{6} I Think Otherwise

Kyra's POV

Kyra's Outfit:

I walked into chemistry late since I had to go to the bathroom, I handed Mr. Harris, my fake parent's note saying I'm leaving after class and a fake late pass.

Mr. Harris then said, "The least that you could do is bring a pencil and a piece of paper."

I said, "The least that you could do is teach."

I rolled my eyes then walked and sat in the middle between Scott and Stiles.

Scott said/whispered, "You know if you want to be Kyla, you should at least dress like her."

I was still wearing my sunglasses then Stiles said, "Are you seriously mad at us?"

"Kyra?" Stiles whispered/asked

"Kyra?" Scott whispered/asked

Then Stiles said, "You know you don't have to be rude and ignore us."

"Actually, I can." I said

Then I turned my head looking at Stiles and said/ whispered, "Stiles, you know why I'm mad, it's because you out of all people didn't want to do anything about it. Kyla is going to a cell where she doesn't even belong. For your information, Stiles, I've been there, they've seen my face before. Do you honestly believe that they are going to go easy on Kyla? I bet Kyla is not going to some holding cell, she's about to go through the same thing that I went through and you know how that ended, right? The Argents and my mom got to me, now, they could get to her. And I can't be her alibi, because I have a restraining order and I already told you that she was with me last night, she couldn't possibly murder anyone."

I paused then said/whispered, "Stiles, when I was cuffed, you tried to stop your dad. How come you didn't do that for my sister?"

"Because she's not you." Stiles said then I asked, "So what? You don't care, she might be end like me."

"That's not what I meant." Stiles replied

I responded, "That sounded a lot like it. So, if you think that I'm still being rude to you, at least you know why."

I said/whispered to Scott, "And you, Scott. No matter what, you can never stop me. No matter what you could do, you can't stop me. I dealt with people like you, my entire life. Alright? So if you think about doing that again, stopping me, I'll make sure that your heart is ripped out of your chest."

I looked forward as Mr. Harris was writing on the board.

Stiles and Scott sighed then Stiles said, "Look, I hate you being mad at me so what can I do for you to forgive me?"

"A lot of things, Stiles. One, you could stop your dad from putting my sister in a cell. Two, help me get into the police station, so I could get Kyla. Three, tell me what's really going on? And while, you're at it, I'm going to "kindly" ask Derek to stop changing people." I said/whispered turning my head at Stiles.

Scott replied, "Wait, isn't Kyla and Isaac both teenagers, they're teenagers, they won't keep them in a cell, right Stiles?"

Stiles responded, "Not if, they have solid evidence or a witness."

Then Stiles turned around looking at Danny then I turned my head grabbing a couple of papers from Stiles's binder from his backpack.

Stiles asked, "Hey, Danny. Where's Jackson?"

Danny replied as I put the paper on my desk making a paper airplane, "He's in the principal's office, talking to your dad."

"What why?" Stiles asked then Danny replied as I put a paper airplane on top of Scott's book, "Maybe it's because he lives across the street from Isaac."

"Jackson's an asshole." I said to myself as I made another paper airplane then I put it on top of Stiles's book.

Stiles then turned back around and said, "We need to go to the principal's office."

I said as I finished my paper airplane, "Let's play a game, shall we?"

Mr. Harris said, "Turn to page 73."

I said, "On three, one, two, three."

Then we all threw our paper airplanes at Mr. Harris and my airplane hit him on the head.

As the students were laughing, Mr. Harris turned around and said, "Who in the hell did that?"

Scott and Stiles were pointing at each other as I got up and stood on the table and said as I put my hands in the air, "Touchdown!!"


We ended up in the principal's office sitting in front of the office.

Stiles then asked, "Do you forgive me now?"

"Nope." I said then I continued, "Man, I'm so not used to wearing contacts."

"You're still wearing them?" Scott asked then I said, "Yea, don't ask why?"

Then Sheriff came out then Stiles quickly hid himself behind a magazine and I put my necklace under my top and then acted like I was asleep.

Sheriff then said, "Hi, Scott. Who's your new friend?"

"Her name is Michelle and she hates the sun in her eyes." Scott replied then I heard Sheriff walked away.

I said as I opened my eyes, "Nice one, Scott."

"Boys and Girl." Gerard said then I said, "Great...."

We were sitting in front of Gerard with me being in between Scott and Stiles.

Gerard was looking at Scott's folder as I crossed my legs then he said, "Scott McCall, academically not that most accomplished but I've seen you've become quite the star athlete."

Then Gerard looked at Stiles's folder then he said, "Mr. Stilinski, perfect grades, but little to know extra curricular, maybe you should join lacrosse."

Stiles replied, "Oh actually, I'm on-"

"Wait a second, McCall, you're the Scott who's dated my granddaughter." Gerard said

Scott responded, "We were dating but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing each other, not doing anything with each other."

"Oh my god, I'm going to be sick." I commented then Gerard asked, "And who are you? I don't see a file of you, anywhere."

I said, "Oh, it's because I'm new, just like you right? Manners, I'm Michelle Valdez. You look oddly familiar to me. I think you might've known someone that I know."

"Sorry, Michelle, but I don't know any Valdez." Gerard said

I replied, "Are you sure about that? Does Cole Valdez, ring a bell? How about Kyra Valdez? I met them before, happy father and daughter. Poor, Cole, he died recently, may he rest in peace. They were close friends of mine; more like family to me. Then I remembered Kyra telling me how she watched her dad die in front of her and how her grandmother was killed because of how the people who killed her grandmother tried to kill her too. I wonder where Kyra is now, you know. Because from I knew about her, no one can stop her, not even her psychotic mother trying to stop her from seeing her twin sister, or was it those pathetic hunters, Kyra mentioned? I totally forgot, maybe I should contact her and ask. I heard she was in town."

"Sorry, I don't know them." Gerard said then I said, "I think otherwise."

Gerard then said, "Look, boys and girl, even though I'm the principal, I really don't want you to think that I'm the enemy."

"Is that so?" Stiles and I both said sarcastically at the same time

Gerard replied, "However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers and unfortunately, one of you guys have to take the fall and stay behind for detention."

I volunteered and said, "I'll take the fall since you know, no one would care about where the hell I am."

"Why's that?" Gerard asked

I replied, "Maybe it's because of the people who like to take the people I love away from me. I guess they're the problem, not knowing when to back off and leave people alone."

"Those people should be ashamed of themselves, don't worry maybe they're going to get a taste of their own medicine." Gerard said

I responded, "Don't worry, it's coming soon and they won't even see it coming."

Stiles then said, "Michelle, you can't take the fall for us, it's your first day here in Beacon Hills."

"Stiles, I could handle it." I said as I looked at Gerard not looking at Stiles

"Look, Principal Argent, Michelle and I got into an argument which caused us to be here and Scott tried to break us apart. Anyway, I...I made a mistake and I need to make it up to Michelle so she would forgive me so being in detention with her as much as I hate detention in general. I need to prove that I deserve a second chance." Stiles said

Then Gerard said, "Okay, she looks like she could use some company at detention."

"It looks like you need a heart." I said then I got up walking out of the room


We finally got out of detention, and now it's dark out, Mr. Harris wanted to keep us in, the entire afternoon.

As we got out, and me still wearing my shades, Stiles said, "Are you seriously still not talking to me?"

I kept on walking ahead then Stiles said as he ran in front of me, "Kyra, really after everything we've been through you are seriously not talking to me? What do you want me to do in order for you to forgive me?"

"Hand me your keys." I said then Stiles handed me his keys. I used my vampire speed to his jeep then I turned my head looking at him as he was running to his jeep.

I said, "I'm driving cause my vampire hearing, could hear your phone ringing a lot during detention so call the missed calls while I'm driving."

I opened the door and hopped in as did Stiles.

Stiles then put his backpack down in front of him and checked his missed calls.

Stiles said, "It's from Allison."

I replied, "Call her, she might know something. Just don't tell her I'm here."

Stiles dialed Allison's number then put it on speaker.

Stiles then said, "Hey, sorry, Harris just literally let me out of detention, like literally and he had my phone the whole freakin time."

I chuckled then Allison said, "Well, we need to do something right now. They were asking me these questions about Lydia and Kyla how they were both bit by Peter. And they sent these two guys out."

I asked, "Wait, what guys are you talking about?"

"Who's that, Stiles?" Allison asked then I rolled my eyes and said, "Allison, it's Kyra, cut the bullshit and tell us what you know. Kyla's life is on the line thanks to a psychotic family of hunters."

"Hey, don't talk to my family like that." Allison said

I replied, "Allison, your family talked about me and my dead dad like that, so tell us what you know."

Allison sighed then said, "Alright, fine. They were dressed as a Sheriff's deputy."

"Great, they're sending them to the Station for Isaac and Kyla." I said then I took off my glasses so I could take out my contacts.

Once I took both of them out, I put them in my container. Then I put inside Stiles's front pocket, he gave me a look and said, "Umm, what are you doing?"

"Putting my contacts in your backpack." I said then I gave him his backpack back

Allison then said through the phone, "They were carrying this box with some kind of craving on it."

"What was it?" I asked then Allison replied, "Hold on. I'm taking a picture."

The picture got sent to Stiles, then he said as he showed me the picture.

Allison asked, "Do you know what it is?"

"It's wolfsbane." I said then Allison asked, "What does that mean?"

Stiles said, "It means they're going to kill him."

"Hold on, they heard them saying something about versbane? What the hell is that?" Allison asked

Then I said, "Are you serious?"

"Why, what's versbane?" Stiles asked

I replied, "It's rare, I don't even know how the hell they found it. It's a mixture between vervain and wolfsbane. It's meant to kill hybrids. They're going to kill Kyla."
