{18} Because I Owe You

Kyra's POV

Kyra's Outfit:

The next day, I walked into the library with Stiles then I said quietly, "It's a good plan."

"No it's not." Stiles said then I replied, "Really, how come?"

"Because it's just not a good plan." Stiles said then I went to the opposite aisle.

Stiles went to Scott then I saw Allison come in.

Once Allison stood next to me I said, "Do you have it?"

She got out her tablet and handed it to Scott sliding it through the bookshelf then I said, "Your welcome, by the way."

Scott asked, "Does this say anything about controlling him?"

I responded while holding a book pretending to read, "Not really but Stiles was right about the murders. They call it the kanima because it is like a weapon of vengeance. My grandmother told me a story about a south american priest who uses the kanima to execute the murders in his village."

"That sounds like a good bedtime story." Stiles commented then I gave him a glare.

Stiles then said, "You see, maybe it's not all that bad."

I replied, "Until the bond got strong enough that he killed whoever he wanted to."

"All bad all very, very bad." Stiles said

Allison replied, "Here's the thing though, the kanima is actually supposed to be a werewolf but it can't be."

Scott read from the tablet saying, "Until it resolves that in its past which manifests it."

"That got me thinking, the kanima is a kanima based off their past. I think it has to do with Jackson's past." I said

Allison added, "Meaning his real parents?"

I nodded my head looking at her then Scott asked, "Does anyone know what happened to them?"

Stiles and I said at the same time, "Lydia might."

Scott said, "Maybe she doesn't know anything."

"That's why there's always a backup plan. Allison?" I said then Allison replied, "The plan is I'll talk to him since I'm only one who doesn't have a restraining order against anyone."

Scott asked, "Then what do I do?"

"You have a make up test." Allison said then she held onto his hand through the shelf.

Stiles and I made eye contact then looked away.

We still didn't talk about what happened last night in his jeep. About me saying that I loved him before and how I could smell the sexual tension from miles away.

Scott then said, "If he does anything, run the other way."

"Don't worry, Scott. I gave her pepper spray." I said as I put the book back

As they were having their little talk, I looked at my phone and saw Kyla's message saying that she's coming back in a couple days.

She has a lot of explaining to do.

Stiles then went through the book shelf and said, "Anything evil."

I looked at Allison as she looked back at me. Then I pushed Stiles out with my hand on his forehead.

Allison left then Scott leaving Stiles and I in the library still standing on opposite sides. I said, "Stiles, about last night, do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what happened?" Stiles asked then I nodded my head

Stiles replied, "I mean, I don't know. I don't recall anything that's needed to be talked about. Nothing at all."

"Stiles. I know I was going to fast in this friendship, you know. Like we're not even dating, and we've been making out. I'm not saying that it wasn't good, it's just. I don't want to take that step without us even being official. And I don't know, I just, I don't want to ruin anything we have already." I said looking at him

Stiles sighed then replied, "So if we are official, we're allowed to take that step."

I rolled my eyes and smiled then I saw Lydia walking out of the library.

I said as I walked out of the aisle to Stiles, "Stiles, it's Lydia. Come on, I need my partner in crime."

Stiles nodded and smiled then we walked out following Lydia.

I asked as we got caught up with her, "Lydia, do you know anything about Jackson's real parents?"

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone." Lydia said

Stiles replied, "Lydia, whoever says they are not supposed to tell is dying to tell people, tell us."

"Why do you guys want to know?" Lydia asked

I replied sarcastically, "Because we want to know more about Jackson."

"Was that sarcasm?" Lydia asked

"Yea, look up the definition." I replied then Stiles said, "But, you are going to tell us because you know and you could tell us if you want to tell us."

"Was that even a question?" Lydia asked

Stiles replied, "It felt like one."

"Tell me if this sounds like an answer. No." Lydia said walking forward then I rolled my eyes as I looked at Stiles.

We kept on following her then we lost her in the crowd.

Erica then came out of nowhere pushed Stiles and I to the wall with her claws showing then I quickly stepped in front of Stiles as I held onto both of her wrists crushing it.

I said, " Erica, do you really want the Argents to see your claws?"

I let go then I said, "I said it once and I'm going to say it again, no one messes with my batman, alright wannabe Catwoman. So back off!"

I held Stiles hand as we walked away from her then she said making us turn around, "If you want to know about Jackson's real parents, they are about half a mile from here, in Beacon Hills cemetery."

Erica left then I looked at Stiles then I said, "Stiles, no. Stiles, this is a bad idea."

"How did you know what I was about to say?" Stiles asked

I said, "Because I know you. And right now, you want to talk to Erica. And I don't want to."

"Well, you're giving me no choice." Stiles said then I furrowed my eyebrows saying, "Stiles, what are you-----"

Then he carried me bridal style as he started to catch up to Erica.

Stiles asked, "Do you know how they died?"

Erica said, "Maybe, if you tell me why are you guys so interested."

"Isn't it obvious, we want to know more Jackson." I said as Stiles puts me down

Erica then said, "It's him isn't?"

Stiles said, "What? Him who?"

Erica replied, "The test didn't work, but it's still him. It's Jackson."

Then I slapped Stiles from the back of his head then I said, "Told you it was a bad idea."

I caught up to Erica with Stiles trailing behind me.

I said, "You know, you can't tell Derek, right Erica?"

Stiles added beside me, "There is a lot more to this that you don't know about. Just because you got the Alpha makeover doesn't give you the licence to destroy people."

Erica asked, "Why not? That's all anybody would ever used to do to me."

I said, "In case you forgot, I saved your life before Derek turned you. You kind of owe me that, to tell us what you know."

Then I smelled Scott then I said, "Erica, don't you smell that?"

Erica said, "It smells like Scott and water."

Stiles looked at the ground in front of the locker room, then we made eye contact.

Scott came out with Jackson on top of him. Erica and I grabbed Jackson and held him against the wall holding his arm.

Mr. Harris came then he said, "What the hell is going on? What do you think, you guys are doing? Calm down. Mr. McCall, can you explain yourself? Stilinski, Rollins. "

Matt then said handing back the tablet, "You dropped this."

Then Mr.Harris took it and said pointing at Jackson and Scott, "You and You."

He paused then said, "Actually, all of you, detention 3:00."


We all entered the library for detention.

I sat in front of Stiles then Erica sat next to me then I rolled my eyes.

Jackson said, "They can't be near me. I have a restraining order against these tools."

"All these tools?" Mr. Harris asked

Stiles said as he pointed at himself and Scott, "No, just us tools."

Mr. Harris then said, "Fine, you two, over there."

As they got up, I got up too, then Mr. Harris said, "Rollins, what are you doing?"

"I have a restraining order against Erica, since you know, some people in this room likes to give out restraining orders. Right, Jackson?" I said then Mr.Harris said, "Sit down."

"Mr. Harris, can I at least sit across from her, I'm allergic to dogs." I said then Mr. Harris nodded his head in reply

I sat down across from Erica.

I sighed and said, "What the hell do you want?"

Erica said, "What do you want, Kyra?"

"Answers, dumbass." I replied

"About what exactly?" Erica asked

"Are you really that dumb or just naturally blonde?" I asked crossing my arms

I said, "You know what, you remind me of myself. And knowing myself, I like to play games and I guess so do you. So let's play a game of truth. I ask a question, you answer it then you ask me a question then I'll answer."

"Game." Erica said then I asked, "Why the hell are you here?"

Erica replied, "Because of Derek. Why the hell are you here?"

"Because of Kyla. What does Derek want with Stiles or Scott, or better yet with me?" I said

Erica replied, "He just needed to some information about what you guys know."

I said, "He could've just called me, like a regular person."

Erica asked, "How do you know Derek?"

"Childhood best friend. Why are you so curious, is it because you like him?" I said

Erica replied, "No, I'm just curious about you. But I'm more curious about your sister. Where is she anyway?"

"Somewhere not here. Why would you care?" I said

Erica replied, "Because I'm wondering if she told you already. Did she tell you?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I said then Erica replied, "About her and Isaac and how they've been dating this entire time."

"You're bluffing." I said then she slid Kyla's phone and said, "I could prove it. Just look at her phone and how she doesn't have the block number on Isaac's contact. Kyra, you and I both knew that something was going on between her and Isaac. Like how, she cares about him and how Kyla is always barely around. I caught Isaac sneaking out, just to hang out with her, I followed him and saw Isaac with Kyla."

I looked on Kyla's phone then slid it back to Erica, then she asked, "Now let me ask you something, how does it feel to be betrayed by your own twin sister? I guess, it wasn't really a sire bond. Derek told us, he told us everything about you and your sister. Interesting story, if you ask me."

I clenched my fists along with my jaw then Jackson got up saying that he needs to go to the bathroom.

Mr. Harris then said, "Are you alright? You don't look so good. "

"I just need a drink of water." Jackson said as he left then Mr. Harris got up and said, "Don't leave your seats."

Once Mr. Harris left, Stiles and Scott went to our table. Scott sat next to me then Stiles sat next to Erica.

Stiles asked, "Is everything okay?"

Erica replied, "Everything's fine. Right, Kyra?"

I nodded my head looking at my phone on my lap.

Scott asked, "Do you know how Jackson's parents died?"

"Maybe." Erica said

Scott said, "Talk."

Erica replied, "It was a car accident. My dad was their insurance investigator and every time he sees Jackson driving by with his porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement that he's getting when he's 18."

Stiles said, "So, not only is Jackson rich now but he is getting richer at 18."

Erica replied, "Yep."

Stiles replied, "There's something deeply wrong with that."

Erica said, "You know what, I could try to find the insurance report on my dad's inbox, he keeps everything."

Stiles asked/whispered, "Kyra, are you okay? What's wrong?"

I replied as I looked at my phone checking any new messages, "Stiles, I'm fine."

Then I heard Victoria's voice through the speakers saying, "Scott, please come to the principal's office."

I looked at Stiles then at Scott, thinking in my head, he's totally screwed.

Once Jackson came back, I listened to Stiles as he said, "Jackson's birthday is June 15th."

Mr. Harris was packing up his bag then I got up carrying Kyla's bag.

He laughed then said, "Hold on. No, I'm sorry. Yes, I'm leaving but none of you are. You go when you are done with the reshelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

He left then I put Kyla's bag down on the chair then I pushed a cart into one of the aisles.

Erica went into the same aisle as me then I said/whispered, "Why would you tell me about Kyla and Isaac?"

"Because I owe you." Erica said then I looked up and saw Jackson going around on the ceiling

Scott yelled out, "Erica! Kyra!"

Erica and I were both in our supernatural form then I yelled out, "Stiles!"

Then I saw Jackson in front of me then I felt a push to the side.

I looked at Erica as she fell into the ground screaming.

I went to Erica next to her then I grabbed her hand.

She said, "What are you doing?"

"Taking your pain away." I said then I held her hand as I felt her pain going into me.

I was screaming then I let go as I saw her close her eyes going to sleep.

I started to shake then I laid on the ground looking up as I saw Jackson write, "Stay out of my way, or I'll kill all of you."
