{21} Exactly, I Feel Paralyzed

Kyra's POV

We made it to the animal clinic. We put Scott down on the counter then I sat down next to Derek.

I heard my phone ring and it was from Stiles. I declined it and then I went to my gallery and saw a picture of us from the ice rink.

Derek asked, "You miss him, huh?"

I replied after I sighed, "Yea, but like you said, falling in with a human is just going to make things worse."

"I mean, that's my opinion, not yours. I just don't want the same thing happen to you." Derek said

I asked, "How come we can't be normal, you know?"

"We're supernatural, nothing is ever normal." Derek replied then I asked, "What is love, Derek?"

Derek chuckled then said, "You're asking the wrong person."

"No, I'm not. Because I remembered that when we were little you were a loving person. In my opinion, you still are, under that lifeless heart, you are still a loving person. I just think you're too scared to fall in love again, or to feel that way too." I said turning my head looking at him

"You're scared too, aren't you?" Derek asked

I replied, "Yea, I am. I don't want the same thing happening to me, what my parents went through, their love story, falling apart from the beginning, I don't want that. But the thing is, Derek, Stiles, he just makes me feel like there's nothing to be scared about. That I could be happy, even with dark clouds over me."

"He makes you feel human?" Derek said

I responded, "Yea, Stiles makes me believe that there's still hope."

"Hope?" Derek asked

I replied, "Hope to find a cure. Maybe if I find it, I could be human with Stiles. What if I was human, you know?"

"True, just so you know, I like Stiles for you." Derek said

I furrowed my eyebrows and asked, "Really, why?"

"Because he is like the guy version of you, when we were kids. You guys are a good pair." Derek said

I said, "We make a good team too."

"Yea, I guess we make a pretty good team." Derek said

I asked, "Can I ask you something?"

Derek nodded his head then I said, "Did you know about Kyla and Isaac?"

"I thought she told you." Derek replied

"I thought about a lot of things." I said then Derek said, "Like?"

"Disappearing." I said then Derek looked at me asking, "What do you mean?"

"I might leave again. Leave Beacon Hills, after all of this is over." I said

Derek ask, "Why?"

"Because I just think, if I disappear, everything would be back to normal." I said and continued, "Besides, most of this is my fault. I let my sister get turned into a hybrid. I made the hit list of the Argents. My mom still has a restraining order against me. My sister is lying to me about her current relationship. I'm crushing on a human. And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that I got his dad fired because he was helping me out by letting me stay at his house with Stiles."

"You just don't want to see him because you think it's going to be your fault if something happens to him." Derek said

I replied, "Cause every time, I'm around him, I feel like I'm going to lose control."


We all got out of the clinic an hour later.

Derek said, "I said we need a new plan because next time, one of us will take longer to heal."

"Thinking about it." I said

Scott replied, "I get it, we can't save Jackson."

"We can't kill him either." I said then continued, "I've seen a lot, Scott. I've never seen anything like this. My guess is, the full moon is going to make him stronger."

"How do we stop him?" Scott asked

Derek shrugged and said, "I don't know. I don't even know if we can."

Scott replied, "We should let the Argents handle it."

"Oh hell to the no." I said giving a glare to Scott

Derek then said, "It's my fault, I'm the one who turned him."

Scott replied, "But you didn't turn him into this. It's about something from his past."

"Isn't it a legend from a book?" I asked

Derek said, "That's why it's complicated."

Scott said, "Is there something you are not telling me?"

Derek asked, "Why, do you think I'm always keeping something from you?"

Scott and I said at the same time, "Because you are always keeping something from me."

Derek said, "Maybe I do it, to protect you."

He looked at me and said, "Both of you."

Scott said, "Doesn't me being a part of your pack means no keeping secrets?"

"I wish." I said to myself

Derek said, "Go home, Scott. Sleep, heal, make sure your friends are safe. The full moon's coming and the way that things are going, I gotta feeling it's going to be a rough one."

Scott left then I stayed sitting across from Derek.

Derek asked, "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Not anymore." I replied looking at the missed calls from Stiles. 10 missed calls to be exact with voice mails. And at least 50 text messages.

Derek said, "You know if you have nowhere to go, you could stay with me."

I smiled at him and said, "I'll keep that in mind."

Derek said, "I'll leave you alone."

I nodded my head then I listened to the 10 voice mails one by one on speaker.

1) "Hey, it's me, Stiles, you probably know that, I mean you have my number. I hope, anyway, just please, don't leave, don't think that this is all your fault. Just please don't leave again."

2) "Stiles here again, your phone is probably dead or something, since I don't know unless your phone has full battery, you know, like you don't need a charger. Kyra, just please call me. "

3) "Kyra, I know you. I know how you feel, like everything is your fault. But I'm telling you that you shouldn't feel that way because you're still trying to make things right and I fully support you in any decision you make, just call me, please."

4) "Kyra, I can't sleep right now. And I'm dead serious, I can't go to sleep. I can't feel your coldness next to me. Maybe if I hear your voice, that's all I need to go to sleep, so please call me."

5) "Kyra, I need to you to call me back please. You could just say hi and say that you miss me, and I don't know, just call me.

6) "Kyra, I miss you, I really do like honestly when I close my eyes all I could see is you. And how much I want to hear your voice, just call me."

7) "I'm going to be the man that I think I am and say I'm sorry. Honestly, I don't even why I'm saying sorry. But as the guy, I'm going to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry, just please call me."

8) "Stiles again, I have a feeling you are probably annoyed, I mean I would be too. Just call me, you know it's that simple just dial my number and I'll be waiting for your call."

9) "Look, Kyra. Just hear me out, you are not the person, you think you are. To me, you're the strongest person I know, you are the most beautiful dark angel, and you're my catwoman, no matter what happens and maybe one day, I could call you mine."

10) "Please, Catwoman. Batman needs you. Just call me, we could talk and keep on talking. Just please, Kyra, call me. And most importantly, come home. Please, Kyra. Batman needs Catwoman."

I went to his contact then I stopped as I saw if I should call him.

I wiped some tears away looking down at my phone, I dialed his number still on speaker.

I heard him say, "Kyra. Kyra, is that you? Please, just talk to me. I can't freaking sleep. Please, Kyra, say something. Just come home."

I used my other hand to cover my mouth as I felt more tears coming down my eyes. I saw Derek take my phone out of my hands and hanged up on Stiles.

He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me, I cried into his right shoulder.

I said as I was crying, "I couldn't do it, Derek. I can't. I can't. I can't, why does it hurt?"

Derek said, "Because you can't stand that you could lose him and you avoiding him, is making you miserable."

"I hate feeling like this. But, I don't want to turn my humanity off because, because of Stiles." I said as I sniffled

"He's your humanity, you should hold onto that." Derek said

I replied, "But a lot of things could go wrong, Derek. You know that, I don't want to Stiles's in my arms or the other way around. If I saved his life, making me dead, I'll do it in a heartbeat."

I asked moving back still looking at him as he handed me a tissue for my eyes, "How the hell did you do it?"

"Do what?" Derek asked

"Dealing with the pain of losing the love of your life." I said then continued, "I know about her, your first love. I know that's what made you the man today. How do you move on, when you can't feel anything, but you don't want to lose a part of you."

"Well, I moved on from being angry. But, I don't know how you're going to move on." Derek said

I said, "I don't know either."

"Do you even think that's a good idea? Avoiding him." Derek said

I replied, "I don't know, it's just. It's like I can't feel like anything, from my heart to my head. I just can't do it, anymore."

"Like you're paralyzed." Derek said

I replied, "Exactly, I feel paralyzed."
