Chapter 23


With this sudden revelation and declaration of love, my heart finally feels at ease. All the worries of yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that, seem to disappear. I feel so much closer to him emotionally now then ever before.

He texted me this morning to meet him in the campus cafeteria after class, and that was all it took for my attention to be directed to him, and only him.

The class felt like an eternity, and I can't even express the happiness I felt when the professor dismissed us. I walk as fast as my two feet can manage to the cafeteria, my eyes automatically sweeps the room in search for him. When I finally do spot him, I walk over, with what I would imagine to be the biggest smile on my face. What can I say, he makes me the happiest I've ever been.

"Hello," I greet. He glances up, and I force myself to stand still. I mean, his eyes could literally kill. Not that I was complaining.

"Hi, are you hungry?" He asks as I take a seat opposite him. I shake my head. I think it was hard for the both of us to process where our relationship would go from here. "So, about this whole I love you thing, what do you want to do now?" I think it's clear we are both inexperienced in the aspect of relationships, romantic relationships.

"I don't know, I never took a class on being in an official relationship," I say. He chuckles, and I laugh with him. Though I do want to be his girlfriend, or whatever that really meant or represents, I want to get to know him more. I want to take things slow, instead of rushing into it and date for real.

"We should take things slow first. Get to know one another better," I suggest, hoping he doesn't see it as a sign of me doubting my own feelings, because I'm not. He nods in agreement, which I'm glad to see. We leave shortly after since I'm not hungry, and head to the store.

We've currently been in here for 2 hours, spending time by doing work and reading. Well, he's been reading while I've been doing work. Studying, to be precise. At one point, I put down my books. I was getting bored, so I decided to kickstart this whole "get to know you better" thing.

"Can I ask you a question?" It was always me asking the questions. It's not my fault though, he always seems to keep everything to himself that I have so many questions needing to be answered. He closes the book he's reading, one I'm not even sure he's actually reading, and gestures for me to go ahead.

"What is your biggest wish?" There wasn't really a reason behind my question, only curiosity.

"I don't really have a wish, it's more of an unrealistic dream." He answers. I remember what happened the last time I poked and prodded at him when he didn't want to explain his answer, so I refrain from asking more.

"What about you?" He asks in return. I tap my fingers on my chin pretending to think long and hard about it.

"Hmm, my biggest wish is to move out into my own apartment," which is true. Even though I had patched things up with my mum, it doesn't erase the fact that I want to live a more free life, more like an adult. Besides, if my mum and I continue to live together, it only opens the door to future arguments, and I really like the current dynamic between us and intend to keep it that way. "I also want my own bookstore in the future, but not just any ordinary bookstore. I want one with a cafe inside. A place where people can rewind and relax, a place where I can rewind and relax." I finish. He looks up and smiles at the wishes I have. They were really big wishes, but I believe anything can happen.

I am with my biggest wish right now, so there's really no telling what's in store for me in the future.

He moves over to sit next to me, and places my head on his shoulder, with his head on mine. It was something simple, not romantic, but it was significant. It made me feel protected and loved. Something I've always longed for.

I love my head up to look at him. He really was my heaven and hell combined. His face always expressionless until we're together, and his scent always drives me insane. He always drives me insane.

"You really are the thrill in my life, do you know that?" I whisper to him as I move my head back to lean on him once again. He looks down at me as if telling me I can just close my eyes and rest in his arms. That everything will be alright, and nothing will hurt me when he's around.

All he does is smile, and that's really all I need.
