Yo! How's your headache?" He said as he answered his phone.

"Bearable. Did you send me home?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said. He sounds confused with my question.

"Is it just 2 of us?" I continued to ask.

"Yeah?" Lay answered sounding more confused.

'Did I just slept naked?' I thought but then I started to get a glimpse of some random images of what happened the night before. 

'Wait, if its just 2 of us. Don't tell me?! Eww... gross... that's not possible but I'm definitely with someone last night." I thought.

"Luhan, still there?" Lay asked.

"Yeah, are you sure its just the 2 of us?" I asked him.

"Yeah why?" He answered.

'OMG. Please tell me we didn't do anything." I thought.

"Lay, we didn't... you know..." I asked him awkwardly.

"We didn't what?" He asked confused.

"You see... I woke up naked in bed and I remembered I'm with someone. Please tell me its not you" I told him.

"I don't really know how to answer that question." Lay said and that made me more scared.

"Don't tell me we did?" I told him, I'm starting to feel like I want to puke.

"I'm gonna murder you for even thinking of that. THAT IS SO GROSS!!! HAVE YOU GONE GAY?!! DOES TRIXIE WANTING DIVORCE FRIED YOUR BRAIN?! YOU'RE CRAZY!!!" Lay shouted sounding really grossed out.

"But  there's aspirin and a glass of water on the bedside table. Someone is surely with me last night." I told him.

"I don't who is with you last night and I'm pretty sure its not me! I dropped you of last night at your house and you just literally collapse on the floor and didn't want to stand up and go to bed. I tried telling you to go to bed but you don't want to so I let you be." He told me.

That part, I can remember. But who's with me last night?

"Is Sophia in town?" I asked him.

"No, its not her. I went to her house after I sent you home, and we talked till around midnight." He said.

"Then who's with me last night?" I asked him.

"I don't know but I'm sure its not me. Do you want me to investigate? Who has keys to your house anyway." He asked.

"Trixie and me." I told him. 

Is it Trixie?

"There you got your answer unless something else is awry, don't call me and ask me if I was with you. I have more important thing to do than being accused of uhhhh... sleeping with you. I'm gonna go wash my mouth for saying that. Ewwww!!!" He said as he hang up.

He seemed pretty pissed off but I really am glad, it wasn't him. That is such a gross thought. I stood up and went down to get more water when I realized that there's a soup in the stove and a note near it saying, "Heat it up and eat it. Will be good for your hang over."

After I read the note, I'm pretty sure I was with Trixie last night. I heat up the soup and start eating when I felt better I tried to remember what happened last night.

I remebered Trixie taking care of me.I remembered kissing her and I remembered her not pushing me away. Does this mean I have a chance?

'Aren't you getting ahead of yourself? Trixie's just plain kind, if you haven't noticed it yet. She'll even help someone like you." My conscience just burst my bubbles.

'Can't I be happy and not hear your nagging? I know I've been a huge pain in the ass for her but I'm trying to get my family back again.' I said.

'Good luck with that. Should have done that sooner you know.' My conscience said.

I sighed but anyway where is she?

I looked around the house and found out that she's not there and her clothes and the twins clothes were not there also.

'She runaway.' I thought.

'Wow. That's a shocker.' My conscience sarcastically said.

I get my phone and called her but she's not answering her phone. I tried calling her again and again but she's not answering. Maybe she's ignoring me.

'Maybe she's ignoring you?' My conscience scoffed.

'Let's rephrase that. She's ignoring you.' My conscience said.

Where could she be? She probably went back to Kris. What was she doing here anyway? Wait, did she followed what I said when I told her she can stay here? Maybe, she did. She must be really pissed to find me here too that's why she left. I sighed again. How am I suppose to get her back? Maybe she and Kris are already planning their wedding but no she can't, she's still married to me. She can't marry him. How do I win her back? How did I even do it before?

'Would bringing flowers work?' I thought.

'She'll put it to your grave.' My conscience said.

'How about I take her out on a date?' I thought again.

'Yeah, do that while your kids are missing.' My conscience said.

I would be really pissed off, if my conscience wasn't right. I should really find my twins first and then I'll think of a way how I can bring them home with me.

I heard my phone ring and grabbed it as fast as I can thinking it was Trixie.

"Trix?" I answered.

"Nope, Sorry but it's Lay but I have a... I don't know if its good news or what but I have some leads on your twins." Lay said.

"REALLY? THAT'S GOOD NEWS!" I shouted out of joy.

"Well, I"ll go to your house and explain the details. I'll call Trixie to go there also." Lay said as he hang up.

I paced back and forth in the living room for God knows how long when I heard the doorbell ring. I saw Lay and he went inside.

He wouldn't tell me anything as long as Trixie is still not here. What's taking her so long anyway? Is she with Kris? After a few minutes of waiting she arrived. Finally!

"What took you so long?" I asked her and she just glared at me.

"Okay, both of you seat down and let me explain the situation before the both of you start stranggling each other." Lay said.

"So I went back to Kris' villa a while ago since I find that his..." He started but was cut off when he heard his phone ringing.

"Oh hello Laura." He greeted.

"What do you mean? Calm down." Lay said.

I was starting to get curious, who is he talking to and if that has something to do with the twins.

"What do you mean he's mad?" Lay asked. He sounded anxious now.

"He's going where?" He continued.

"Okay, wait there. We'll go there now." He said and he hang up.

He looked up at us looking really scared and anxious. Now, I'm really sure that the call has something to do with the twins.

"We need to go now!" Lay said and both me and Trixie followed him out of the house.

 We went inside his car while he was calling what I think is the police.

"Lay, what's happening?" Trixie asked as she sat inside his car, both of us were seated in the backseat.

"The twins were kidnapped." Lay started.

"What? But why didn't the kidnappers called us for ransom?" I asked him.

"Because I'm afraid, the kidnapper doesn't want to give them back." Lay said.

"What do they want from the twins?" Trixie asked she was shaking and sound really scared.

I hold her hand and tried to calm her down.

"They or I mean He doesn't want you to find them again." Lay answered. He looked really mad.

"What do you mean he? Do you know who took them?" I asked him.

"I tried to tell you a while ago. I found Laura's attitude yesterday quite intriguing so I went back today to ask her a few things. She told me Kris asked her to hide the twins." Lay started to explain.

"No... You're lying Lay! Laura might just made that up!" Trixie said.

She seemed enrage with what he said. Did she really loved him that much?

"I'm not. Kris has dissociative identity disorder. When he's mad, another person or side of him came up and apparently he still holds a grudge against you being pregnant with the twins. He wants to get rid of them so that nothing would hold you back in being with him again.This is also the reason why I told you not to tell anyone since I know you'll probably call him and tell him we have a lead." Lay explained and that totally pissed me off.

I'm going to kill that guy.

"But he's already fine. Suho said he's fine." She tried to cover for him.

"Really?! You're going to cover for him when he kidnapped our twins!" I told her feeling really angry that she's still covering for that guy.

"You don't have any proof in that! Laura might just be setting him up! Kris can't do that. He was there for me! He's the only one who helped me through those years you left me! Why is she even telling it now? I've stayed there with them. She never said anything." Trixie said.

"Kris blackmailed her. She's an accomplice, no matter what happened and if Kris is caught, she would also go to jail being his accomplice. She can't take the guilt anymore and seeing you with Kris being all supportive in finding your twins is making her sick knowing he is the one who kidnapped them." Lay explained.

"No, she's making that up. Maybe she just want to bring down Kris with her." Trixie said.

"Or maybe he really did it but you just don't want to accept it! What Lay or Laura was saying is quite possible! How come we never find anything or any clues about the twins? They can't just go missing on a secluded place where people rarely passed by to take them. You don't expect 5 year olds to walk all the way to God knows where and no one would find them not even one person!" Luhan said.

"Your just saying that because you want to put all the blame to Kris. This wouldn't even have happened if you didn't forget everything that happened between us!" Trixie shouted at me angrily and her words hurt... a lot.

"Okay, now is not the time for you to fight. Laura called a while ago to tell me that Kris came back home really mad and went out again to go to the twins. Laura is scared that he might do something to the twins. Did you and Kris fight a while ago?" Lay asked and Trixie became quiet.
