{2} Did You Miss Me?

The Next Day

Kyra's Outfit:

As Kyla was sleeping, I went back to Stiles's house to change then I used my teleportation powers to come back to Kyla's house. I entered her room after I checked the house, I guess my mom hasn't come back yet, thank god.

I saw her open her eyes and sat up on her bed. I walked over to her as she said, "Kyra?"

I nodded my head and said, "Yea, it's me. You're okay, now."

I handed her necklace back to her, I found it in the water after I saved her life.

Then I handed her a ring and put it on her finger.

Then she asked, "A ring?"

"It's for your protection, so wear it all the time, no matter what don't take it off, unless you're in the shower." I said then she nodded her head.

Kyla asked, "Where did it you get it from? It's beautiful."

I replied, "It was a birthday present to you from me. But I had to take it away because I had to leave Beacon Hills."

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" Kyla said as she looked up at me

"Mom said I couldn't say goodbye to you." I said then I continued saying, "You can't tell her about me, alright?"

She nodded her head then said, "Is there anything else, you want me to do?"

"Umm...don't let mom put you in any test, like experimenting on you, don't let her. Deny and Lie about anything. Act normal and you know what, I'll go to school for you until you're recovered and well enough to be seen." I said then she asked, "You know how to be me in school?"

"You have no idea." I said then I said, "Another thing, I put my number on your phone and my contact name is Catwoman, so if you need anything and if it's an emergency, you call me right away. You can't trust anyone, except me. Okay?"

"Okay." Kyla responded then I started to walk to her opened window then she said making me turn around facing her, "You saved me."

"Yea, I guess so." I responded then she asked, "Why would you save me?"

"Because you're my sister. And I need to make it up to you." I replied

Then she said, "Thank you, Kyra."

"Anytime, Kyla." I said then continued, "Just act normal and stay here, I don't want you running around acting crazy."

"Anything else?" Kyla asked then I asked, "Why would you ask me, anything else?"

Kyla replied, "Because I'll do anything you want me too, all you gotta do is ask."

I looked at her then I grabbed her sunglasses that was on the table then I used my vampire speed out of the window heading to the school.

I saw Scott and Stiles walking in the sidewalk in front of the school. I put on my shades and started to walk to Scott and Stiles. Then I heard Scott ask Stiles, "She ate the liver?"

Stiles responded, "They didn't say she ate it, they just said it's missing. And so what, it is the nutritious part of the body."

Scott replied, "I didn't eat anyone's liver."

I said as I stood behind them, "You should try it, it tastes great, it's better than a human's neck."

They both turned around and I said, "Did you miss me?"

Stiles and Scott looked at each other then Stiles whispered, "Kyra, where the hell have you been?"

"I found Kyla and right now, she's safe and sound at her house." I replied

Then Scott asked, "How did you find her?"

"Lucky guess and honestly where I found her was the only place where I thought she wouldn't remember going to, I haven't been there in a long time." I said then sighed.

I continued saying, "It's a bridge that you pass by after entering Beacon Hills. I couldn't believe she went there."

"How come?" Scott asked then I replied, "Because that's the exact bridge where my mom found out about my dad being a vampire. He turned into a vampire when we were in a car accident when our car went over that bridge. My dad was trying to save us, which he did. But he was a vampire saving us. So after that, that's when things were never the same again."

Stiles said as we started walking up the stairs with me behind both of them, "You guys are the test taste for this, so we should go over what happened to both of you."

He stopped walking as did both me and Scott then he turned around facing us. Then I said, "That's a long story, Stiles. And it happened a long time ago."

Scott asked, "What do you mean, Stiles?"

Stiles replied, "You know, when you're turning. What were you drawn to?"

"Allison." Scott responded

"Nothing else, seriously?" Stiles said then I said, " I was drawn to blood."

Stiles replied as he gave me a look, "Not helping."

"Stiles, in case you forgot, I'm a vampire so of course I'm drawn to blood. That reminds me, I need to see Kyla after school." I said as I got my phone out of my back pocket checking for any missed calls or messages.

"And how are you going to avoid your mother who put a restraining order against you to see her? And how is your sister going to explain to your mom that she made it out alive and back home safe and sound with the help of her sister?" Stiles asked

Then I replied, "Easy, I'll call Kyla asking her if she is around our psychotic mother, if not, I'll tell her to meet me somewhere where my mother would never find her. And besides, I already told Kyla not to tell mom about what happened and I told her to deny and lie about anything. See, problem solved and besides, I have a backup plan just in case anything happens."

"Which is?" Stiles asked

Then I said, "I'll let her stay in the animal clinic since you know, me and Alan are close friends."

"You know my boss?" Scott asked then I responded, "Scott, I know a lot of people."

Then I said as I turned my head looking at the porsche coming in the parking lot, "I spy with my little eye, a jerk with a porsche."

Scott and Stiles chuckled as I turned around facing them. Then I asked, "Can I come with you guys?"

"We're just going to the locker room since Coach wants us to go to morning practice." Scott said then I said, "Can I come? Besides, we need to talk to Jackson about Lydia, so can I come?"

"Do you honestly need permission?" Stiles said then I said, "I guess not."


I was behind Stiles as Coach yelled out, "I have an announcement. Gather around. Quicker! Danny put a shirt on. Stilinski, that means you."

Stiles put on his jersey then I said whispered, "At least, he didn't call you Bilinski."

As everyone gathered around in front of Coach, Coach said, "Alright, listen up. Police are asking for help on missing children, sick girls roaming around totally naked."

Then boys started to whistle and chuckle making me roll my eyes under my shades.

Coach continued, "It was supposed to be below 40 degrees tonight. I don't know about you, but when it was that cold and I was running around naked, I lost it to exposure. Now, I don't want it to happen to some innocent girls so please organize some search parties for tonight, sign up, find the missing girls, then you'll get an automatic A in my class."

Then a boy went up to Coach making me use my vampire hearing, "Coach, one of the missing girls, her name is Kyla Rollins and she's safe at her house. I just visited her before coming here."

Coach replied, "What's your name?"

"Isaac. Isaac Lahey." Isaac replied then I turned my head back standing next to Stiles as Jackson said, "If Lydia wants to take a naked hike in the woods, why should I care?"

Scott replied as I crossed my arms, "Because we have a pretty good idea that she might be-you know turning."

Jackson asked, "Turning?"

Scott responded, "Yea, turning."

"Into?" Jackson asked then Stiles commented, "A unicorn, what do you think dumb ass?"

Jackson replied, "Well, I think if Lydia is turning, she's not the one who's going to need help."

Scott asked, "What do you mean?"

Jackson sighed then said, "You gotta go backwards, McCall. When I was with Lydia, you should've seen the marks she left on me."

"I would rather be blind than see the marks." I said then he turned looking at me. Jackson asked, "And who are you?"

Stiles then puts his arm around me then he said, "She's my girlfriend......Michelle."

I turned my head looking up at Stiles then I said, "You have got to be kidding me."

"Stiles, you finally have a girlfriend who isn't imaginary." Jackson said then I said as I turned my head looking at him, "You finally opened your eyes, for the first time."

Then Jackson said, "What do you think, Lydia is going to do with a set of claws?" Then he pushed Scott and Stiles out of his way.

Then Stiles removed his arm around me. I said, "I want rip his head off."

"I think everyone wants to do that." Stiles said then I walked out of the locker room so they could change back to regular clothing.


I was currently in the girl's bathroom, in one of the stalls because I'm not allowed to be seen because due to Stiles, it's best that I don't draw any attention.

I wanted to get something to eat, so I got out of the girl's bathroom then I walked in the hallway looking for a vending machine.

Then I saw Jackson running into the boy's bathroom. I used my vampire speed to head to the boy's bathroom. Then, I stood next to the wall then I used my vampire hearing.

I started to smell blood coming from Jackson.

Then I started to smell a werewolf, it smells familiar.


I heard Jackson get out of the stall as I heard the stall door got opened.

Jackson said, "Derek."

They know each other since when? What the hell is going on?

Derek replied, "You look a little pale there, Jackson. Feeling okay?"

Jackson responded, "Never better."

Derek said, "If something's wrong, I need to know. You're with me, now."

Jackson said, "Like with you? Me with you? What am I like your little pet? Just because you gave me the bite, it doesn't mean I'm apart from your little wolf pack. Sorry, but to be honest you don't show that leadership qualities."

Derek asked, "Is that so?"

Jackson replied, "Look I have my own agenda, which doesn't involve running around the woods, howling at the moon with you and McCall, okay?"

There was a short pause then Jackson asked, "What is it? What's happening?"

Derek replied, "Your body is fighting the bite."

Jackson asked, "Why?"

"I don't know." Derek replied

Jackson said, "What does it mean? What does it mean?!"

I said to myself, "Derek gave Jackson the bite and now it's going to kill him. Great, another problem."
