Chapter 6

                            ELLIE JONES

After reading the book last night, I dreamt of myself in a loving relationship like the one in the pages of countless romance novels. I sit up instantly regretting the decision of sleeping on the hard ground instead of going home. My back and neck were starting to hurt, causing me to stretch to try and relieve some of the pain. I am so glad that I have no classes today. I grab the phone that is sitting next to me and check the time. 11:00am. It is well past the opening time but honestly, I could not care less. I get up and grab the book from beside me, stashing it into my bag. I try to comb through the monstrosity that is my hair as much as possible to do my best and look somewhat presentable. I then take my bag, walk downstairs, and ride my bike all the way back home.

Unlocking the door to the extremely quiet and empty house, I throw my bag onto the floor, something mum would have yelled at me for doing. Yes, even at 19 she yells at me for trivial things like throwing my bags onto the ground. I lazily walk into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water before taking out a container of pills from the cupboard to aid in easing the soreness of my neck and back. After taking the medicine, I make my way to my bed, and I can almost hear my body thanking me for lying on something other than wood.

"I'll just open the store at 1:00 in the afternoon today" I make a silent promise to myself before drifting off to sleep. All of a sudden, I hear my phone ping. I certainly have an ill fate with sleep these days. I look at my phone only to see a message from my mum that she has to accompany poor Joe home after the cruise because he got sick. Typical. I throw my phone to the side and shove my face into the pillow. At this rate, I think we can both forget about my birthday celebration or lack thereof.

I toss and turn in bed in an attempt to fall asleep but to no avail. The message had made me more awake and alert. Sighing in defeat, I brush my hair back and decide to take a nice relaxing bath.

During the bath, I couldn't help but recall not only the book I read last night but also the boy I met a few days ago. I wonder if he even thought of me once even after our encounter, or even remembers that I exist, like how Alfie thought of Beaux every day after they first met.

"Stop it" I reprimand myself and splash my face with some water. He already said he didn't want to form attachments, so I have no idea why I keep thinking of him, especially at the most random moments. Like right now, when I am literally in a bath. 

After getting out and getting changed into a simple pair of denim white shorts and a t-shirt, I check my work schedule. My next shift at the café is on Saturday. Looking at the clock, I decide to open the store earlier than I had originally intended since I have nothing better to do. I ride my bicycle to the store again and repeat the usual opening ritual.

So far, the store has been busier than usual, and it was all thanks to the new book. "It must be getting pretty popular," I mumble to myself. I had only opened the store for an hour, and I had already sold 10 copies, which is 10 more than usual.

After a while, it starts getting quiet, which I like. Looking over at the busy display window, I subconsciously laugh with a softened voice. It's funny how so many people bought the book without even knowing who he is, what he looks like, or anything about him in general.

Then I thought, even I didn't know who he was when I read the book.
