{15} Just Give Me One Look

Kyra's POV

Kyra's Outfit:

Currently standing on line with Danny before entering Jungle, I said, "Hey, cheer up. Look, I know you just got out of a relationship, but that's why I'm here to help you move on. Onward and upward."

"I don't how we are friends, Kyra." Danny said

I smiled and said, "It's because tonight, I'm going to be your wingwoman."

"Wingwoman?" Danny asked

I replied, "Yea, a wingwoman. I'm going to have a little conversation with your man and it's your job to claim them and touch their body."

Danny laughed as we got in then I said, "Wow, this is exactly what I need."

"To be in a gay club?" Danny asked

I laughed and said, "No, you idiot. Alcohol and good music to dance to."

I walked to the bar with Danny I said to the bartender as I compelled him, "One bottle of bourbon."

He handed me the bottle then I opened it and drank it.

I said, "Do you want to drink anything? It's my treat."

"Vodka?" Danny suggested then I asked the bartender for five shots of Vodka.

I told Danny as the five shots came in front of us, "Drink all five shots under a minute, then I'll dance on top of this table, since there's a pole in front of us."

"Deal!" Danny said through the loud music

He drank the five shots then I said, "I wanted to dance on the table."

I took off my vest and put it on the table as I walked on top of the table, holding the bottle, I said, "Bad day, to wear heels."

I got up then one of my favorite artists started to play, Beyonce.

I started to drink the bottle as I moved my hips to side to side.

I heard guys and girls in the club cheering along with Danny. I said, "Party on, everyone!!"

I poured Danny some of my drink in his mouth as he opened his mouth.

I started to dance even more. As I twirled around the pole, I moved my hips around.

I drank the bottle before I started to dance to the music with my hips swaying.

I said looking at Danny, "Come up with me and dance, Danny. Come on, you're better off without him, he's a jerk for leaving you. Now, it's time to make bad choices, Danny. And I promise by the end of the night, you won't regret it."

He smiled then got up with me then we both bodied rolled to one side then the other.

I said as I looked into the crowd and saw his ex, "Danny, don't look but your ex is here."

Danny looked ignoring my comment then he said, "It still hurts, Kyra."

"It's supposed to hurt, that's what I've been told but on the bright side, the dude on your 10:00 is checking you out." I said then Danny looked at his 10 and saw a guy put their drink up and winked at Danny.

I said as I took off his shirt, "Danny, now's your chance. Show your ex what he's missing."

"I hate that I like you as my friend." Danny said as he got down then I said, "I'm just having fun and so should you."

I winked then I started to continue dancing with the bottle in my hand.

I whipped my hair back and forth, side to side, partying my ass off.

As, I want you by Alison Wonderland was playing, and then when the lines came, "Just give me one look." Before the beat drop, Stiles and I made eye contact as I swayed my hips and bit my lip, like no one was in the room, just me and him.

I heard Stiles telling Scott using my vampire hearing as they were at the bar, "I found Catwoman. Kyra just loves dancing on tables, hot."

I laughed then I told the bartender as I felt Scott and Stiles looking at me, "Give, that buzzcut boy over there, this bottle. Tell him it's from the girl dancing on the table."

I saw him walk over and gave Stiles the bottle, he looked at me then I winked at him.

I went to the pole as I heard him say to Scott, "Be right back."

Scott looked at me and I raised my eyebrows and smiled at him.

I started to dance on the pole, going around it and swaying my hips as the next song played, Good Girls VS Bad Boys by Trey Songz.

As Stiles stood looking at me, he drank from the bottle, I saw the bottle shaking.

I smirked knowing, I'm making him nervous and probably slightly turned on.

I rolled my hips around moving down. Then I swayed them left and right going back up.

I sat down in front of him wrapping my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me.

I smirked then I took the bottle out of his hands looking at him, I finished the bottle.

Vulnerable by Tinashe started to play. I put the empty bottle down next to me then I whispered in his ear as the lyrics played, "How you like me now, do I turn you on?"

"Do you really need an answer?" Stiles stuttered as he gulped nervously

I smirked as I looked into his honey brown eyes, I bit my lip looking down at his lip.

I grabbed him and kissed him as the song kept on playing.

I felt our tongues as the kiss started to become more intense. I removed his hoodie and put it next to my vest and Danny's shirt.

Then I heard Scott say, "Guys, we have a bigger problem, right now."

I groaned and I pulled back, I said as I removed my legs around Stiles's waist, "You have got to be kidding me."

Stiles asked, "Why? What happened? Did I do something wrong?"

"Definitely not you, Stiles. It's Scott." I replied then Scott came up to us as I put on my vest and Stiles puts on his hoodie.

Scott said, "Jackson's here."

"So is Danny, I know. I'm the one who brought him here." I said as I held Danny's shirt

"Why are you here, anyway? It's a gay club." Scott said

I said looking at him, "For Danny, he needed a wingwoman. I needed a drink, simple."

I got off the table and looked up and saw the Kanima.

I said to Scott, "Scott, get the kanima away from Danny. Stiles and I will get him. Danny's my responsibility, Scott. I need to protect him."

Scott nodded his head then I grabbed Stiles's hand using my other hand and walked towards where I saw Danny dancing with the guy.

Stiles and I called out, "Danny!"

Then the fog started to come out then I said, "Shit."

"Danny! Danny!" I yelled out

Then I saw him on the ground as I looked closely through the fog, I let go of Stiles's hand as I saw the kanima on top of him.

I tackled the kanima to the ground then I got my dagger out of my boot then I showed my fangs as I growled at him.

Then I saw Derek come and push me back to the ground next to Danny.

I looked at Danny and said, "Danny, Danny. It's me, Kyra, look at me. Look at me. You're going to be okay. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

I bit my wrist then I gave him my blood so he could heal faster.

I removed my wrist from his mouth then I saw Stiles and Scott come back.

I said as I looked up at them, "Did you find him? Did you find Jackson?"

"You could say that." Scott asked


I saw Danny being put into a gurney then I walked to where he was.

I said, "Danny, is there anything I should know about, like anything weird that happened besides not feeling anything from the neck down."

"Sorry, miss, but we have to take him to the hospital." The guy told me

I said, "Sorry, mister, but I need to talk to him, please five minutes."

I looked at Danny and said, "Are you okay? Danny, be honest with me."

"Did it happen to my ex too?" Danny asked

I looked at his ex and said, "Yea, I'm glad."

"I'm great." Danny replied then said, "Thank you, Kyra. I didn't regret anything tonight, I had fun. We should do it again, some time."

"I would love that." I said then smiled at him. I walked away and saw Stiles inside Stiles's jeep. I didn't know he got his jeep back.

I walked over to where Scott was. At his side of the window, I said, "Stiles, you need to get out of here before your dad sees you."

I heard the Sheriff's car siren then I said, "I spoke too soon."

Then I heard Jackson in the backseat and said, "Oh shit."

I said, "Scott, stay here. Stiles, come with me to talk to your dad."

Stiles and Scott nodded their heads.

Then Stiles walked with me to his dad.

I said smiling, "Hey, Sheriff. How's your evening?"

"Fine, Kyra until I got a call saying that my son is here at a crime scene, once again." Sheriff replied then he asked us, "What are you guys doing here?"

Stiles replied, "What do you mean, what am I doing here? It's a club, we're clubbing, you know, at the club."

I fixed my lipstick looking at the screen on my phone as I rolled my eyes.

Sheriff said, "Not exactly, your type of club."

Stiles replied, "Uhh, well, dad, there's a conversation, you and I need to talk about."

Sheriff replied, "You're not gay."

"I could be." Stiles said

I said, "Not dressed like that, dumbass. You would need to wear more deep v-neck t-shirts, different colorful clothing, and more tight skinny jeans to be gay. Just ask Danny."

They both gave me a look then I said, "What? It's true."

Sheriff said, "Stiles, this is your second time at a crime scene. So what the hell is going on? The truth, Stiles."

I said speaking for Stiles, "The truth is that I took Danny out for a night at a gay club, to help him move on. His ex cheated on him and Danny broke up with him. Danny called me telling me what happened then I brought him here to the club because he told me that this is one of his favorite gay clubs in Beacon Hills. And when we got there, I started to drink like a lot. So I called Stiles since he's on speed dial on my phone, to ask him if he could pick me up since, I don't want to be behind the wheel."

"Wow, that's really responsible of you, Kyra and very caring for you Stiles. You guys are good friends." Sheriff said then I replied, "Yea, I'm just trying to do the right thing."

Stiles and I smiled at Sheriff then I grabbed Stiles's hand to go to his jeep.

I said as I opened the driver's door, "Stiles, I need to sit on your lap, is that okay?"

Stiles nodded then he got into the driver's seat, I sat on his lap then I closed the door as Stiles put his keys on the ignition.

Stiles pushed the gas pedal then I started driving holding the steering wheel as Stiles puts his hands on my waist.

I said, "Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

Scott replied, "After you left, Derek and the Argents came looking for Jackson."

"Where's Kyla? Where is she?" I asked

Stiles replied, "Don't worry, her mother called her. Your mom is back in town."

"Great, how exciting." I said sarcastically

"What else?" I asked

"Jackson is not in control anymore, the kanima inside him is." Scott said then Stiles started moving.

I said, "Stiles, stop moving."

"Sorry, it's just, I'm not in a comfortable position." Stiles said

I replied, "Do you want me to sit on Scott's lap instead?"

Stiles responded, "No, definitely not."

"Then stop moving." I said then continued, "Guys, I think I got a plan."

"Does it involve breaking the law?" Scott asked

I replied, "You're talking to a reformed psychopath, Scott. What do you think?"
