{23} We're On It

Kyra's POV

We made it to Stiles's house after I changed back to my clothes.

I got missed calls from Derek and some of it was from Kyla.

We were in his room looking through the yearbook.

I said as I pointed in the yearbook, "Stiles, that's Matt isn't?"

Stiles got his red highlighter and circled Matt's face and his name.

"Wait, why is he is our class? He's what 24 and still in high school?" I asked

Scott asked, "How old are you and you're still in high school?"

"That's none of your business, Scott about my age. And I've graduated before in many different places." I replied

Scott said, "Stiles, we gotta tell your dad."

"I agree. Put that bastard in handcuffs." I said looking at Stiles

Sheriff walked in then I said, "Hey, Sheriff, just the guy we were looking for."

Sheriff looked at the yearbook and said, "So this kid is the real killer?"

"Yep." Stiles and I replied at the same

Sheriff said, "No."

"Yes." Stiles and I replied at the same

Sheriff replied, "No."

I said, "Sheriff, everybody knows that the police connects the victims in the murder."

"How do you know that?" Sheriff asked

"Because I pay attention to Stiles and what he says." I replied

Stiles added, "And all we got to do is look through their transcripts and find out what they have in common."

"Exactly." I replied

Sheriff said, "Except for the fact, that is at the station where I no longer work at."

Stiles replied, "Alright sorry but did they drop the charges against him?"

Sheriff said, "No. They didn't drop the charges but that doesn't prove anything."

Sheriff asked, "Scott, do you believe this?"

Scott replied as I felt Stiles held my hand, "It's really hard to explain, but you gotta trust us. We know it's Matt."

Stiles replied as I held his hand tighter, "And he took Harris's car, okay? Even if he knew a cop would find out, he left one of the car tracks at the scene at one of the murders and that most of the victims were in Harris's class, right?"

I added, "Which would make Harris be the number one suspect? It also means that Harris is framed, which means that Matt was covering up his tracks. "

Sheriff said, "I'll give the remote, possibility. I need a motive. Why would this kid go after the 2006 swim team and it's Coach?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I said then asked Stiles, "That's your cue, Stiles."

Stiles said, "Our swim team sucks, they haven't won in six years."

"Stiles!" I said giving him a look then I used my other hand to flick him in the nose

I replied, "Sheriff, we don't really have a motive yet, all we know is that it has to be Matt."

I asked, "What about Harris? He clearly really doesn't have a motive either."

Sheriff asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Scott replied, "We need to look at the evidence."

Sheriff replied, "That would be at the station, where I no longer work."

Stiles said, "Trust me, they'll let you in."

"Trust you?" Sheriff questioned

Stiles replied, "Trust Scott."

Sheriff said, "Scott, I trust."

I asked, "Should I be offended?"

I looked at Stiles then he shook his head.


At the police station, I suggested, "Guys, we need to find the footage from the hospital."

"Why?" Scott asked

Stiles replied, "Because all of the murders were committed by Jackson expect for one."

"The pregnant girl. Jessica." Scott replied

I said, "That means someone must've seen him in the hospital."

Sheriff said, "Guys, come on."

We followed Sheriff into his office then I stood next to Stiles as Sheriff was showing us footage of the hospital.

Sheriff said, "I don't know, guys. There was a six car pile up that night, the hospital was jammed."

Stiles replied, "Just keep going, look he had to pass one of the cameras, he's got to be in footage."

Sheriff continued playing the video then I said as I pointed to the screen, "There, the one in the hoodie and the leather jacket. That's Matt."

"All I see is the back of someone's head." Sheriff said

Stiles replied, "Matt's head, yeah. I sit behind him in History, he has a very crane head."

"Are you crazy?" Sheriff asked

Stiles replied, "Look, at his jacket, how many people do you know wears a leather jacket?"

"Umm, I don't know, me. I wear leather jackets." I said looking at Stiles crossing my arms.

"You're not wearing one, right now." Stiles said

I rolled my eyes and said, "Stiles, focus, okay? This is not about who wears leather jackets, and who doesn't."

I continued, "There has to be another camera, or at least someone trying to talk to him."

Sheriff continued the footage then we saw Matt talking to Melissa.

I looked at Scott and said, "Scott, did you know about this?"

Scott started dialing Melissa's number and said, "I'm about to find out."

Scott put his phone on speaker then Melissa said through the phone, "Scott, do you know how many people I deal with everyday?"

Scott replied, "This one is 16. He has dark hair, looks like a normal teenager."

"He looks evil." Stiles and I said at the same time

Melissa replied, "Scott, I already talked to the police about this."

Scott replied, "Mom, I'm going to take a picture and send it to you."

Scott took a picture then he said, "Did you get it?"

Melissa replied, "Yeah."

"Do you recognize him? Do you remember him?" I asked

"I did. I mean, I remembered I stopped him because he was dragging mud on the floor. Guys, what's going on?" Melissa said

Scott responded, "It's nothing, Mom. I'll explain later, I gotta go."

Scott ended the call as Sheriff was looking through the files.

Sheriff replied, "We got the shoe prints alongside with the tracks from the trail site."

Stiles asked, "If they match, that makes Matt at the scene of the three murders, the trail, the hospital, and the rave."

Sheriff replied, "Four. A credit card for an oil change was signed by Matt before the Mechanic was killed."

"When?" Stiles asked

Sheriff said, "A couple of hours before you got there."

"Alright, Dad. If one, is an incident. Two, is a coincidence. And Three, is a pattern, what's four?" Stiles said

Sheriff replied, "Four, is enough for a warrant. Scott, call your mom back, see how quick she could come back here and if I could get back an official ID, we could get a search warrant. Stiles, Kyra, go to the front desk and wait for Scott's mom to get here."

"We're on it." Stiles and I said at the same time then I held his hand walking out to the front desk

We walked there, then I put my arm in front of Stiles letting go of his hand and said, "Stiles, don't."

I looked at him and said, "I smell blood. Human blood."

We both turned around and saw Matt holding a gun pointing at us.

Stiles and I both walked back into the Sheriff's office as Matt was still pointing the gun at us

Sheriff said, "Matt, right? Look, whatever is going on, I guarantee you a solution that doesn't involve a gun."

Matt replied, "You know, it's funny when you say that because I don't think that you are aware on how right, you are."

I said, "I know, you don't want to hurt anyone."

Matt replied, " Actually, I want to hurt a lot of people. Well, you four weren't on my list. But I could be persuaded. One way trying to hide somebody on your cellphone, like what McCall is doing, that could definitely get someone hurt. Everyone out, now!"

I put my phone on Sheriff's desk, then Stiles cuffed his dad to the pole next to the jail cell.

Sheriff said, "Stiles, cuff it tighter."

Stiles sighed and cuffed it tighter, we walked into the hallway and saw police guards dead, and around them was their blood.

I held onto Stiles's hand while I was looking away trying to control myself.

Scott said, "What? You're going to kill everyone here."

Matt replied, "No, that's what Jackson is for. I just think about killing them, and Jackson does it."

We were in his office as Stiles was deleting the files from the computer and Scott was using the shredder inserting the files inside it.

As for me, I was sitting next to Matt with the gun pointing at my head.

Stiles said, "Alright, it's deleted. We're done. Since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it, because they killed you first. Whatever that means. Look, I'll take my dad, and bring her home, we'll leave and you could continue the whole vengeance thing enjoy the kanima."

Then we all saw the car pulling up in front of the station with the lights reflecting through the windows.

Matt said, "Sounds like your mom is here, McCall."

Scott replied, "Matt, don't do this. When she comes through the door, I'll tell her to leave and tell her that we didn't find anything, please, Matt."

Matt responded, "If you move, I'm going to shoot Stiles and then your mom."

"Why not, shoot me first? I'm the one you're pointing the gun at, anyway." I said looking at Matt

I continued, "Go ahead, pull the trigger. Matt, pull the trigger."

I was looking at him then he said, "Scott, come with me. Now."

Scott and Matt got up heading towards the door.

I looked at Stiles then I saw him wearing the necklace.

I smiled and got up following them with Stiles by my side.

Matt ordered Scott, "Open the door."

Scott sighed then opened the door revealing Derek.

Scott said, "Oh thank god."

Then Derek fell on the ground with Jackson as the kanima behind him.

I knelt down next to Derek and grabbed his hand then he said, "Don't. I'm fine."

"No, you're not fine, Derek. Just let me help you, please. I can't lose my best friend." I said looking at Derek

Derek said, "You're not going to lose me, okay? Don't, just don't."

Matt said, "Get up, now!"

I looked at Derek then back up at Matt. I slowly got up holding my arms up, walking next to Stiles and Scott.

Derek said, "This is the one controlling him. This kid."

Matt replied, "Well, Derek not everyone is lucky enough to be a big bad werewolf. Oh, yea that's right. I've learned a lot of things, lately. Werewolves, hunters, kanimas, it's like a Halloween party every full moon. Except for you, Stiles, what do you turn into?"

Stiles replied sarcastically, "An Abdominal snowman but you know it's sort of like a winter thing, seasonal."

Jackson then clawed Stiles's neck then Stiles landed to the ground saying laying on top of Stiles, "Bitch."

I looked at Jackson, then he moved his finger left and right, telling both Scott and myself to back off.

Derek then said, "Get him off of me."

Matt replied, "I don't know, Derek, you two make a pretty good pair. Speaking of good pairs, how's Isaac, Kyla?"

Scott replied, "What are you talking about?"

Matt replied, "Kyla, you didn't tell your best friends about your relationship with Isaac and how you've been dating him since freshman year."

"I was going to tell them, but I didn't have any time." I said looking at Matt.

We heard the front door open then Matt said, "Is that Melissa?"

I looked at Scott as he looked at me. Matt said, "Do what I tell you, and I won't hurt her. I won't even let Jackson near him"

"Scott, don't trust him." Stiles said as I looked at Scott shaking my head.

Matt then turned Stiles around then he placed his foot on Stiles's chest.

I used my vampire speed to tackle Matt to the ground tossing his gun to the side. Then I slammed his head to the ground.

I felt Jackson wrapped his arm on my waist pulling me back as I felt the veins under my eyes with my fangs showing including the color of my dark eyes.

Then he pushed me to the wall holding my throat and lifting me up from the ground

Matt got his gun and stood up, he said, "Bravo. I got to say, you fooled me too. You're such a great actress. I heard about you too, the long- lost twin sister. Miss. Kyra Valdez. The cold killer vampire."

Scott said, "Matt, let her go."

"Scott, it's fine. All Matt needs to do, is to think about killing me. Then Jackson is going to finish the job." I said then Jackson squeezed my neck hard making Scott ask Matt to stop. I could feel the blood coming down on my throat as Jackson was holding it tight.

He let go leaving me on the ground gasping for air. Matt ordered Jackson to take Stiles and Derek. Matt ordered Scott and I to go with him to see Melissa.
