Chapter 28


After leaving the hospital in search for a way to earn or raise more money, I decide to go to the bar. I need to clear my mind.

I sit in front of the bartender, drinking my second  drink already. As I'm about to move on to my third, I see an extremely familiar face walk towards me.

"Isaiah," he says.

"Alfie," I chug down another drink, swirling the fourth glass in my fingers.

"How is she?" He asks, taking a seat next to me ordering himself a drink. I wasn't sure if he's talking about Ellie or my mum, since I'm aware he's quite taken with Ellie, so I ask him who.

"Your mum. I heard the news. Your mum told my mum just now, so I assumed you'd be here," he replies.

"Of course she did," I say, chugging down the fourth glass, ordering my fifth. I just hope she didn't go too in-depth into our financial woes.

"They're sisters, Isaiah. It's natural that your mum would tell her sister things like this," he says, drinking his own glass of alcohol. He then hands me a brown envelope with cash in it. I scoff. Of course it's always Alfie who is there to save the day. He is always the "good" one. Why the hell is he always trying to be perfect? His family is happy, his father is present, his mother is healthy, his life is perfect.

I shove the envelope back into his arms. I don't want his charity.

"Don't be stubborn Isaiah. Your mum needs this treatment and fast. There's no other way you're going to get such a large amount of money within such a short span of time. So I suggest you suck up your pride, and accept the cash. We're family, and we only want to help," he tells me, placing the envelope in front of me before leaving.

I hold the envelope in front of me. I do need the help, and I need it desperately. I place the envelope into my pocket and continue drinking, trying to drink my problems away.

I think it's been an hour, maybe even two or three, and I have no idea what I'm doing. My mind is a blur and I grab the bottle to leave. I have no idea where to go, so I let my feet make the decision for me.

I reach my destination. Well, my feet's destination, and I take another drink of beer from the bottle in my hands. I push the door open and I can't even walk straight.

"Ellie," I slur. I feel my eyes close and someone catching me before I collapse onto the ground.

I can hear faint noises and talking, but I can't really make out the words.

"I've been looking for you," I tell her, giving her a lazy hug. I can hear her say I'm drunk, and that's all I can really hear. I think she places me on one of the chairs because I'm able to comfortably lean my head onto something, and I fall asleep.

A deep, deep, sleep.
