{31} One Dance

3rd Person POV

2 months later.....

Kyra's Outfit:

2 months after the whole Jackson being the kanima drama, Kyra takes a deep breath before she rings on the doorbell on a house that almost looked like a mansion. The tall double doors opened for her, she walked in, holding her small purse.

She took a deep breath, as she looked around. A lady walked up to her and said, "Welcome, to the Beacon Hills Ball."

"Thank you." Kyra replied then she turned her head and saw a familiar Batman, who just happened to have his hair grown out, along with Beast Boy talking to him.

Kyra found herself staring at Stiles, just admiring him.

Stiles felt that someone was staring at him, he turned his head and saw Kyra. He was astonished by how beautiful she looked, in a fancy black dress, just like the night of the winter formal.

She looked away as Melissa came up to her and said, "Hey, Kyra, I'm so glad you made it."

Melissa hugged Kyra as Kyra replied back, "Yea, I was free, so why not, come to the party. You look beautiful, by the way."

"So are you, Kyra." Melissa replied

Scott followed Stiles gaze at Kyra,

Scott asked curiously, "It's Kyra, isn't?"

"It has to be right?" Stiles asked then continued, "What is she doing here?"

Scott furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at his best friend and said, "My mom invited her. Why do you make it sound like it's a problem?"

"Because, Scott, she's not answering my calls, not since the night of when I disappeared on the lacrosse field." Stiles replied fixing his tie.

Scott sighed then said, "Maybe, this is your chance, you talk to her. Didn't you use the L word?"

Stiles replied, "Yea, but she didn't say anything. I mean, I get it, you know, love to her isn't real. But, that doesn't change the way I feel about her."

"Finally, you admitted that you are in love with her. Now, we have to get her to admit that she is in love with you." Scott replied

Kyra put down her bag on the chair next to Melissa's chair.

Melissa asked, "Are you okay?"

Kyra replied, "How come you didn't tell me, that Stiles is here?"

"Scott invited him. Why is there a problem?" Melissa asked

Kyra replied, "No, it's just, we haven't been talking lately."

Melissa asked, "What's going on between you too?"

"What do you mean?" Kyra asked

"I overheard them talking in Scott's room, about how Stiles admitted that he loves you. Is that true?" Melissa asked

Kyra replied, "Yes, it's true. But, I don't know, Melissa. I can't say that I love him back. I just can't, because every time I love someone, they end up getting hurt. Stiles is different, he's just Stiles. It's hard to explain. But all I know is that, there's no one like him. He's rare to find in this crazy world."

Melissa chuckled and said, "I think, that you guys need to talk things out. Draw a line to where you guys are."

"But I hate labels, Melissa. I like what we have now. I mean, don't get me wrong, of course, I want to be more. But, there's other girls in the world who are human and doesn't have to keep secrets from him. Why would he choose me?" Kyra asked as she looked at Stiles for a quick second then back at Melissa.

Melissa replied, "Maybe, he didn't choose you." Kyra looked at her as Melissa paused.

Melissa continued saying, "Maybe his heart did."

Kyra replied, "I don't believe that. Hearts decide who you love. I never understood that because your heart could change, and break again and again."

Scott then came up to Kyra. Kyra hugged him as he hugged back.

Kyra said as she lets go, "Hey, Scott. It's good to see you."

"Hey, Kyra. It's good to see you too." Scott replied then continued, "You look great."

"So are you." Kyra replied

Then music started playing, Scott put out his hand and said, "Kyra, would you like to dance?"

Kyra smiled then she looked at Stiles, who was talking to some blonde.

Her smile dropped then she looked at Scott, having a fake smile saying, "I would love to."

Kyra held onto his hand as they both walked to the dance floor.

Music starting playing, then Kyra and Scott held hands as they were dancing.

Kyra said, "I wouldn't expect you to be a dancing person."

"I wouldn't expect you to be a vampire." Scott said then Kyra chuckled.

She replied, "Then who'd you expect me to be?"

"A girl who wouldn't hurt Stiles." Scott said

Kyra said, "Look, Scott. I know, Stiles told you about the whole "I love you" thing, and how I didn't say it back, but I just can't say it back to him. Scott, I already told him how I feel about him."

"Which is what?" Scott asked

"Why would you care?" Kyra asked

Scott replied, "Because one of us has to be happy."

"You can't force happiness on someone." Kyra replied

Scott said, "That's not what I mean. What I'm trying to say is that something has to go right."

"What are you talking about? I thought you and Allison were back together." Kyra said

Scott sighed then said, "She wants space, and that's what I'm giving her."

Kyra nodded her head then she said, "I told him, that I liked him a lot. Right now, I'm not even sure if he feels the same way anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Scott asked then continued, "He's been talking nonstop about you. How he finally found the girl of his dreams, what not. Anyway, never question his love for you because it's real. Stiles really loves you, Kyra, no matter what. He loves you just like how much I love Allison."

"Love? You still love her?" Kyra asked

"I'll never unfall for her." Scott replied then asked, "How come you're avoiding Stiles? Is it because he said I love you?"

Kyra replied, "Things have changed these couple of months. I've mostly been shutting out people. They might think I've been avoiding them, but I'm not. I'm a closed person, shutting out people, is what I tend to do."

Kyra sighed then admitted, "Alright, fine, Stiles saying that he loves me, and how I just couldn't say it back, made me think of how he feels about that, Scott. I don't know what Stiles and I have is love. I'm just scared that, maybe that's not love at all."

Scott said, "You never know, until you try, right?"

Scott gave a signal to Stiles, then Kyra furrowed her eyebrows saying, "Try to do what?"

"Try to talk to him." Scott stated then he swung Kyra's arm around to go to Stiles.

Stiles caught her then she looked at him like he was a ghost.

Stiles and Kyra started dancing, as the next song played.

Stiles started off saying, "Hey."

"Hey." Kyra said back then she asked, "How are you?"

"Good, how about you?" Stiles asked

Kyra replied, "Great, fangtastic."

Stiles chuckled then she said, "I made a vampire joke, so ironic."

Kyra said, "You look dashing, hair grown or not. You look handsome tonight. I would be lying, saying that you look handsome every day, but you know, that's just my opinion."

Stiles smiled then said, "You look beautiful but you beautiful every day, but you know, that's just my opinion."

Kyra slightly blushed then she said, "Thanks, Stiles. At least, we're dancing again. I missed that."

"I missed you." Stiles said then asked, "Where have you been?"

"Been around Beacon Hills. Like I said before, I wouldn't leave Beacon Hills without you, Stiles, ever." Kyra replied then asked, "How's your dad?"

"He's been busy working since he got his job back." Stiles said making Kyra smile

Kyra replied, "That's good, tell him I said hi."

"You could tell him yourself, you know. You could come over, you know where the spare key is anyway." Stiles said

Kyra replied, "I do."

Stiles asked, "Can we not do this?"

"Do what?" Kyra asked

Stiles sighed then said, "Having small talk, avoiding the topic."

"We are talking, Stiles." Kyra said

Stiles said, "You know what I mean. We need to talk about what happened."

Kyra sighed then said, "What do you want me to say, Stiles? I already told you, how I feel about you. What else do you want from me? You know what, Stiles, just give me some space for now."

She lets go then Stiles said, "Kyra."

"Stiles, just give me some space." Kyra said then she walked away from him leaving Stiles wondering how to apologize to her and talk things out calmly.

Kyra ended up back at the table where she felt her bag. Melissa then came back after she talked to a couple of her co-workers.

Melissa asked, "Did you talk to Stiles?"

Kyra sighed then said, "Yea, but it didn't end well like I wanted to."

"How come?" Melissa asked

"Because, I felt like I was being pressured then I lashed out on him. I don't know, Melissa, maybe this is a sign to just end what we had, and just stay as friends." Kyra said

Melissa asked, "How about I introduce you to someone? He's an assistant for one of the doctors, an intern nurse, I guess you could call it."

Kyra got up then she said, "Melissa, he's probably twice my age."

"So what, you're a vampire." Melissa said quietly

Kyra replied, "Yea, but it wouldn't feel the same if it was some random intern, you're setting me up with someone who is not Stiles."

"So if I set you up with Stiles, it's all good." Melissa said

Kyra sighed then said, "Right now, I don't want to talk to him because right now, it's like he wants to have an answer but I don't know how to answer it."

"Well, maybe you just need your mind off of things." Melissa said then a handsome gentleman wearing a suit and tie came up to them and said, "Melissa, is this your daughter?"

"No, a friend of Scott's." Melissa replied then said, "Kyla Rollins, this is Javier Salvador."

Kyra replied, "It's nice to meet you, Javier."

Javier took Kyra's hand and kissed the palm of it then he said with his accent, "Please, the pleasure is mine."

Melissa then said, "Well, I got to go talk to Scott about school, that I forgot to tell him about."

Melissa left leaving Javier and Kyra alone.

Javier said, "Sorry, if I'm being formal or old -fashioned that's just how I was raised to be."

Kyra smiled and said, "It's okay, sometimes this world needs to have people who are a little old-fashioned."

Javier chuckled then a waiter was coming around holding glasses of champagne.

Javier took two then handed one to Kyra saying, "Are you underage to drink?"

"I'm mature for my age." Kyra replied then took the glass

Javier said, "Cheers, to Beacon Hills."

Kyra smiled then their glasses clicked.

They both drank their glass then Kyra asked, "Have we met before?"

She continued saying, "You look familiar. Actually, you remind me of someone."

Javier asked, "Who?"

"My father, he looks like you a little bit." Kyra replied

Javier replied, "Well, he must be a gentleman, for raising such a mature lady."

Kyra said, "Yea, he was a gentleman. He died, when I was a young age."

Javier said, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

"No, it's okay, Javier. It's just, you remind me of him." Kyra replied

Javier asked, "I lost my father too. He left me and my mom when I was younger. All I had was my best friend but he died too."

Kyra asked, "Are you sure we haven't met before?"

"Not that I know of." Javier replied

As Javier was talking about what he does in the Beacon Hills hospital, Kyra looked around looking for Stiles.

Stiles was talking to his childhood best friend, Heather.

Melissa caught up to Scott as he was eating at the table.

Melissa immediately asked, "Have you talked to Stiles?"

Scott sighed then replied, "Yea, he wants to talk to her without lashing out. Wait, how do you know about Stiles and Kyra?"

"Kyra told me about their talk. We have to do something, Scott." Melissa said

Scott asked, "What are we supposed to do? Lock them in a room until they talk?"

Melissa said, "Yea. Got a plan?"

"Yea, I just hope it ends well." Scott replied
