Chapter 49



After meeting him that day, he came to play with me every single afternoon. He made me feel so special.

"What's your name?" He asked me one day when we are drawing together. I didn't like my name "Ellie", it was boring like everything else in my life.

"Can I give you my pen name instead?" I asked. My mum always told me that famous authors sometimes use pen names that they give themselves. So, I came up with my very own pen name.

"Sure," he said.

"My pen name is Beaux, which is actually my middle name, but it sounds way better than my first name," I told him before I asked if he had a pen name too.

"I don't," He never really talked much. This was good because it was hard for me to speak normally, but with him who barely spoke a word, I could say whatever I wanted and he would listen.

"Well, since we're here now, come up with one," I told him.

"Okay, my pen name is...Alfie," What an interesting pen name.

And just like that, we became the best of friends. We became Beaux and Alfie.

Present Day


After stuffing the letter from Isaiah into my bag, I grab the makeshift book and my book to leave. I am going to confront Alfie. He had lied to me and constantly fed me lies about how Isaiah didn't want to say goodbye, that he never wanted closure when in reality, he did. Alfie just hid it from me. He really was a great actor.

I leave everything else in the attic. I couldn't care less about anything else, let alone bringing boxes to a stupid donation drive.

I take a taxi back home, knowing that Alfie is waiting at home for me given how late it is now.

I burst into the apartment and I see Alfie sitting on the sofa. He immediately gets up when he sees me and rushes over. "Where were you? I tried calling you but you didn't pick up," he tries to touch my face but I back away. He disgusts me. All those lies hid who he truly was.

I throw the two books at him. "Explain yourself," I say with a shaky voice. He bends down to pick the books up and realises what I've found, what I've figured out.

"Wait Ellie I can explain, I... I saw how much pain he was causing you and I just loved you so much I... I couldn't think straight," he pleads, walking towards me.

"You lied that you were the author of that book long before Isaiah did anything to hurt me. Don't give me stupid excuses. You knew I still loved him when you saw me crying in that airport and you still told me that he didn't care when he did. He wrote me a letter, he was going to give me my book as a parting gift! He loved me and still does. How dare you take that away from me? How dare you take him away from me?" I shout out, angry, hot tears falling.

"I love you, I did everything because I love you," he says. I shake my head. "You don't love me at all. You willingly put me through all that pain. How is that love?" I scream.

"And you haven't put me through any pain? I see you every night hugging his jacket close to you. I see how you keep his picture in your wallet, and I accepted all of that! I accepted the love you have for him. I love you despite all of that! I always have," he shouts, and for the first time, I witness him become more human. He shed tears like me for the first time.

"Don't push the blame on me. I made it very clear how I felt about him from the beginning. You should have known how much I love him. Instead, you tricked me, you lied to get me to fall into your trap," I say, tired from everything that has happened. I didn't even want to begin to imagine how much more he's lied to me about. Was everything we had based on a lie?

"I love you, so much." He cries out softly. I couldn't stand to be here anymore. I needed to be away from the place, from him.

I bend down to grab my bag and all of a sudden, all I see is black.

And then there was nothing else but black. Pure black.
